We learned a lot about using various technologies for our film project. Through filming our preliminary task, we learned how to properly use cameras and tripods. During editing, we used effects in iMovie to improve sound quality and resolve weaknesses from our camera equipment. We also changed to a different camera for the main task because the first camera had poor sound quality. While filming, we noticed unwanted noise from the tripod and worked to reduce it during editing. Overall, iMovie, GarageBand, a flash mic, blogger, and Photoshop were useful tools that we learned to use through experimenting with help from others. We are now more confident using these technologies.
Left 4 Dead is a cooperative first-person horror game where 1-4 players work together as survivors facing off against computer-controlled infected enemies. The game combines narrative elements from Half-Life with multiplayer social features from Counter-Strike to create a unique cooperative gameplay experience. Players will experience a scary action movie storyline with procedurally generated events while scavenging for weapons to defend against infected opponents.
The document discusses job specifications, which describe the knowledge, skills, education, experience, and abilities needed to perform a particular job. A job specification includes the required experience in years, necessary skills, knowledge, and characteristics based on a job analysis. It also lists the required and preferred education levels such as degrees, training, or certifications. An example is provided of a marketing manager job specification detailing responsibilities, experience requirements, education, skills, knowledge, and characteristics.
This document discusses different types of shots used in filmmaking, including extreme long shots, long shots, medium shots, close-ups, and extreme close-ups. Extreme long shots are used to set the scene from a distance, while long shots show the whole body from further away. Medium shots are commonly used to show characters talking and provide views from the waist up. Close-ups focus on a person's face to show expression, and extreme close-ups draw attention to important objects. High angle shots make characters appear more powerful, while low angle shots have the opposite effect of making subjects seem powerful.
This document describes a set expansion approach to automatically expand a set of seed entities. It parses Wikipedia pages to create an index of entities under different categories. It then ranks and searches this index to return a more complete set of related entities when given a small input set. Tools like Stanford POS and NER are used to parse and rank entities. The approach is unsupervised and language independent. It was tested on multiple domains and obtained acceptable results for applications like named entity recognition and search suggestion.
1) The document describes an activity called "Mouse Trap" where participants had to arm and disarm a mouse trap either alone, while blindfolded with help from someone trusted, or while blindfolded with help from a stranger.
2) Discussing the activity led the group to realize that it is difficult to trust strangers because you don't know them well, but that there is also a chance of being let down by people you know.
3) The group then had an insight that instead of making people "earn" trust, a better approach is to start by "giving" trust to others without waiting for them to prove themselves worthy.
The document proposes three ideas for media coursework projects. The first idea is a supernatural thriller titled "Office Block" about a man having an affair in an old office building that turns out to be haunted. The second idea is a torture film titled "Incision" about a boy who locks a new girl in his basement and performs disturbing surgeries on her. The third idea is a psychological thriller titled "Going Down" about people trapped on a mysterious floor in an office building where their deepest fears come to life. The document provides character and plot details, as well as potential problems and costs, for developing each idea into a short film. It focuses on fleshing out the second idea into a script and storyboard with the
The document discusses Jordan Whynn's pre-production work for an original horror film called "Check Up Night." It provides the plot summary of the film, which is about a young protagonist going for a checkup at a hospital for a new disease turning people cannibalistic. It also lists two other potential film ideas. The document details the storyboard, props, locations and personnel needed for the production. It concludes with the technical equipment list.
The document summarizes the key design elements of a Japanese pop music magazine called "Murasaki" aimed at a target audience of 16-17 year old female fans of J-pop music in the UK. It describes the magazine layout, color scheme, use of images and text, and how it addresses industry conventions while appealing to its niche audience. Audience research was conducted to inform the design choices. The summary focuses on the high-level description and leaves out minor details.
1) Polymers are formed through the chemical linking of monomer building blocks into long chains, similar to linking beads into a necklace. Common monomers like acrylamide and potassium acrylate are used to produce polymers like PAM and SAP.
2) Polymer Innovations supplies super absorbent, linear, and flocculating polymers to heavy industries to assist with remediation and efficient water use. They work with mining, construction, and other heavy industries to control various types of pollution.
3) Their products like SAP HD, SAP HPF-P4, and Water$ave Plug/Seep are designed to quickly control water-based slurries and sludges
This poster for Kay Jewelry uses the rhetorical technique of glittering generalities by tying love to the purchase of jewelry. It aims to convince its target audience of people ages 20 to 50 that jewelry is necessary to truly experience love. The ad claims this technique has been effective for jewelry campaigns and does not need improvement.
E twinning project voting results: '2014 Sochi Winter Olympics'Xenia Nincevic
The document discusses the voting results from representatives of partner schools on the eTwinning project titled "2014 Sochi Winter Olympics" that took place on February 6th, 2014. Students voted on their favorite Olympic sports and countries that they believed would win the most medals.
Agile Wake Up #3 : La transformation Agile de Kisio DigitalZenika
Kisio Digital (ex-Canal TP) est engag¨¦ dans une transformation agile depuis de nombreux mois. Dans cette d¨¦marche, pas toujours facile, Kisio est accompagn¨¦ par des consultants de Zenika (coach agile, Product Owner, Scrum Master). C'est ce quotidien dont nous allons vous parler.
This document contains Staely's presentation about their movie idea titled "Beneath The Core". The movie idea is about a psychopathic woman who is a police officer by day and a serial killer by night, targeting male criminals. Her motivation stems from witnessing her father physically abuse her mother as a child. The opening scene would show a flashback to this trauma as a child, then cut to the present with the woman walking from a school covered in blood after killing her latest victim.
