RajuGoke has over 9 years of experience as an Oracle Certified CC&B and Java Implementation Specialist. He has extensive experience in requirements gathering, project estimations, design, development, testing, UAT support, and go-live support. He has worked on the implementation of over 12 projects related to Oracle Utilities products including CC&B, MTM, MDM, WAM, and MWM. RajuGoke also has experience delivering trainings on these Oracle Utilities products and technologies such as Java, JEE, Spring, Hibernate, Web Services, and Struts. He has worked on end-to-end implementations and provided go-live support for clients in various countries.
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Raju Goke - Experience
1. RajuGoke - Experience Summary
 Oracle CertifiedCC&BandJava ImplementationSpecialistwith9+years of experience
 Hands onexperiencein requirementsgathering,projectestimations,design,development,
testing,UATsupport,Go-Live Support
 Hands on experienceonfit-gapanalysis,solutionproposals
 Hands on experience ininteractingwith businessusers,supportingbusinessuserson UAT
 Experton Design,Developmentandbug-fixingof Oracle Utilitiessuite of products
 Workedon implementation of more than12 projectsrelatedtoOracle Utilities(CC&B,MTM,
MDM, WAM, MWM) suite of products
 DeliveredTrainingson - CC&B,MDM, MWM,SGG,WAMto variousclients
 Havingexperience onJava,JEE,Spring,Hibernate,WebServices,Struts2.x,JMS
 Flexible Developer- can workINDEPENDENTLYon any technology/platformwith100% quality,
at any locationandtime
Experience onend-to-endImplementation:
Worked on belowprojects(fewprojectsatclient location itself):
1) PacificGas & ElectricCompany(CC&B Implementation)
2) AdvancedMeteringServices(AMS - MeterData Management)
3) SouthJerseyGas (CC&Band Market TransactionManagementImplementation)
4) Duquesne LightCompany(CC&BandMarket TransactionManagementImplementation)
5) Baltimore Gas& Electric(CC&Band Market TransactionManagementImplementation)
6) Hydro Ottwa(WorkedonCC&B upgrade)
7) EnergyAustralia(CC&B Implementation)
8) FPWC (WorkedonCC&B upgrade,RFPAssessment)
9) NewZealand - Market (CC&B Implementation)
10) WAMImplementation - ClientinUSA
11) OntarioCC&B - Bug Fixing
2. 12) MDM - ProductDevelopment
Experience onTrainings:
Worked on belowprojects(fewprojectsatclient location itself and few are Virtual):
1) Deliveredsolutiontrainings@ PG&E forbusiness users
2) DeliveredsolutiontrainingstoAccenture (fortechnical team)
2) MTM SolutionTrainingtoAccenture
3) DeliveredMDMtrainingstobelowcustomers:
a) Accenture
b) IBM
c) Wipro
d) A clientinUSA
e) A ClientDubai
4) Havingexperience onDeliveringtrainingson:
a) CC&B functionality
b) MDM Functionality
c) WAMFunctionality
d) OUAF Training
e) Trainingon ConfigurationTools
Experience onGo-Live support:
worked on Go-live supportforbelowprojects:
2) Baltimore Gas& Electric
3) PacificGas & Electric
4) SouthJerseyGas
3. Project ManagementExperience:
Worked as lead forbelowprojects:
1. PG&E
2. BG&E (Takenresponsibilityof few modules)
3. DLC (Takenresponsibilityindeliveringbug-fixes)
4. SJG (Takenresponsibilityof fewmodules)
Contact Details
Cell#+91-7032964945 (India) |+1-415-935-5884 (USA)