Frank Beamer announced he will step down as head football coach of Virginia Tech after 29 seasons. As the longest tenured coach in Virginia Tech history, Beamer led the football program to unprecedented success and transformed the school and Blacksburg community. Beamer will be remembered not just as one of the best coaches, but as an honest, caring, and respectful person who had a profound impact on Virginia Tech students and fans.
Frank Beamer has had an incredibly successful career as the head coach of Virginia Tech, but the football program has struggled in recent years, causing some fans to call for his retirement. Beamer has won more games than any active coach, but Virginia Tech is 3-5 this season and struggling in the ACC after years of success. Some fans want Beamer to step down to allow the program to move in a new direction with fresh leadership, while others want him to retire on his own terms given his legacy. Regardless of their view, fans agree they want the program to return to success.
The 35th Annual Myrtle Beach Ball Classic basketball tournament will take place in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina over Christmas. Poca High School from West Virginia will make their tournament debut, looking to build on their undefeated 2014 season. The tournament was founded in 1981 by former Marshall University coach Dan D'Antoni and has become one of the most prestigious high school basketball tournaments. It has also raised over $500,000 in college scholarships for deserving students since 1984. Locally, sports broadcaster Mark Martin will produce a 30-minute special about Poca High School's 2014 season and their tournament expectations that will air on December 26th.
The document provides instructions for a game wrap assignment for a sports public relations class. Students are asked to attend a live sporting event, take notes, and write a 250-word summary of the game. They should pull player stats and rosters in advance, take notes on milestones during the game, and research key stats afterward. The game wrap is due via email by February 28 at 9 pm.
While the total percentage of people in poverty in Illinois has remained around 14.7% since 1960, there have been some notable improvements - the percentage of poor elderly people has decreased significantly from 29.8% to 8.8% over this time period. Poverty rates have also generally decreased among racial and ethnic groups except for Latinos. Additionally, the number of low income families and counties in Illinois has decreased substantially. Reasons for these improvements include minimum wage increases, rising living standards, and expanded access to medical care.
Vaikundarajan reviews the Bollywood film 'Ek Villain' and describes the plot about a man named Guru who has a dark past and falls in love with a woman named Aisha after moving to Mumbai, but she later falls victim to an attack. Vaikundarajan praises the performances of the actors but criticizes the film's script, finding the movie to be only moderately fulfilling despite the skills of the director and quality of acting.
Platero era un burro peque?o y peludo que viv¨ªa en el pueblo de Moguer en Andaluc¨ªa con su due?o Juan Ram¨®n Jim¨¦nez, un poeta solitario. Juan Ram¨®n y Platero pasaban sus d¨ªas dando paseos juntos, leyendo y descansando en silencio. Aunque a veces echaban de menos la compa?¨ªa de los sobrinos de Juan Ram¨®n durante las vacaciones, los dos disfrutaban de la tranquilidad del campo. Desafortunadamente, Platero enferm¨® y muri¨®, dejando a Juan Ram¨®n lleno
Este documento define conceptos clave como ciencia, t¨¦cnica y tecnolog¨ªa. Explica que la ciencia surge de la motivaci¨®n humana por conocer el mundo a trav¨¦s de la investigaci¨®n, mientras que la t¨¦cnica surge de la motivaci¨®n por transformar el entorno para satisfacer necesidades. La tecnolog¨ªa integra la ciencia, la t¨¦cnica y aspectos sociales para producir bienes y servicios. Tambi¨¦n describe los fundamentos del m¨¦todo cient¨ªfico moderno establecidos por Galileo y otros, y c¨®mo la ciencia y la t¨¦cnica est¨¢n cada vez m¨¢s ligadas a trav
Globalne inspiracje: Turcja. Biznes w blasku p¨®?ksi??ycaGrant Thornton
Od kilku lat Turcja ¨C dzi?ki swojemu klimatowi, kulturze i bazie turystycznej ¨C jest jednym z najpopularniejszych cel¨®w wakacyjnych zagranicznych podr¨®?y Polak¨®w. Kraj ten ma jednak znacznie wi?cej do zaoferowania ni? tylko komfortowe warunki wypoczynku. Mo?e by? dobrym miejscem do zagranicznej ekspansji dla polskich firm.
Albert Barbusci founded an advertising agency in 1980 and later partnered with a Japanese firm, and considers Positano, Italy his favorite town. Located on the Amalfi Coast south of Naples, Positano offers a picturesque experience with its brightly colored houses on steep streets and wisteria-covered hotels, preserving aspects of its origins as a fishing village while serving as a resort known for its mild climate and shopping.
How to Become a Data Scientist
SF Data Science Meetup, June 30, 2014
Video of this talk is available here:
More information at:
Zipfian Academy @ Crowdflower
Albert Barbusci founded an advertising agency in 1980 and later partnered with a Japanese firm, and considers Positano, Italy his favorite town. Located on the Amalfi Coast south of Naples, Positano offers a picturesque experience with its brightly colored houses on steep streets and wisteria-covered hotels, preserving aspects of its origins as a fishing village while serving as a resort known for its mild climate and shopping.
How to Become a Data Scientist
SF Data Science Meetup, June 30, 2014
Video of this talk is available here:
More information at:
Zipfian Academy @ Crowdflower
1. ¡°Hokie fans are the best. They are loyal; they care; they respect other people and I
appreciate them a lot.¡±
Frank says in his press conference about the fans that feel the same way about him
around the campus of Blacksburg, Virginia. Recently the football program has felt in
limbo without knowing the future of our local leader, legend and figurehead Frank
Beamer. Now we know, and the town seemed to take a deep breath but with that
breath came a lot of reverence and reflection
Students and fans of the football team have been able to fully realize what Frank has
done now that we know his tenure is winding down. Frank has realized that the
time is now, and he is stepping down and making way for a new face to grace the
sidelines, but that will take a lot of getting used to after seeing the same guy lead the
team out of the tunnel for 29 years.
Frank Beamer has transcended your every day football coach. At a school where
football has become the focal point because of the success he created, an era of
strong, genuine and well-directed leadership is coming to an end. There will not be
any one who can replicate what Frank Beamer has meant to the community and
school of Virginia Tech as evident in the universal reactions of students here.
When asked how he wanted to be remembered Frank said ¡°Honest caring and
respectful¡± with classic modesty, but at the end of the day it will be much more than
that. Frank will go down as one of the best coaches the game has seen, and he will be
remembered by those around the school and close to him as an even better person.