This recipe describes how to make schnitzel and mashed potatoes. It lists the ingredients needed: 500g of meat, 80g of breadcrumbs, 0.5L of oil, 40g of flour, 2 eggs, and 0.5kg of potatoes and water. The procedure is then outlined: chop the meat into cutlets, coat them in flour, then dip in beaten eggs and breadcrumbs before frying. Peel and chop the potatoes, boil them in water, then mash them to serve alongside the schnitzel.
2. Mash with sChNitZEL
wE NEEd:
500 g MEat
80 g brEadCruMbs for CoatiNg
0.5 L oiL
40 g fLour ProCEdurE:
saLt ChoP a MEat iNto sChNitZELs,
2 Eggs bEat thEM. CoVEr thEM with
0,5 kg PotatoEs aNd watEr saLt. PaCk thEM iN fLour. wE
MixEd Eggs aNd wE Put thE
sChNitZELs iNto thEM aNd iNto
brEadCruMbs aNd thEN oN thE
fryiNg PaN aNd fry thEM.
PEEL thE PotatoEs, ChoP thEM
aNd Put iNto boiLEd watEr. at
thE ENd wE CaN MixEd thE
PotatoEs aNd sErVE thEM with
thE sChNitZELs.
3. ME:
My NaME is riChard. i LiVE iN a sMaLL City riMaVska sobota.
i aM 13 yEars oLd. i haVE oNE sMaLLEr sistEr.
4. • My faVourit sPort is judo. i haVE
bEEN doiNg judo aLrEady for 9
yEars. i aM a doubLE ChaMPioN of
thE sLoVak rEPubLiC,i haVE woN thE
first sLoVak LEagE with My tEaM tj
MLadost.i haVE about 90 MEdaLs. My
bEst aNd thE grEatEst suCCEss is
thE first PLaCE iN thE
iNtErNatioNaL judo tourNaMENt iN
arad+troPhy for thE bEst judoka
iN tourNaMENt.