Robert J. Rall founded Rall Capital Management to offer investors an asset class management process within a fee-only environment. Rall has nearly two decades of experience in financial services and is a Certified Financial Planner. He and his brother Jim, who joined Rall Capital in 2009, take a prudent long-term investment strategy approach focused on diversification and rebalancing. Their goal is to help clients stay on track to achieve their long-term financial goals despite the unpredictability of short-term market movements.
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Rall Brochure V4
1. Robert J. Rall, CFP速
Asset Class Management A 鍖nancial industry veteran for
nearly two decades, Bob is a
Certi鍖ed Financial Planner速
who founded Rall Capital Man-
agement to offer investors his
prudent Asset Class Manage-
1. Determine your ment process within a fee-only
risk/return profile. environment.
Bob has a personal passion for marathon running.
He is a member of Space Coast Runners and the
50 States Marathon Club. He and his wife are
coaches for Brevard Countys Special Olympics
2. Create a customized
investment strategy.
and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Societys Team-in-
Training program. Investing for the
Jim Rall
Jim is a seasoned business
Long Run
manager with a bachelors
degree in 鍖nance. He joined his
brother Bob at Rall Capital in
2009 to provide client support
services while pursuing 鍖nancial
3. Implement strategy planning credentials. He is also
by diversifying assets. a high school baseball coach
and volunteers in several youth
Because life is not a
athletic programs.
sprint, its a marathon
4. Monitor portfolio and 4730 Seminole Trail
rebalance when needed. Merritt Island, FL 32953 |
321-452-1251 (ph) | 888-452-8851 (fax)
2. Because life is not a sprint its a marathon
Where Are You Going? Thats why our strategy for manging your in- Asset Class Management
vestments is based on making best use of the
For the marathon runner, the 鍖nish line can factors that you can control: Our distinct Asset Class Management
seem so far away. You need a solid strategy to Process serves as your guide along your in-
reach your ultimate goal. Along the way, you 1. You De鍖ne your destination, assess vestment course. Rall Capital helps you Invest
monitor your progress and address your chal- where you stand in the journey, and realisti- for the Long Run by:
lenges as each mile marker is achieved. cally determine what it is likely to take to get to
where you want to go. 1. Working with you to determine an appropri-
Investing is a lot like that too. You need to ate risk/return pro鍖le for your unique goals,
keep sight of the long-term goals that you and 2. The Market Focus on capturing personality and situation.
your family want to achieve in life. But its easy market returns while minimizing the costs and
energy required in the pursuit. Make the most 2. Creating a customized investment strategy
to fall off-course if you dont have a sound
of the opportunities that really add value. Avoid to re鍖ect your pro鍖le.
strategy for managing every step of your
the obstacles that drain your energy along the
journey. 3. Implementing your investment strategy by
allocating your investments within a cost-
Investing for the Long Run 3. Us Fee-only pricing means that we are effective, globally diversi鍖ed portfolio.
At Rall Capital Management, we believe compensated solely for the advice and sup-
4. Continuously monitoring your portfolio and
that no one can accurately predict short-term port we offer you. We receive no compensa-
rebalancing it as necessary to ensure that your
market movements. None of us knows exactly tion from product providers or other outside
investments remain well-aligned with your
what is around every next bend in the course. sources.
personal goals. | 321-452-1251