Quick Attack allows Knights of Camelot players to set up pre-configured troop marches that can be quickly deployed from a dropdown menu when attacking cities on the map. To set up Quick Attack, access the March tab in the game tools and select troops for different troop research levels. These preset troop marches can then be saved with names and selected through a dropdown menu to launch a quick attack with one click. Coordinates shared in alliance chat or reports will also automatically load into the Quick Attack tool for efficient farming of resources.
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Quick attack
1. Quick Attack
To use QuickAttack you will need KOC Power Tools.
All tools can be found on GreasyFork
When you click a city on the map a pop-up appears displaying a number of buttons.
A recent addition to this is the quick attack button
All buttons are pretty self explanatory, you can select the TR to use for Quick Attack by using the
drop down menu
To add more quick attack setups you will need to open Tools on your game screen and select the
March tab
2. Once arrived at the march tab, you will see the options as displayed above.
– Always make sure Auto select knight and Auto select Champ are checked, Auto select spell
is optional, but remember the 8 hour “cool down” period
– Any coordinates “clicked” in alliance chat or from reports will automatically be inserted
into the quick march tool, makes for efficient & fast farming =)
– Set the troops that will match the TR you're going to use!
Setting up a Quick Attack
Select the troops you want Quick Attack to send out and scroll down the page till you see this:
– The drop down menu on the left will show all the auto attacks currently saved (2 attacks
are there already by default)
– The textfield on the right is where you can save your current configuration
– Give your attack a name ie. Tankset,Range and click Save Troops
– When you click on a city on the map, use the dropdown menu to select your attack and
click on QuickAttack button