The document summarizes various trivia questions and their answers related to different topics like history, science, literature, movies, etc. It is organized into 4 rounds with each round containing multiple trivia questions. The questions cover a wide range of topics from World War 2, atomic bombings, famous authors, scientists, artists, and their works.
2. 1. During the world war 2, the British did
something very significant to a famous Indian
monument. What did they do and why?
3. A. They covered the dome of the Taj Mahal with the scaffold to
obscure it from the aerial view of Japanese Bombers
4. 2. Identify the people
What is the context of this picture?
Hint :
A: Mussolini and Hitler
Hitler was wounded in Operation Valkyrie, here greeting Mussolini
5. 3. Who were known as the BIG 3 during the
Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt
6. 4. Identify the relation that Shahrukh Khan
has with Azad Hind Fauz
His mother was adopted by Capt. Shah Nawaz Khan
7. 5. What was initially the second target for
atomic bombing in WW II
8. 6. Identify this weapon and the person who it belonged. There was a
Famous movie based on this person.
A: Zaytsev Rifle. Enemy At The Gates
9. 7. Now I am become Death, The Destroyer Of Worlds. A famous quote from The
Bhagavad Gita. Used by whom and in what context during the war?
A: Robert J. Oppenheimer, after seeing the successful testing of the atomic bomb.
10. 8. Straight Flush, Necessary Evil, Bockscar, Enola Gay. What are these?
A: They are the names of aircrafts used during the atomic bombings
12. 1. What is being referred to? Detailed answer.
A: Perfume ball. It is a bowling tactic where the ball goes so close by to the batsmans face, he can actually smell the ball as
it passes.
13. 2. Ray Manzarek. Identify the band and the primary role of this person in the band.
A: The Doors. Keyboardist.
14. 3. What was the relationship of Genghis Khan to a famous Indian royal family?
A: He was related to Baburs mother.
15. 4. Who is the fastest footballer on the planet?
A: Arjen Robben(37 kmph during a sprint). Achieved the feat during the 2014 World Cup.
16. 5. Unusually, Googles homepage on 6 December 2013 featured an extra name and website link. Whose name?
A: Nelson Mandela (He passed away the previous day).
17. 6. What is the name of the worlds seventh largest diamond? It is famous for its yellow colour and is related to an
Indian Royal Family.
A: The De Beers diamond, centre-piece of the crown necklace of Bhupinder Singh of Patiala.
18. 7. What is Scroogled?
A: An ad campaign launched by Microsoft to ridicule Google.
19. 8. Which brand were they all related to- Pele, Eusebio, Maradona, Kenny Dalglish, Sergio Aguero?
Spot the odd one out.
A: MOUNT Godwin Austin or K2. It is the only mountain in the top 10 tallest list which is not in the Himalayan Range.
It is in the Karakoram Range.
23. 1. Which best-selling reclusive author (1919-2010) wrote The Ocean Full Of Bowling Balls, leaked online in
2013, previously only available via supervised library study?
Hint: A book by the author had the unique distinction of being banned as well as being prescribed as a
school text book at different times.
Mark David Chapman, who shot Beatles legend John Lenon gave this book to the police as an explanation for
his deed.
A: J.D Salinger (The Catcher In The Rye)
24. 2. Identify the place and the significance of the structure.
A: Din-e-ilahi at Fatehpur Sikri. Signifies the convergence of the four major religions of the time.
25. 3. Identify the legendary author who died holding a flower in his hand. His
last words were to his wife- You are beautiful.
Hint: British author.
A: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
26. 4. Who got the longest standing ovation in the history of the Oscars?
A: Charlie Chaplin(1972,12 minutes in the Oscar gala)
27. 5. Please do not allow the ______ to remain a footnote in
history. Please teach this in your schools.- An extract from
whose Oscar acceptance speech and for what? Also fill in
the blank.
Hint: Pfefferberg (A-3317)
28. 6. Make Them Laugh, Make Them Cry, Make Them Wait was a
personal maxim of which famous author?
A: Charles Dickens
29. 7. Thomas Alva Edison discredited only one of his supposed inventions. What
was it and why did he discredit it?
A: Electric Chair.
30. 8. K. M. Nanavati vs. State of Maharashtra was a 1959 Indian
court case where Kawas Manekshaw Nanavati, a Naval
Commander, was tried for the murder of Prem Ahuja. Why
was this case considered a turning point in Judicial system?
A: It was the last jury case in India
38. Name this monk who was known as the
founder of the modern science of
A: Gregor Mendel
39. Name this English scientist, who invented
electrolysis among other things.
A: Michael Faraday
40. Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the
company. A quote by which famous
American author and humorist?
A: Mark Twain
41. Name this Indian mathematician who made
significant contributions to the fields of
number theory, infinite series. Born in 1887.
A: Srinivas Ramanujan
42. A: None of this men had proper formal