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R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
> fizzbuzz <- function(n) {
     # Write your code here

> fizzbuzz(20)
 [1] "1"         "2"          "Fizz"
 [4] "4"         "Buzz"       "Fizz"
 [7] "7"         "8"          "Fizz"
[10] "Buzz"      "11"         "Fizz"
[13] "13"        "14"         "FizzBuzz"
[16] "16"        "17"         "Fizz"
[19] "19"        "Buzz"
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
fb1 <- function(n) {
   fb <- character(n)
   for (i in 1:n) {
      if (i %% 3 == 0 && i %% 5 == 0)
         fb[i] <- "FizzBuzz"
      else if (i %% 3 == 0)
         fb[i] <- "Fizz"
      else if (i %% 5 == 0)
         fb[i] <- "Buzz"
         fb[i] <- i
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
fb2 <- function(n) {
   sapply(1:n, function(i) {
      if (i %% 3 == 0 && i %% 5 == 0)
      else if (i %% 3 == 0)
      else if (i %% 5 == 0)
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
fb3 <- function(n) {
   isFizz <- rep(c(F,F,T), length=n)
   isBuzz <- rep(c(F,F,F,F,T), length=n)
   isNumber <- !isFizz & !isBuzz

    fizz <- ifelse(isFizz, "Fizz", "")
    buzz <- ifelse(isBuzz, "Buzz", "")
    number <- ifelse(isNumber, 1:n, "")

    paste(fizz, buzz, number, sep="")
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
> N <- 100
> benchmark(fb1(N), fb2(N), fb3(N),

    test elapsed relative
3 fb3(N)   4.172 1.000000
2 fb2(N)   6.669 1.598514
1 fb1(N)   7.779 1.864573
> N <- 10000
> benchmark(fb1(N), fb2(N), fb3(N),

    test elapsed relative
3 fb3(N)   2.907 1.000000
2 fb2(N)   7.823 2.691090
1 fb1(N)   8.200 2.820777
> N <- 1000000
> benchmark(fb1(N), fb2(N), fb3(N),

    test elapsed relative
3 fb3(N) 28.287 1.000000
1 fb1(N) 46.198 1.633188
2 fb2(N) 52.223 1.846184
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
library(compiler)      # Installed by default
library(inline)        # Needs manual installation

fbcpp <- cxxfunction(
   body=src, # Shown in the next slide

fb1.c <- cmpfun(fb1)
fb2.c <- cmpfun(fb2)
fb3.c <- cmpfun(fb3)
fbcpp.c <- cmpfun(fbcpp)
int n = Rcpp::as<int>(ns);
Rcpp::CharacterVector fb(n);
for (int index = 0; index < n; index++) {
   int i = index + 1;
   if (i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0)
      fb[index] = "FizzBuzz";
   else if (i % 3 == 0)
      fb[index] = "Fizz";
   else if (i % 5 == 0)
      fb[index] = "Buzz";
   else {
      char s[11]; // Integer is 10 or less digit
      sprintf(s, "%d", i);
      fb[index] = s;
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題
R で解く FizzBuzz 問題

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R で解く FizzBuzz 問題

  • 26. > fizzbuzz <- function(n) { # Write your code here } > fizzbuzz(20) [1] "1" "2" "Fizz" [4] "4" "Buzz" "Fizz" [7] "7" "8" "Fizz" [10] "Buzz" "11" "Fizz" [13] "13" "14" "FizzBuzz" [16] "16" "17" "Fizz" [19] "19" "Buzz"
  • 28. fb1 <- function(n) { fb <- character(n) for (i in 1:n) { if (i %% 3 == 0 && i %% 5 == 0) fb[i] <- "FizzBuzz" else if (i %% 3 == 0) fb[i] <- "Fizz" else if (i %% 5 == 0) fb[i] <- "Buzz" else fb[i] <- i } fb }
  • 30. fb2 <- function(n) { sapply(1:n, function(i) { if (i %% 3 == 0 && i %% 5 == 0) "FizzBuzz" else if (i %% 3 == 0) "Fizz" else if (i %% 5 == 0) "Buzz" else i }) }
  • 35. fb3 <- function(n) { isFizz <- rep(c(F,F,T), length=n) isBuzz <- rep(c(F,F,F,F,T), length=n) isNumber <- !isFizz & !isBuzz fizz <- ifelse(isFizz, "Fizz", "") buzz <- ifelse(isBuzz, "Buzz", "") number <- ifelse(isNumber, 1:n, "") paste(fizz, buzz, number, sep="") }
  • 40. > N <- 100 > benchmark(fb1(N), fb2(N), fb3(N), order="relative", replications=10000) test elapsed relative 3 fb3(N) 4.172 1.000000 2 fb2(N) 6.669 1.598514 1 fb1(N) 7.779 1.864573
  • 41. > N <- 10000 > benchmark(fb1(N), fb2(N), fb3(N), order="relative", replications=100) test elapsed relative 3 fb3(N) 2.907 1.000000 2 fb2(N) 7.823 2.691090 1 fb1(N) 8.200 2.820777
  • 42. > N <- 1000000 > benchmark(fb1(N), fb2(N), fb3(N), order="relative", replications=5) test elapsed relative 3 fb3(N) 28.287 1.000000 1 fb1(N) 46.198 1.633188 2 fb2(N) 52.223 1.846184
  • 47. library(compiler) # Installed by default library(inline) # Needs manual installation fbcpp <- cxxfunction( signature(ns="integer"), body=src, # Shown in the next slide plugin="Rcpp") fb1.c <- cmpfun(fb1) fb2.c <- cmpfun(fb2) fb3.c <- cmpfun(fb3) fbcpp.c <- cmpfun(fbcpp)
  • 48. int n = Rcpp::as<int>(ns); Rcpp::CharacterVector fb(n); for (int index = 0; index < n; index++) { int i = index + 1; if (i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0) fb[index] = "FizzBuzz"; else if (i % 3 == 0) fb[index] = "Fizz"; else if (i % 5 == 0) fb[index] = "Buzz"; else { char s[11]; // Integer is 10 or less digit sprintf(s, "%d", i); fb[index] = s; } } return(fb);