Space robots, also known as space robotics, are robots that substitute manned activities in space and can perform tasks in hazardous or difficult to reach environments. Space robotics is a branch of technology that developed from an interest in using robots to work in space, where they can conduct experiments and complete jobs in places that are dangerous or impossible for humans. This paper will discuss the applications, testing, structure, and environmental conditions of space robots.
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Raja abstract
Robot is a mechanical body with the brain of a computer. Integrating
the sensors and the actuators and with the help of the computers, we can use it
to perform the desired tasks. Robot can do hazardous jobs and can reach
places where it’s difficult for human beings to reach. Robots, which substitute
the manned activities in space, are known as space robots. The interest in this
field led to the development of new branch of technology called space
robotics. Through this paper, I intend to discuss about the applications,
environmental condition, testing and structure of space robots.