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The Practice of 2D Floodplain
Modelling: ISIS 2D

Dr Rahman Khatibi
Central Southern Branch - CIWEM
3 December 2009
Venue: Peter Brett Associates, Reading

This   presentation has the focus on:
1.     2D modelling
2.     ISIS 2D
3.     Applications of ISIS 2D
4.     Future possibilities

1           12/23/12       The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khatibi
Setting the scene

                                         The ISIS 1D Model
                                         Objectives of 1D modelling:
                                         (i) depth h
                                         (ii) area-averaged variable u (Q)
                                         at all nodal points.

                                         The ISIS 2D Model
                                         Objectives of 2D modelling:
                                         (i) depth h
                                         (ii) depth-averaged variable u,v (qx, qy)
                                         at all grid points.


2 12/23/12   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
Setting the scene
                                   Considering Flooding Risk from all sources

                                                                                            Space scale     Remote sensing

  Interfaces     Modularity
                                                    Meteorological models
                                                                                         Time scale
                                                                                                        Data         Gauges
    Modelling                                        Global, regional, local
                                                                                         Survey data           LiDAR
    systems                                                                                         Survey data
             Time scale         Surfacewate
  Space scale                    r models              0D             Supercritical Subcritical
                                  Hydrologic           1D                 regimes
                                                                     Kinematic Role waves
 Urban                Rural
         Semi-urban               Sewers               2D-                                           Coastal models
                                  models                                                              (tides + surges)
    Land use                                           2D
Brownfield     Greenfield                              2D+
                                 Groundwate                                    Reservoir failures
  New development                 r models                                          models

                                                     Fluvial models                           Trigger events
                                                 (channels + floodplains
                                n                                                         Overtopping        Breaching

    3 12/23/12                      The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat

1. What is 2D modelling?
2. What is ISIS 2D?
3. ISIS 2D applications
4. Looking to the future
Focus on:
       Modularity of modelling engines
       Plurality in developing 2D solvers
       Integration with GIS
       Interfaces and their intuitiveness
       Improved topographic data shifts uncertainty to roughness
       Model management for their defensibility

4 12/23/12        The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
1.       2D Modelling  the technical details

 Solves the Shallow Water Equations:
                                                 Mass balance

Inertia    Convection   Surface slope Bed friction       Eddy viscosity

 On a grid of square cells or unstructured mesh
 Various solvers: e.g. ADI or TVD

5 12/23/12         The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
1. ADI Solver Alternating Direction Implicit

 Roots: uses the scheme given by Stelling (1984)
 Numerical Scheme:
     Reinvents 1D solvers in the 2D domain in each direction but staggered
     Outcome  implicit solver (large time step)
     Good for floodplain flows
     Copes with most of breach problems
 Limitations: Problems with supercritical flows

                          Water depth
                          x-component specific discharge
                          y-component specific discharge
                          Bed elevation

6 12/23/12          The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
1. TVD Solver - Total Variation Diminishing
 Roots: McCormack scheme (1969)

 Numerical Scheme:
     Predictor-corrector  ensures numerical oscillations do not develop
     Non-staggered  velocities are solved at cell centres

     Subcritical and supercritical flows
     Dambreak flows,
     Steep surface water flows

 Limitations: computationally intensive

7 12/23/12           The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
1. Simplified Mass Balance Schemes

 Roots: Bates and Roo (2000)

 So much for so little:
     First come, first served +
     Seeking for the lowest cell

     Broad scale surface water risk assessment
     Coastal inundation modelling
     Modelling surface water from sewer surcharging

 Limitations: completely ignores momentum

8 12/23/12           The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
1. Evolutionary background to 2D Modelling

                                Fundamental thinking of 18th-19th Century
Century           Intellectual Capital of hydraulic Traditional component hydraulics

            Tapping on the intellectual capital
             By a fury of simplified methods                      Empirical hydraulics
 1950                                                            Design and operations
 1960               Advent of Computers                               Hydrology
                    Rise of software engineering                 Component analysis
 1980               Increasing data
             Tur                                         1D
                bul Modelling practice
 1990              enc
                       em              3D         2D
                              l l i ng
  2000                                                   Intelligent
            Emergence of flood risk management             clients
                                Beck: risk increasing   Modelling and

        9 12/23/12          The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
1. 2D versus 1D Modelling
Advantages of 1D:                          Barriers to 2D models before 2000
                                            Some vector data not much raster
 Coping with many degrees of
                                             grid data
   freedom: gates, weirs, bridges,
                                            Prohibitive model run times
   tributaries, abstractions
                                           Since 2000
 Fast runs
                                            Paradigm shift by LiDAR tech

