This document contains a questionnaire with 22 questions regarding the purchase of face wash, sugar, and other consumer products. The questions gather information on brand, cost, location of purchase, factors influencing purchase decisions, satisfaction with products, and recommendations made to others. Respondents are asked for details on their recent purchases including the names of products, prices paid, where and how often items are bought, and what attributes and features they find most important and satisfying.
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Q1. Have you purchased any face wash recently?
Yes No
Q2. If yes then how much did it cost?
________________RS 35_____________________________________________________
Q3. Which brand?
___________JOHNSON ND Johnson-clean and
Q4. Who bought the product?
Self Parents Siblings Friend Others
Q5. Have you bought this brand for first time?
Yes No
Q6. Do you look for a particular brand in this product category?If yes then which brand?
Q7. What need does the product satisfy?
Q8. How many times do you buy a pack of sugar in a month?
Q9. Do you prefer to buy sugar in bulk and store it?
Yes No
2. Q10. Which features of the product/service make it the better option among its competitors?
Q11. What attribute do you like the most about this brands sugar?
Q12. How did you came to know about it?
Q13. Did you conducted a research before buying this product?
Q14. If yes then how much time did you spend?
Q15. How was the search conducted?
Q16. Have you ever recommended any of your friend or relative about this product?
Yes No
Q17. What are the other alternatives that you prefer to use when your favorable brand is not
Q18. Where did you buy this product from?
Q19. Do you have a particular location to buy from?
Q20. Whenever you go out for buying sugar what is the first thought that you get
a) From where to buy
b) Which brand to buy
c) Price range
3. Q21. If any other brand offers sugar at low price will you switch to it or you will continue with
same brand?
Yes No
Q22. Are you satisfied with the price and the quality that they offer?