The document provides several quick and easy team building activities that can be done in the workplace with little effort. It introduces activities like "Numbers Don't Lie" where employees count off and call out each other's numbers, and "Blind Alphabet" where staff form letters with a rope while blindfolded. Additional activities described are "Scissors Communication" where employees pass scissors between each other in different positions without seeing them. The document promotes that quick team building can boost productivity, loyalty and make a company stand out from its competitors.
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Quick team building ideas
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Quick Team Building Ideas
Brought to you by Team Building Activities HQ
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If you are looking to jump on the team building band wagon, we
dont blame you. The results that companies have been seeing all over
the world are amazing. The productivity of the workplace will jump as
will the staff loyalty, making team building something every company
wants in on. In todays market you must stay above the crowd, and be
noticed. That is why your staff must be the best, they are the reason
companies thrive. If you are hoping to instill some team building ideas
quickly and easily, this can be done.
Without much hassle you can have a quick team building event, making
team building not only a great way to see results, but easy to do. Below
are listed some quick and easy team building activities for the
workplace, and beyond.
Numbers dont lie:
1) The group stands in a horseshoe formation. Count off down the line
so that each player has a number.
2) The first person (Number 1 in the lineup) calls out someone elses
number: Twelve! That person immediately calls out someone elses
number: Five! That person quickly calls out another number: Eight!
and so on. The first person to hesitate, at all, or call a wrong number
(either their own or one that doesnt exist), relinquishes his or her place
and goes to the end of the line. That person and all who were
previously behind him or her in the lineup now have different numbers.
3) As it continues, people will constantly blow it and have to move to
the end of the line. BUT heres the hitch: Rather than grimacing or
groaning, they must raise one fist in the air and say Yes! with
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triumph, and trot proudly to last place. Everyone else must applaud
Blind alphabet: Everyone grab a section of the rope and make sure
every other person is located on the opposite side of the rope with
both hands on the rope. Tell everyone to look around the room and
familiarize themselves with the things around them. Have them do the
following activities, with both hands remaining on the rope at all times:
1) Close their eyes and form an S with their bodies and the rope
2) Close their eyes and form a C with their bodies and the rope
3) Allowing only one of the end people to open their eyes and speak,
have the group form a Z. The other people in the group can NOT
speak; maybe communicate by stomping feet or nodding, etc.
4) Close their eyes and without speaking line up in alphabetical order by
their first names
Scissors communication:
1. Have all participants sit in a circle facing one another
2. The object of the game is for the participants to figure out the
communication pattern taking place.
3. The leader of the group should show participants the scissors in 3
different positions (that do not match the words they are using to
describe them. (I.e. scissors open call that scissors closed or crossed,
4. The three positions being used are open, crossed, and closed.
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5. The pattern goes I am receiving the scissors ______. I am passing
the scissors _______. You should fill in the blank with whichever
position your legs are in at the time you receive and pass off the
6. You may change the position of your legs between receiving them
and passing them, or you may leave them in the same position. Either
way, you should be discreet so that it is harder for other people in the
circle to decipher the pattern.
7. Participants should attempt to figure out how the scissors are being
passed and received each time they get them. The leader should let
them know if they are correct in saying how they have received or
passed them.
These are only a few examples of how to can bring team building into
your workplace, easily and quickly!
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To learn more about team building activities for the
workplace come visit us at:
If youd like 31 free icebreakers to take your team
building activities to the next level you can get that for
free by visiting:
And if youd like an advanced toolbox of team building
activities, then I recommend you take a look at this:
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