Disadvantages:                              Improved computational speed
                                            TUFLOW at the place, right time
 Artificially selecting flow
   paths  two examples

 Defensibility of decisions on
                                              Now: 1D survived besides 2D
   floodplain flow paths                      Focus on uncertainty moved from
                                               data to others: e.g. hydrology, roughness
                                              Opportunities for innovation

1012/23/12            The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
1. Flagging Salient Points: Modularity

     Fast spreading                           0D       No equations

     Longitudinal variations
     Classic 2-stage channels                 1D       Continuity+ 1-momentum
     Attenuating floodplains
                                               1D+      Mass balance
    Storage floodplains

                                               2D-      Mass balance + Diffusive FP
     Slow overland flows
    To model lateral variations               2D       Continuity+ 2-momentum
    Urban, coastal, floodplains
                                               2D+        Continuity+ 2-momentum + a good solver
    Hydraulic jumps/Roll waves

  Mixing required                                       Continuity+ 3-momentum

            Opportunities for innovation
            Modularity in modelling engines
            Each 2D solver has a selective advantage
            Focus on uncertainty shifted from data to 
            Model management for defensibility
 1112/23/12                       The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. ISIS 2D  Background

 Capability: ISIS 2D uses the Shallow Water Equations

 Roots: DIVAST by Prof. Falconer - Cardiff University

 Applicable to:
       fluvial floodplains
       coastal floodplains
       natural channels,
       surface water flows,
       spillways etc.

 Part of the ISIS Suite

1212/23/12         The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. The ISIS Suite

 Integrated with ISIS Mapper for
      pre-processing and
      Other GIS packages may be used

 ISIS (1D)


1312/23/12       The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. ISIS 2D Domains

Domains and Schematisation

                                                            Road                2D Domain 1

        Extended 1D
                                                                    1D Model                    High


1D Reservoir
                      2D Domain 3
                                                                          2D Domain 2

                                    Resolution                                           Medium


1412/23/12            The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. ISIS2D Modelling  the Interface

For each domains:
     Grid data
     Boundary conditions

     Run details  select the solver

     Output details

1512/23/12        The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. Data

Data management:
1. ASCII raster for grid, (DTM)
2. Shapefiles for vector
     Active areas
     Position of boundary conditions
     1D/2D Linkage lines

3. Textfiles for hydrographs
     Boundary inputs
     Some of the outputs
4. Binary Outputs

 Intuitive folder structures and not many files

1612/23/12          The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. Load DTM

1712/23/12    The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. Define active area

1812/23/12   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. Define boundary condition vectors

1912/23/12   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. Add topography vector data

2012/23/12   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. Running 2D Interface

2112/23/12   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. Visualise Results

2212/23/12   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
2. Flagging salient points

             ISIS philosophy to innovation:
             Modularity of modelling engines
             Solver status: ADI and TVD  released
                                 ISIS FAST  to be released
                                 ISIS FAST
                                 A cellular solver  planned
             Integrated with GIS
             Ease of use by intuitive interfaces
             Model management for defensibility

2312/23/12         The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. ISIS 2D Applications

 In-house benchmarking tests for all three solvers

 Just completed the EAs 2D model benchmarking
  tests  evaluation at Herriot-Watt University

 Wide applications to project works

 ADI Speed: comparable to TUFLOW or better

 TVD is slower due to small time steps required

2412/23/12    The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. ADI: Example 1  Reservoir breach
 Description of the model:
     Location: a town somewhere in Wiltshire
     Trigger event: reservoir breach
 Model description:
     Data as shown before
     Used a global roughness value
 Run the model and analyse the results
     Use the ADI solver


2512/23/12        The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. ADI: Example 2  River Severn at Upton

      Linked 1D-2D model

      Channel  floodplain
       exchanges over bank and
       through culverts


This is similar to the benchmarking test set by the EA and
the project is run by Herriot Watt University. Halcrows
thanks are due to both EA and Herriot Watt University.

     2612/23/12                      The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
ADI: Example 2  River Severn at Upton

2712/23/12   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. TVD: Classic hydraulics  Hydraulic jumps

2812/23/12   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
TVD: Example 1  Laboratory flume dambreak
                     (FP5 IMPACT Project)

These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to
thank the researchers and funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further
information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research
published in 2007.
    2912/23/12                   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and
funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a
special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007.

