Turismo internacionalmarianaoc24Hawái es un popular destino turístico debido a su diversidad paisajística que incluye playas, volcanes activos y un clima tropical, lo que atrae a turistas, surfistas y científicos. Orlando es conocida por sus atracciones infantiles y juveniles que atraen a más de 42 millones de visitantes anuales, mientras que Roma cuenta con muchos de los monumentos más famosos del mundo.
Byzantium And The Middle Ages Part 5KyleWHoughThis document summarizes major events and rulers of the Byzantine Empire from 857-963 AD. During this time, the Macedonian dynasty rose to power and oversaw a golden age. Religious disputes continued but the Empire also converted Slavic peoples to Christianity. Emperor Basil I came to power through violence but proved an effective ruler, expanding the Empire. His successors like Leo VI and Constantine VII further strengthened Byzantium through legal and administrative reforms while achieving military successes against external threats like the Arabs.
Descriptive paragraphSi YusufTo begin with, the document provides greetings and introductions from various individuals. It then defines a descriptive paragraph as a form of writing used to describe attributes and features of people, places, or items. The document lists common signal words used to structure descriptive paragraphs such as "to begin with", "another", and "in addition". It provides an example descriptive paragraph about the loggerhead turtle, describing its physical characteristics, habitat, diet, and conservation status over three sentences. The paragraph closes with a greeting.
Big !dea presentationbmctigheThe document announces a panel discussion on pricing strategies in retail. It will be hosted by Greg Petro, CEO of First Insight, and feature Mindy Meads, Mark Cohen, Nikki Baird, and Matt Rubel discussing whether retail is facing a "race to the bottom" and how products can be priced correctly from the start. The event will take place on January 14, 2013 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City.
Internet.MariaauxipaezInternet surgió en 1969 como un proyecto militar estadounidense llamado ARPANET y se ha convertido en una red mundial de redes que conecta computadoras de todo el mundo permitiendo el intercambio de información. Internet ha revolucionado el mundo al permitir consultar información, servicios públicos, periódicos, radio, videos y más, además de intercambiar información, videoconferencias, juegos en línea y compras desde cualquier lugar.
BisLisa LakeThis document contains information about various medical devices produced by B. Braun Interventional Systems, including vena cava filters, introducer sheaths, drainage systems, balloons, and ports. It provides brief descriptions of each device, highlighting their key features and intended uses such as filtering blood clots, draining fluids, and performing angioplasty procedures. The document appears to be aimed at medical professionals and provides specifications for the different systems and tools.
Lizwe engineers profile 1Benjamin MqenebeLizwe Engineers is a South African maintenance and reliability consultancy founded in 2009. It provides various engineering services including project management, material testing, inspections, and technical training. The company values ethical behavior, excellence, honesty, transparency, competence, compassion, empowerment, and discipline. It aims to deliver superior customer service and establish long-term relationships. Lizwe Engineers serves various industries including oil and gas, manufacturing, mining, and public sectors.
This graffiti by an unknown artist remind us what real art should beArbab UsmaniAn Anonymous artist ( or group of artists) put some graffiti on the wall of Kochi, which defines cross culture of the world by the name of “Guess Who”. These arts are really beautiful and convey the message what they wanted to deliver
Hindi article1School of Language (भाषा विद्यापीठ), Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, WardhaThis document is the table of contents for an academic journal called Research Chronicler. It lists 35 articles on a variety of topics ranging from linguistics to literature to business to science. The journal is published by Research Chronicler and is intended as an international multidisciplinary research publication. It is peer-reviewed and indexed. The table of contents provides the author names, article titles, and page numbers for each piece featured in the March 2014 issue of the journal.
Devendra 10 years_php_linux_mysql_team_client_handlingdkschoudharyDevendra Kumar Singh has over 10 years of experience in web development using technologies like PHP, MySQL, Java, and JavaScript. He has expertise in web design, database design, server administration, customizing open source platforms, and project management. Some of his past projects include developing websites for Gaana, Zigwheels, and Indiatimes. He is proficient in languages like PHP, Java, ASP, C++ and databases like MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server.
