This document provides a quick introduction to Vaadin, a Java framework for building web applications. It discusses the main components available in Vaadin and how they translate from traditional Java Swing components. It also covers layouts, themes, data binding, and building a basic Vaadin application with a window, components, and layouts. The document recommends using the Vaadin sampler application to see demos of all components and get started with ready-made code examples.
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Quick course into Vaadin
1. Quick Course into Vaadin
Jeroen Benats
C4J - Java Consultant
Thursday 4 October 12
19. Contents
Which are available?
Thursday 4 October 12
20. Contents
Which are available?
Putting all those
Components together
Thursday 4 October 12
21. Contents
Which are available?
Layouts Theming
Let¡¯s make it all look nice!
Putting all those
Components together
Thursday 4 October 12
22. Contents
overview Binding
Which are available? Automatic UI and
datasource updates
Layouts Theming
Let¡¯s make it all look nice!
Putting all those
Components together
Thursday 4 October 12
28. A basic Vaadin Application consists of...
Thursday 4 October 12
29. A basic Vaadin Application consists of...
A Window, set as MainWindow
of the Application
Thursday 4 October 12
30. A basic Vaadin Application consists of...
A Window, set as MainWindow
of the Application
Hierarchy of Layout
Thursday 4 October 12
31. A basic Vaadin Application consists of...
A Window, set as MainWindow
of the Application
Hierarchy of Layout
Bound and unbound Fields
and Components
Thursday 4 October 12
81. Property
Standardized API for a single
data object
Thursday 4 October 12
82. Property
Standardized API for a single
data object
Allows to read and write data
from and to this object
Thursday 4 October 12
83. Property
Standardized API for a single
data object
Allows to read and write data
from and to this object
Property value changes can be
catched with a ValueChangeListener
Thursday 4 October 12
86. Property
Field Components implement
the Property interface
Thursday 4 October 12
87. Property
Field Components implement
the Property interface
And thereby the Property.Viewer
Thursday 4 October 12
88. Property
Field Components implement
the Property interface
And thereby the Property.Viewer
Which means they can be bound to any kind
of datasource and even to other Components
implementing the Viewer interface
Thursday 4 October 12
89. Code fragment
Any change in the text ?eld will immediatly update the Label
Thursday 4 October 12
91. Item
Provides access to a set of
named Properties
Thursday 4 October 12
92. Item
Provides access to a set of
named Properties
De?nes inner Interfaces for
maintaining the Item Properties set
Thursday 4 October 12
93. Item
Provides access to a set of
named Properties
De?nes inner Interfaces for
maintaining the Item Properties set
And Interfaces for listening
to changes made to it
Thursday 4 October 12
97. Container
Flexible way for managing a set of
Items that share common properties
Thursday 4 October 12
98. Container
Flexible way for managing a set of
Items that share common properties
Each Item within a Container is
identi?ed by an ID
Thursday 4 October 12
99. Container
Flexible way for managing a set of
Items that share common properties
Each Item within a Container is
identi?ed by an ID
Tree, Table and Select can be bound on
Container Objects
Thursday 4 October 12