      3012/23/12                           The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and
funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a
special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007.

      3112/23/12                           The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and
funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a
special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007.

      3212/23/12                           The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and
funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a
special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007.

      3312/23/12                           The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and
funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a
special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007.

      3412/23/12                           The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. TVD: Example 1  Laboratory flume dambreak
                      (FP5 IMPACT Project)

3512/23/12   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. An          example from ISIS FAST
                                                                                 Area of Interest

                                                                                  Digital Terrain Model
These data were provided by FCC/OPW. Halcrow wish to thank the client for allowing to use their data. The results
produced here are hypothetical and just for demonstration purpose. The client has given permission for using the data for
demonstration purpose but without approving the results.

     3612/23/12                   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. An example from ISIS FAST

                                                                               Results (Depths) Overlaid
These data were provided by FCC/OPW. Halcrow wish to thank the client for allowing to use their data. The results
produced here are hypothetical and just for demonstration purpose. The client has given permission for using the data for
demonstration purpose but without approving the results.

     3712/23/12                   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. An example from ISIS FAST

These data were provided by FCC/OPW. Halcrow wish to thank the client for allowing to use their data. The results
produced here are hypothetical and just for demonstration purpose. The client has given permission for using the data for
demonstration purpose but without approving the results.

     3812/23/12                   The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. ADI, TVD or Raster Routing?  horses for courses

                                                                                        TV             I

This is similar to the benchmarking test set by the EA and the project is run by Herriot Watt University. Halcrows thanks are
due to both EA and Herriot Watt University.

     3912/23/12                    The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. ADI and TVD: Surface water flooding in Glasgow

                                                                                                  Red blobs show Froude No >1

                                                                                                                   Two flow case:

                                                                                                    1. Rainfall -ADI

                                                                                                    2. Sewer flood -

This is similar to the benchmarking test set by the EA and the project is run by Herriot Watt University. Halcrows thanks
are due to both EA and Herriot Watt University.

     4012/23/12                     The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
3. Flagging Salient Topics

     Observations: we saw in action
     Modularity of modelling engines
     Different 2D solvers  horses for courses
     Integration of modelling engines with GIS
     Intuitive interfaces
     The ease to gain an insight into problems
     The focus on uncertainty shifted from
      topographic data to roughness and other factors
     Model management is taking a new meaning

4112/23/12       The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
4. Future developments

 Cellular flow model  quicker solution for many
  floodplain problems
 FAST model  simple hydraulics for rapid surface
  water analysis
 Implicit linking of 1D and 2D domains  improved
 Direct linking of multiple domains  allows nesting
  of high resolution areas
 2D water quality

4212/23/12     The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
5. Conclusion

 Innovation in 2D Modelling has a positive
  effect on flood risk management, including:

     Reduced uncertainty due to topographic details
     Efficiency of modelling studies
     The ability to gain an insight into problems
     Improved defensibility of models
     New dimensions in model management