í%20%20ܱٴDz1120062El documento compara las tradiciones de Día de Muertos y Halloween. Explica que Día de Muertos celebra la vida después de la muerte y las relaciones familiares a través de altares y visitas a cementerios, mientras que Halloween se enfoca más en brujas y demonios. La diferencia principal es que en México la muerte no se ve como algo atemorizante sino como algo que se celebra positivamente con amor por los antepasados.
Presentacion coreapdfCatalina CerqueraCorea del Sur se ha convertido en la decimotercera economía más grande del mundo gracias a su "milagro del río Han" entre 1962 y 2008, cuando pasó de ser uno de los países agrícolas más pobres a industrializarse rápidamente impulsada por exportaciones. Actualmente, su economía se basa principalmente en sectores como la electrónica, automoción y acero, y ofrece incentivos como reducciones de impuestos a inversionistas extranjeros.
Zamzam taylorDidik Santoso Iaii IbrahimyZamzam Taylor is a business that designs and produces men's and women's clothing. They accept custom orders for made-to-order apparel via email at didiksantoso304@gmail.com. Customers can contact the business to discuss projects and place orders.
Untitled PresentationcursocreHaiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just a few sentences, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create visually engaging slideshows.
why we study pdhpe.16367858PDHPE stands for Personal Development, Health and Physical Education. It aims to develop students holistically by teaching core skills like communication, decision making, and problem solving. These skills help students maintain wellbeing in four categories - mental, physical, emotional/spiritual, and social. The document provides examples of how PDHPE teaches skills to support wellbeing in each category, such as communicating to improve mental wellbeing, learning nutrition for physical wellbeing, understanding life changes for emotional/spiritual wellbeing, and resolving conflicts for social wellbeing. Overall, PDHPE teaches skills to empower students to make healthy decisions and enhance their quality of life.
Reduce Rural Poverty- SO3 , Carol DjeddahNena AgriThis document discusses FAO's Strategic Objective 3 (SO3) to reduce rural poverty. It outlines SO3's three outcomes: 1) access to productive resources, services, organizations and markets; 2) decent farm and non-farm employment; and 3) strengthened social protection systems to support sustainable rural poverty reduction. It then discusses several global and regional initiatives that support the outcomes, including increasing access, rural employment, social protection, rural women's economic empowerment, the rural livelihoods monitor, and inclusive finance for rural development. Key contacts are provided for each initiative.
Instalación de una plataforma educativa en redes sociales Ning (creadores)talleres_ningLas ventajas de impartir cursos on-line en las redes sociales Ning son obvias. No obstante, la estructura de la red social, aunque permite servir contenidos de múltiples maneras y formatos, no ofrece la estructura específica para servir contenidos en una línea de tiempo en la que se sucede un curso, como tampoco la necesaria captación de datos para medir su grado de aprovechamiento e interpretar el progreso del alumno.
Por otro lado, ofrecer soluciones externas a los miembros de la red social sólo consigue la dispersión de estos.
En cambio, la plataforma educativa on-Ning para la impartición de cursos online, que se integra perfectamente en las redes sociales Ning, resuelve del todo ese vacío estructural y facilita a los miembros que participan en los cursos el uso de herramientas y funciones de comunicación con los que ya están familiarizados.
La implementación de esta plataforma de cursos on-line es tan sencilla que la pueden llevar a cabo creadores de redes sin experiencia alguna en manejar código y en pocos minutos. Por otro lado, ofrece a las personas expertas, pero sin experiencia en gestión de cursos on-line (incluso a los mismos creadores de la red), la posibilidad de impartir cursos con sólo preocuparse del contenido y la docencia de estos.
En este documento, dirigido a creadores de redes sociales Ning, se explica cómo llevar a cabo la instalación de la plataforma (con sólo 4 códigos).
Testimonials LaminineСветлана РазореноваThis document contains testimonials from several individuals describing positive effects experienced after taking Laminine supplements, including improved blood sugar levels and depression for a diabetic, reduced nerve pain, improved vision and blood pressure, increased energy and stamina, reduced smoking urges, increased focus and motivation, and weight loss and improved blood pressure. The testimonials provide anecdotal evidence that Laminine may provide various health benefits, but also note that results may vary between individuals.
Lizwe engineers profile 1Benjamin MqenebeLizwe Engineers is a South African maintenance and reliability consultancy founded in 2009. It provides various engineering services including project management, material testing, inspections, and technical training. The company values ethical behavior, excellence, honesty, transparency, competence, compassion, empowerment, and discipline. It aims to deliver superior customer service and establish long-term relationships. Lizwe Engineers serves various industries including oil and gas, manufacturing, mining, and public sectors.
