This document contains 10 trivia questions and their answers about topics like Angry Birds characters, patent trolls, PepsiCo brand logos resembling Benjamin Franklin, Siri's origins from a DARPA project, James Bond's skills, Rain Man's preferred airline, Coca Cola's vanilla consumption, Hugh Hefner's university donation, people who spend time in malls, and Leonard Bosack's company.
4. Question 2
• What term was popularized by an Intel
lawyer to define companies who were
trying to “make a lot of money off a
patent that they were not practicing
“ and had no intention of practicing in
future as well
12. Question 6
• In the movie rain man , Dustin Hoffman says
“_________ never crashed “ and refuses to
board any other airline. What airline is he
referring to?
16. Question8
• Which legend in 1992 donated $100,000 to
the university of California to popularize a
course on censorship in cinema and