4312/23/12     The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat

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  • 1. The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D Dr Rahman Khatibi Central Southern Branch - CIWEM 3 December 2009 Venue: Peter Brett Associates, Reading This presentation has the focus on: 1. 2D modelling 2. ISIS 2D 3. Applications of ISIS 2D 4. Future possibilities 1 12/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khatibi
  • 2. Setting the scene The ISIS 1D Model Objectives of 1D modelling: (i) depth h (ii) area-averaged variable u (Q) at all nodal points. The ISIS 2D Model Objectives of 2D modelling: (i) depth h (ii) depth-averaged variable u,v (qx, qy) at all grid points. TVD 2 12/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 3. Setting the scene Considering Flooding Risk from all sources Space scale Remote sensing Interfaces Modularity Meteorological models Time scale Data Gauges Modelling Global, regional, local Survey data LiDAR systems Survey data Time scale Surfacewate Space scale r models 0D Supercritical Subcritical Flow Hydrologic 1D regimes Kinematic Role waves models 1D+ Urban Rural Semi-urban Sewers 2D- Coastal models models (tides + surges) Land use 2D Brownfield Greenfield 2D+ Groundwate Reservoir failures New development r models models 3D Blockage Inundation Erosio Fluvial models Trigger events (channels + floodplains n Overtopping Breaching 3 12/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 4. Summary 1. What is 2D modelling? 2. What is ISIS 2D? 3. ISIS 2D applications 4. Looking to the future Focus on: Modularity of modelling engines Plurality in developing 2D solvers Integration with GIS Interfaces and their intuitiveness Improved topographic data shifts uncertainty to roughness Model management for their defensibility 4 12/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 5. 1. 2D Modelling the technical details Solves the Shallow Water Equations: Mass balance Inertia Convection Surface slope Bed friction Eddy viscosity On a grid of square cells or unstructured mesh Various solvers: e.g. ADI or TVD 5 12/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 6. 1. ADI Solver Alternating Direction Implicit Roots: uses the scheme given by Stelling (1984) Numerical Scheme: Reinvents 1D solvers in the 2D domain in each direction but staggered Outcome implicit solver (large time step) Applicability: Good for floodplain flows Copes with most of breach problems Limitations: Problems with supercritical flows Water depth x-component specific discharge y-component specific discharge Bed elevation 6 12/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 7. 1. TVD Solver - Total Variation Diminishing Roots: McCormack scheme (1969) Numerical Scheme: Predictor-corrector ensures numerical oscillations do not develop Non-staggered velocities are solved at cell centres Applicability: Subcritical and supercritical flows Dambreak flows, Spillways, Breaching, Steep surface water flows Limitations: computationally intensive 7 12/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 8. 1. Simplified Mass Balance Schemes Roots: Bates and Roo (2000) So much for so little: First come, first served + Seeking for the lowest cell Applicability: Broad scale surface water risk assessment Coastal inundation modelling Modelling surface water from sewer surcharging Limitations: completely ignores momentum 8 12/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 9. 1. Evolutionary background to 2D Modelling Fundamental thinking of 18th-19th Century 18th-19th Century Intellectual Capital of hydraulic Traditional component hydraulics 1900 Tapping on the intellectual capital By a fury of simplified methods Empirical hydraulics 1950 Design and operations 1960 Advent of Computers Hydrology Rise of software engineering Component analysis 1980 Increasing data Tur 1D bul Modelling practice 1990 enc em 3D 2D ode l l i ng 2000 Intelligent Emergence of flood risk management clients Modelling Beck: risk increasing Modelling and modelling 9 12/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 10. 1. 2D versus 1D Modelling Advantages of 1D: Barriers to 2D models before 2000 Some vector data not much raster Coping with many degrees of grid data freedom: gates, weirs, bridges, Prohibitive model run times tributaries, abstractions Since 2000 Fast runs Paradigm shift by LiDAR tech Disadvantages: Improved computational speed TUFLOW at the place, right time Artificially selecting flow paths two examples Defensibility of decisions on Now: 1D survived besides 2D floodplain flow paths Focus on uncertainty moved from data to others: e.g. hydrology, roughness Opportunities for innovation 1012/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 11. 1. Flagging Salient Points: Modularity Fast spreading 0D No equations Longitudinal variations Classic 2-stage channels 1D Continuity+ 1-momentum Attenuating floodplains 1D+ Mass balance Storage floodplains 2D- Mass balance + Diffusive FP Slow overland flows To model lateral variations 2D Continuity+ 2-momentum Urban, coastal, floodplains 2D+ Continuity+ 2-momentum + a good solver Hydraulic jumps/Roll waves 3D Mixing required Continuity+ 3-momentum Opportunities for innovation Modularity in modelling engines Each 2D solver has a selective advantage Focus on uncertainty shifted from data to Model management for defensibility 1112/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 12. 2. ISIS 2D Background Capability: ISIS 2D uses the Shallow Water Equations Roots: DIVAST by Prof. Falconer - Cardiff University Applicable to: fluvial floodplains coastal floodplains natural channels, surface water flows, spillways etc. Part of the ISIS Suite 1212/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 13. 2. The ISIS Suite Integrated with ISIS Mapper for pre-processing and post-processing Other GIS packages may be used ISIS (1D) OpenMI 1312/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 14. 2. ISIS 2D Domains Domains and Schematisation Contours Road 2D Domain 1 Embedded Extended 1D 1D Model High Sections Resolution Flood Relieve Channels 1D Reservoir 2D Domain 3 2D Domain 2 Low Resolution Medium Resolution Contours 1412/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 15. 2. ISIS2D Modelling the Interface For each domains: Grid data Boundary conditions Hydrology Run details select the solver Output details 1512/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 16. 