Rama Tadepalli is a Program Manager at IBM with 17 years of experience managing projects in various industries. He has managed complex global projects for fortune 500 companies. Recently, he was given additional responsibility as Service Area Lead for Public Sector and Financial Services CRM projects. Through innovative project management techniques, he has delivered projects on time and on budget while building strong client relationships.
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Rama Tadepalli Resume1
1. Rama Tadepalli MBA PMP Email: trkcrm@gmail.com
Rama Tadepalli is a DPE / Program Manager in the CRM/ERP space In last 2.5 years Mr. Rama as a senior member of practice area have
within IBM GD Global Business Consulting Services. His focus is been consulted on many solutions and organizational initiatives and
managing global delivery projects, process and organizational recently given additional responsibility as SAL for Public Sector & FSS
effectiveness, within the context of the development, implementation Siebel CRM space
and operational support of business and technology solutions. He has 17
years of experience in a range of industries, most notably distribution, Prior to joining IBM, Mr.Rama have performed various roles like
telecom, financial services and public sector. He was a PMP certified Program Management, Project Management, Test Manager and
professional. Business Analyst roles for global fortune companies in Australia, UK,
and USA. His project delivery experiences comprises of ITIL
Mr. Rama has managed and directed the delivery of complex projects to implementation, CRM COE and many green field implementations. He
global fortune companies in both medium, and large scale environments. got experienced in managing 60+ team members costing multi million
As a IT Manager he has managed full cycle implementation, client dollars. He also got expertise in managing various pricing model
facing, focusing Project Customer Profitability Index, CDI ( Customer projects like T&M, Fixed Bid, Fixed Bid with penalty clause and MSA
Delight Index ), Relationships and business controls. projects.
In last few years, through his expertise and deep analysis of the current Mr. Rama got involved in various proposals development and
complex project environments various innovative techniques and travelled to overseas for proposal defense discussions. He was also part
measures like CCPM Critical Chain Project Management, 1Up 1Down of the FFA ( Field Force Action ) team who caters the services across
sessions, Team SWOT analysis, Project Face book, tracks level effective the projects and works as SWAT team for the troublesome projects. For
and efficient practices were followed which yielded excellent results in two years continuously been awarded the Star Performer awarded and
Delivery, Relationship and Leadership. project delivery based incentive was awarded for the delivery
In 2011 for 09 months Rama as GD DPE / Manager was managing a
complex SAP AMS engagement. Prior to this he managed as Program Mr. Rama also expertise in Quality processes and conducted various
Manager ERP/CRM implementation, which is unique in many areas and training sessions for PMs and being SPOC in his sector to train new
first of its implementation for IBM GD. In 2009 -10, Rama successfully project managers and business analysts.
delivered IBM first Public Sector CRM implementation in MEENA
Region. His intense focus on Strategic and micro level objectives have Mr.Rama did his Masters in Business Administration and was
helped in developing strong relationships with partners, customers and University Topper. Recently he also completed Global Business
cost effective quality referenced delivery. Leadership course from U21Global and Harvard Business School