The document discusses, a cloud service platform for asynchronous queuing and processing. It describes's message queue and task queue services, which allow developers to scale applications by deconstructing them into smaller components and processing tasks across thousands of cores. helps with decoupling, buffering, redundancy, scalability, elasticity and more through its highly available, simple to use, and powerful messaging and worker services.
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Chad Arimura, CEO,
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3. is a cloud service platform for
asynchronous queuing and processing
5. helps you deconstruct your app
into smaller scalable components.
9. Message Queues
Common component of software architecture
1. Decoupling
2. Buffering
3. Redundancy
4. Scalability
5. Elasticity
6. Much more....
10. Highly Available: multi-region/cloud support
Simple to use by design
Transparent: Alerting, dashboards, metrics
and reports
Powerful: Push queues, pub sub, webhooks,
and more
Currently DFW and ORD, soon London
18. Task Queues
Orchestrating scheduled and background tasks
1. image processing
2. video encoding
3. data processing
4. report generation
5. order processing
6. on and on and on.....
19. No servers, no software, no "frameworks"
Abstracted scaling, thousands of cores
Pay only while workers are *running*
Can subscribe to IronMQ queues
Advanced scheduling
Alerting, dashboards, metrics