2. Data Data management: 1. ASCII raster for grid, (DTM) 2. Shapefiles for vector Active areas Position of boundary conditions 1D/2D Linkage lines 3. Textfiles for hydrographs Boundary inputs Some of the outputs 4. Binary Outputs Intuitive folder structures and not many files 1612/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 17. 2. Load DTM 1712/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 18. 2. Define active area 1812/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 19. 2. Define boundary condition vectors 1912/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 20. 2. Add topography vector data 2012/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 21. 2. Running 2D Interface 2112/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 22. 2. Visualise Results 2212/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 23. 2. Flagging salient points ISIS philosophy to innovation: Modularity of modelling engines Solver status: ADI and TVD released ISIS FAST to be released ISIS FAST A cellular solver planned Integrated with GIS Ease of use by intuitive interfaces Model management for defensibility 2312/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 24. 3. ISIS 2D Applications In-house benchmarking tests for all three solvers Just completed the EAs 2D model benchmarking tests evaluation at Herriot-Watt University Wide applications to project works ADI Speed: comparable to TUFLOW or better TVD is slower due to small time steps required 2412/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 25. 3. ADI: Example 1 Reservoir breach Description of the model: Location: a town somewhere in Wiltshire Trigger event: reservoir breach Model description: description Data as shown before Used a global roughness value Run the model and analyse the results Use the ADI solver ADI 2512/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 26. 3. ADI: Example 2 River Severn at Upton Linked 1D-2D model Channel floodplain exchanges over bank and through culverts A DI This is similar to the benchmarking test set by the EA and the project is run by Herriot Watt University. Halcrows thanks are due to both EA and Herriot Watt University. 2612/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 27. ADI: Example 2 River Severn at Upton 2712/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 28. 3. TVD: Classic hydraulics Hydraulic jumps 2812/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 29. TVD: Example 1 Laboratory flume dambreak (FP5 IMPACT Project) These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007. 2912/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 30. These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007. 3012/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 31. These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007. 3112/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 32. These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007. 3212/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 33. These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007. 3312/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 34. These validation data were produced by the European IMPACT project (see Soares-Frazao and Zech, 2007). Halcrow wish to thank the researchers and funders involved with this project for making their data freely available to all. Further information is available from www.impact-project.net and in a special edition of the Journal of Hydraulics Research published in 2007. 3412/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 35. 3. TVD: Example 1 Laboratory flume dambreak (FP5 IMPACT Project) 3512/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 36. 3. An example from ISIS FAST Area of Interest Digital Terrain Model These data were provided by FCC/OPW. Halcrow wish to thank the client for allowing to use their data. The results produced here are hypothetical and just for demonstration purpose. The client has given permission for using the data for demonstration purpose but without approving the results. 3612/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 37. 3. An example from ISIS FAST Results (Depths) Overlaid These data were provided by FCC/OPW. Halcrow wish to thank the client for allowing to use their data. The results produced here are hypothetical and just for demonstration purpose. The client has given permission for using the data for demonstration purpose but without approving the results. 3712/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 38. 3. An example from ISIS FAST These data were provided by FCC/OPW. Halcrow wish to thank the client for allowing to use their data. The results produced here are hypothetical and just for demonstration purpose. The client has given permission for using the data for demonstration purpose but without approving the results. 3812/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 39. 3. ADI, TVD or Raster Routing? horses for courses AD TV I D This is similar to the benchmarking test set by the EA and the project is run by Herriot Watt University. Halcrows thanks are due to both EA and Herriot Watt University. 3912/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 40. 3. ADI and TVD: Surface water flooding in Glasgow s ve llwa Ro Red blobs show Froude No >1 Two flow case: 1. Rainfall -ADI 2. Sewer flood - TVD This is similar to the benchmarking test set by the EA and the project is run by Herriot Watt University. Halcrows thanks are due to both EA and Herriot Watt University. 4012/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 41. 3. Flagging Salient Topics Observations: we saw in action Modularity of modelling engines Different 2D solvers horses for courses Integration of modelling engines with GIS Intuitive interfaces The ease to gain an insight into problems The focus on uncertainty shifted from topographic data to roughness and other factors Model management is taking a new meaning 4112/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 42. 4. Future developments Cellular flow model quicker solution for many floodplain problems FAST model simple hydraulics for rapid surface water analysis Implicit linking of 1D and 2D domains improved stability Direct linking of multiple domains allows nesting of high resolution areas 2D water quality 4212/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat
  • 43. 5. Conclusion Innovation in 2D Modelling has a positive effect on flood risk management, including: Reduced uncertainty due to topographic details Efficiency of modelling studies The ability to gain an insight into problems Improved defensibility of models New dimensions in model management 4312/23/12 The Practice of 2D Floodplain Modelling: ISIS 2D - Rahman Khat