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Ramzi Salha
9323 S 95th East PL
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133
To effectively utilize by education and expertise in
a progressive high tech firm.
Masters Degree-Petrochemical Engineering; D I
Mendeleyeev Moscow, Russia
Chemical Engineer Technologist
1997-1999 Auditor of Contract Services-Syrian
Petroleum Company. As an auditor I met daily with
subcontractors to study and give my own opinion
regarding th activity statements and the voucher
contracts that are concerned with my field of study
and according to my previous experience.
1995-1997 Lecturer of General and Industry
Chemical-Al Assad Academy for Military Engineering
As a lecturer, I lectured students on organic and
inorganic chemistry and supervised lab work in the
academy. I also co-wrote a book with two doctors,
called "Practical Chemistry for Students".
1994-1997 Production Operator-Gas Treatment at
Gbissa Fields of Syrian Petroleum Company
As a production operator, I did a physical survey of
all monitoring equipment in and around the process
factory, twice a shift. I also monitored the process
of different gasses separating under the correct
pressure and temperature; trouble-shooting any
problems that would arise, and filling out a daily
June 2004-present Co-owner and Manager of Apple Barrel
February 2003-May 2004 Co-owner and Manager of
Western Country Diner
June 2001-March 2003 General Manager at Arby's
October 2000-June 2001 Assistant Manager at Bill and
Ruth's Sub Shop
I speak, read, and write English, Arabic, Russian
and French. Additional details on language proficiency
available upon request.
Proficient user of various hardware and software
applications and familiarity with programming
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  • 1. Ramzi Salha 9323 S 95th East PL Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133 918.812.6895 rmzi1@yahoo.com OBJECTIVE: To effectively utilize by education and expertise in a progressive high tech firm. EDUCATION: Masters Degree-Petrochemical Engineering; D I Mendeleyeev Moscow, Russia Chemical Engineer Technologist PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 1997-1999 Auditor of Contract Services-Syrian Petroleum Company. As an auditor I met daily with subcontractors to study and give my own opinion regarding th activity statements and the voucher contracts that are concerned with my field of study and according to my previous experience. 1995-1997 Lecturer of General and Industry Chemical-Al Assad Academy for Military Engineering As a lecturer, I lectured students on organic and inorganic chemistry and supervised lab work in the academy. I also co-wrote a book with two doctors, called "Practical Chemistry for Students". 1994-1997 Production Operator-Gas Treatment at Gbissa Fields of Syrian Petroleum Company As a production operator, I did a physical survey of all monitoring equipment in and around the process factory, twice a shift. I also monitored the process of different gasses separating under the correct pressure and temperature; trouble-shooting any problems that would arise, and filling out a daily log.
  • 2. OTHER EXPERIENCE: June 2004-present Co-owner and Manager of Apple Barrel Cafe February 2003-May 2004 Co-owner and Manager of Western Country Diner June 2001-March 2003 General Manager at Arby's October 2000-June 2001 Assistant Manager at Bill and Ruth's Sub Shop LANGUAGES: I speak, read, and write English, Arabic, Russian and French. Additional details on language proficiency available upon request. OTHER SKILLS: Proficient user of various hardware and software applications and familiarity with programming languages. REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. <http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail >