Ragic is a no-code cloud-based platform that allows users to create customized databases and workflow management systems without programming. It provides an alternative to expensive and rigid ERP systems by offering a flexible and affordable solution. Users can design their own database structures through an Excel-like interface and link different sheets together. Over 1,000 enterprises globally use Ragic for applications like CRM, inventory management, and more.
4. You can use Ragic for anything related to
Data or Workflow Management.
5. For an enterprise, you can use Ragic
for anything that requires an ERP system.
Inventory Check CRM Marketing
HR Management Approval System Customer
File Management
6. For personal users, Ragic can also perform
what Excel is capable of.
Calculate &
Monitor Personal Finance
Event Planning Create Surveys
7. Q u e s t io n 2
W h y m u st y o u u se ?
W h a t 's s o s p e c ia l a b o u t R a g ic if E x c e l a n d E R P s y s te m s c a n a ls o d o s im ila r w o r k ?
8. Most ERPs have fixed formats with frameworks
that are too large and useless for many companies
and customizing it will be costly and time-consuming.
Package Your Actual
Ragic allows you to customize
your database flexibly.
9. It's much easier to create data relationships
in Ragic than in Excel and Google Sheets.
Though data are the same, you can only
manually copy and paste, and hope there
are no mistakes made.
Ragic can automatically populate and
calculate data from other sheets. You'll
massively reduce the possibility of errors
made by not needing to copy and paste.
10. Q u e s t io n 3
W h a t is ?
W h y is it s o u s e f u l?
11. Traditional Database Development:
Requires coding to create a data and workflow
management system. It will be hard to make
any changes.
Traditionally, you need a developer to create a database.
With Ragic, you can create your own customized database
without any codes.
Ragic! Cloud Database:
You can easily customize your own database
without a line of code, and the design process
is similar to using an Excel spreadsheet.
12. You decide the database you want!
Frustrated with ERP Systems?
Traditional ERP systems are usually
unchangeable, you can only be a passive user.
In Ragic! :
Other than being a user, you can also be the
designer. If something doesn't work right,
just enter the"Design Mode" to actively make
changes to your database.
13. Q u e s t io n 4
H o w sh o u ld I sta r t u sin g ?
15. When registering, you'll need to set up
two types of accounts.
1. Database Account
2. User Account
(Name + Email)
When both accounts are created,
you'll be the first user in this
database. In the future, you can
add more users to your database
collaborate with them.
16. You'll enter your database (system) page after
registering successfully. Now, you can start designing
by creating new sheets.
or you can go to Start > Install Templates to get a head start.
18. There are five different Ragic plans,
including the free plan. You can select the plan
that best fits your requirements.
The most popular plan
with all features.
Data in your own server.
Best for users who only need to
manage a small amount of data.
21. Here are what the users commented:
Hey What an amazing app you have !!! I can
finally build a tailor made app for my business.
Small business owner, France
Support has been excellent and very
responsive. I cannot thank you enough for
your help.
Small business owner, India
Thanks for the creation of Ragic for the
amazing platform that it is. It really does meet
our every desire, and offers us an extremely
affordable and scalable solution to grow our
business offering.
Small business owner, South Africa
Ragic is absolutely brilliant! Coming from a
SQL Server and MS Access background this is a
breath of fresh air :-)
Software developer, Australia
I have tested all the online database builders
I can find online, and Ragic is by far the most
Project Manager, United States
I would like to say that I LOVE Ragic, I've easily
built my own custom CRM which I'm using
now competely personalized for me. Could not
get this from an "off the shelf" CRM regardless
of how "customizable" they claim to be.
Sales Manager, Sweden
22. Q u e s t io n 7
H o w sh o u ld I sta r t u sin g ?
23. Follow these four easy steps to create your own database.
Or you can install templates and edit their designs.
Step 1.
Illustrate Workflows
Illustrate a diagram to simulate
your current workflow.
Step 2.
List the Required Sheets
Knowing which sheets you need to
design in your Ragic database.
Step 3.
Link Sheets
Use the linking tools in Ragic
to create sheet relationships.
Step 4.
Set Access Rights
Decide every user's access rights on
every sheet.
24. Q u e s t io n 8
H o w ca n I le a rn m o re ?
25. Go to Learn Ragic for videos, documents,
interactive tutorials, FAQs, and support!
How to enter Learn Ragic?
1. Start > Learn Ragic
Or you can click on Learn Ragic located in
the top right area of your database screen.
27. Even though our company is small,
we are not venture-funded and are pretty profitable.
(We're not a company that will run out of cash when funding runs out.)
2011 Business Next Neo Star
2011 Red Herring Asia Finalists Top 100 List
2012 Red Herring Global Finalists Top 100 List
2012 e27 Echelon Taiwan Satellite Award
2011 Top 10 Taiwan Startups
by Taiwan Venture Capital Association
2010 Selected as Product to Watch
by eWeek magazine
Recommended by Tech Republic
28. Q u e s t io n 1 0
I w a n t to k n o w m o re a b o u t