The document discusses the composition and responsibilities of the Board of Electrical Engineering in the Philippines. The Board is composed of a chairman and two members appointed by the President and oversees the regulation of electrical engineers. The Board issues Certificates of Specialty to professional electrical engineers who have been screened and recommended by an accredited electrical engineering association for fields where they have specialized knowledge, training, and experience.
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R.a 7920
Sec. 3. Composition of the Board. - The Board of Electrical
Engineering, hereinafter referred to as the Board, shall be
created as a collegial body under the general supervision
and administrative control of the Professional Regulations
Commission, hereinafter called as the Commission,
composed of a chairman and two (2) members to be
appointed by the President of the Philippines from among
the recommendees of the Commissioner of the Professional
Regulations Commission, hereinafter referred to as the
Commissioner, who were chosen from the nominees of the
integrated and accredited association of electrical engineers
and of other registered associations of electrical engineers
and allied fields.
Sec. 37. Certificate of Specialty. - Certificates of specialty
shall be issued by the Board, subject to the approval of the
Commission, to professional electrical engineers who have
been screened and recommended by the integrated and
accredited electrical engineering association. These are for
specific fields in which the applicants have specialized
knowledge, training and experience and have demonstrated
their competence and expertise. The Board shall, subject to
the approval of the Commission, and after consultation with
the said association, prescribe and issue the necessary
guidelines for the issuance of these certificates