The document provides instructions for students to write a memo on a chosen topic using a specified role, audience, and format. Students must pick from a list of roles, audiences, and topics. They are to write the memo using correct format and including all required parts. Students will self-evaluate their memo before turning it in to ensure it meets the criteria. The criteria includes having all required parts present and formatted correctly, fully developing the chosen topic, and revising and editing the letter. The memo will be scored based on content, organization, voice, conventions, and an overall writing grade.
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Memo Raft
1. Name: ___________________________ Date: _____________________ Period: ______________
RAFT Memo Activity
Below is a list of Roles, Audiences, and topics to choose from. Pick one you feel you can talk about fully and type a
memo using correct format.
Role Audience Format Topic
Give the programmers tips on
Game Informer
Video Game Designers how to improve a game that you
love to play
Advice Columnist
New employees with Fashion advice for dressing well
for a fashion
the magazine at work
Sports Editor for New journalists for the Memo What kinds of plays for your
ESPN Magazine magazine favorite sport they should watch
for in order to have a good article
What should be done about
Teacher Parents students who are disrespectful to
teachers and other students.
Please make sure you self-evaluate before you print your memo out so you can make appropriate changes before
hand. Also, make sure you put your name in the footer of your memo.
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 0 Self Total
All parts present in All parts 3 parts 2 parts 1 parts Not in
Memo (x3) present present present present evidence
All parts formatted All parts 4 parts 3 parts 2 parts 1 part
Not in
correctly in memo (even formatted formatted formatted formatted formatted
margins) (x3) correctly correctly correctly correctly correctly
All information included Topic fully Topic is Not in
in memo (x2) developed suggested evidence
All Most Some Few No
Letter revised and
revisions revisions revisions revisions revisions
made made made made made
Score of Score of Score of 9- Score of 6- Score of
SC writing grade
14-15 12-13 11 8 6 or less
Scoring for the essay is as follows:
Essay Scores Scores A score of 14-15 will get 5
Content (4) A score of 12-14 will get 4
Organization (4) A score of 9-11 will get 3
Voice (3) A score of 6-8 will get 2
Conventions (4) A score of less than 6 will get 1
Total (15)