The Rules module can be used to automate simple and complex tasks on your Drupal site without programming. Learn how to use standard Rules features to modify content, notify users, or redirect URLs. Then we will look at how Rules integrates with other Drupal modules like Flag and Views to provide even more power. We will see how Rules provides amazing flexibility to customize your site.
1) The document describes an activity called "Mouse Trap" where participants had to arm and disarm a mouse trap either alone, while blindfolded with help from someone trusted, or while blindfolded with help from a stranger.
2) Discussing the activity led the group to realize that it is difficult to trust strangers because you don't know them well, but that there is also a chance of being let down by people you know.
3) The group then had an insight that instead of making people "earn" trust, a better approach is to start by "giving" trust to others without waiting for them to prove themselves worthy.
The document proposes three ideas for media coursework projects. The first idea is a supernatural thriller titled "Office Block" about a man having an affair in an old office building that turns out to be haunted. The second idea is a torture film titled "Incision" about a boy who locks a new girl in his basement and performs disturbing surgeries on her. The third idea is a psychological thriller titled "Going Down" about people trapped on a mysterious floor in an office building where their deepest fears come to life. The document provides character and plot details, as well as potential problems and costs, for developing each idea into a short film. It focuses on fleshing out the second idea into a script and storyboard with the
The document discusses Jordan Whynn's pre-production work for an original horror film called "Check Up Night." It provides the plot summary of the film, which is about a young protagonist going for a checkup at a hospital for a new disease turning people cannibalistic. It also lists two other potential film ideas. The document details the storyboard, props, locations and personnel needed for the production. It concludes with the technical equipment list.
The document summarizes the key design elements of a Japanese pop music magazine called "Murasaki" aimed at a target audience of 16-17 year old female fans of J-pop music in the UK. It describes the magazine layout, color scheme, use of images and text, and how it addresses industry conventions while appealing to its niche audience. Audience research was conducted to inform the design choices. The summary focuses on the high-level description and leaves out minor details.
1) Polymers are formed through the chemical linking of monomer building blocks into long chains, similar to linking beads into a necklace. Common monomers like acrylamide and potassium acrylate are used to produce polymers like PAM and SAP.
2) Polymer Innovations supplies super absorbent, linear, and flocculating polymers to heavy industries to assist with remediation and efficient water use. They work with mining, construction, and other heavy industries to control various types of pollution.
3) Their products like SAP HD, SAP HPF-P4, and Water$ave Plug/Seep are designed to quickly control water-based slurries and sludges
This poster for Kay Jewelry uses the rhetorical technique of glittering generalities by tying love to the purchase of jewelry. It aims to convince its target audience of people ages 20 to 50 that jewelry is necessary to truly experience love. The ad claims this technique has been effective for jewelry campaigns and does not need improvement.
E twinning project voting results: '2014 Sochi Winter Olympics'Xenia Nincevic
The document discusses the voting results from representatives of partner schools on the eTwinning project titled "2014 Sochi Winter Olympics" that took place on February 6th, 2014. Students voted on their favorite Olympic sports and countries that they believed would win the most medals.
Agile Wake Up #3 : La transformation Agile de Kisio DigitalZenika
Kisio Digital (ex-Canal TP) est engag¨¦ dans une transformation agile depuis de nombreux mois. Dans cette d¨¦marche, pas toujours facile, Kisio est accompagn¨¦ par des consultants de Zenika (coach agile, Product Owner, Scrum Master). C'est ce quotidien dont nous allons vous parler.
This document contains Staely's presentation about their movie idea titled "Beneath The Core". The movie idea is about a psychopathic woman who is a police officer by day and a serial killer by night, targeting male criminals. Her motivation stems from witnessing her father physically abuse her mother as a child. The opening scene would show a flashback to this trauma as a child, then cut to the present with the woman walking from a school covered in blood after killing her latest victim.
The Rules module can be used to automate simple and complex tasks on your Drupal site without programming. Learn how to use standard Rules features to modify content, notify users, or redirect URLs. Then we will look at how Rules integrates with other Drupal modules like Flag and Views to provide even more power. We will see how Rules provides amazing flexibility to customize your site.
3. Suo padre era fornaio nell¡¯esercito. Un critico disse: ¡° Quando ............... nacque, Dio gli baci¨° le corde vocali¡± . Uno dei grandi cantanti italiani che ha saputo conquistare il mondo. C¡¯¨¨ un teatro a Modena che porta il suo nome.
6. Entra a far parte del settimo arte molto giovane agli inizi degli anni cinquanta. Vince il premio Oscar nel 1962 come protagonista. ? un simbolo della bellezza e del buon gusto dell¡¯Italia nel mondo. A partire dal 1956 recita anche in inglese in produzioni statunitensi di rilievo come Orgoglio e passione .
9. Nel suo romanzo d'esordio racconta la realt¨¤ della criminalit¨¤ organizzata in genere. Ha ricevuto minacce di morte da parte dei cartelli camorristici. Adesso conduce insieme a Fabio Fazio il programma di approfondimento culturale Vieni via con me su Rai 3. Massive Attack, Subsonica e un gruppo di rap hanno creato brani ispirati al suo lavoro.
12. Con la Nazionale ¨¨ stato campione del mondo nel 2006. Possiede il record assoluto di gol nella sua squadra. ? il quinto marcatore assoluto italiano della storia . Gioca con la stessa squadra dal 1993 .
15. Ha conquistato nove titoli mondiali, il primo a 18 anni. Durante la prima parte della sua carriera ha avuto un'accesa rivalit¨¤ con Max Biaggi. Nel 2007 viene denunciato per evasione fiscale. Il titolo della sua autobiografia ¨¨ Pensa se non ci avessi provato .