This graffiti by an unknown artist remind us what real art should beArbab UsmaniAn Anonymous artist ( or group of artists) put some graffiti on the wall of Kochi, which defines cross culture of the world by the name of “Guess Who”. These arts are really beautiful and convey the message what they wanted to deliver
Hindi article1School of Language (भाषा विद्यापीठ), Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, WardhaThis document is the table of contents for an academic journal called Research Chronicler. It lists 35 articles on a variety of topics ranging from linguistics to literature to business to science. The journal is published by Research Chronicler and is intended as an international multidisciplinary research publication. It is peer-reviewed and indexed. The table of contents provides the author names, article titles, and page numbers for each piece featured in the March 2014 issue of the journal.
Devendra 10 years_php_linux_mysql_team_client_handlingdkschoudharyDevendra Kumar Singh has over 10 years of experience in web development using technologies like PHP, MySQL, Java, and JavaScript. He has expertise in web design, database design, server administration, customizing open source platforms, and project management. Some of his past projects include developing websites for Gaana, Zigwheels, and Indiatimes. He is proficient in languages like PHP, Java, ASP, C++ and databases like MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server.
í%20%20ܱٴDz1120062El documento compara las tradiciones de Día de Muertos y Halloween. Explica que Día de Muertos celebra la vida después de la muerte y las relaciones familiares a través de altares y visitas a cementerios, mientras que Halloween se enfoca más en brujas y demonios. La diferencia principal es que en México la muerte no se ve como algo atemorizante sino como algo que se celebra positivamente con amor por los antepasados.
Presentacion coreapdfCatalina CerqueraCorea del Sur se ha convertido en la decimotercera economía más grande del mundo gracias a su "milagro del río Han" entre 1962 y 2008, cuando pasó de ser uno de los países agrícolas más pobres a industrializarse rápidamente impulsada por exportaciones. Actualmente, su economía se basa principalmente en sectores como la electrónica, automoción y acero, y ofrece incentivos como reducciones de impuestos a inversionistas extranjeros.
Zamzam taylorDidik Santoso Iaii IbrahimyZamzam Taylor is a business that designs and produces men's and women's clothing. They accept custom orders for made-to-order apparel via email at didiksantoso304@gmail.com. Customers can contact the business to discuss projects and place orders.
Untitled PresentationcursocreHaiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on ݺߣShare. In just a few sentences, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create visually engaging slideshows.
why we study pdhpe.16367858PDHPE stands for Personal Development, Health and Physical Education. It aims to develop students holistically by teaching core skills like communication, decision making, and problem solving. These skills help students maintain wellbeing in four categories - mental, physical, emotional/spiritual, and social. The document provides examples of how PDHPE teaches skills to support wellbeing in each category, such as communicating to improve mental wellbeing, learning nutrition for physical wellbeing, understanding life changes for emotional/spiritual wellbeing, and resolving conflicts for social wellbeing. Overall, PDHPE teaches skills to empower students to make healthy decisions and enhance their quality of life.
Reduce Rural Poverty- SO3 , Carol DjeddahNena AgriThis document discusses FAO's Strategic Objective 3 (SO3) to reduce rural poverty. It outlines SO3's three outcomes: 1) access to productive resources, services, organizations and markets; 2) decent farm and non-farm employment; and 3) strengthened social protection systems to support sustainable rural poverty reduction. It then discusses several global and regional initiatives that support the outcomes, including increasing access, rural employment, social protection, rural women's economic empowerment, the rural livelihoods monitor, and inclusive finance for rural development. Key contacts are provided for each initiative.
Instalación de una plataforma educativa en redes sociales Ning (creadores)talleres_ningLas ventajas de impartir cursos on-line en las redes sociales Ning son obvias. No obstante, la estructura de la red social, aunque permite servir contenidos de múltiples maneras y formatos, no ofrece la estructura específica para servir contenidos en una línea de tiempo en la que se sucede un curso, como tampoco la necesaria captación de datos para medir su grado de aprovechamiento e interpretar el progreso del alumno.
Por otro lado, ofrecer soluciones externas a los miembros de la red social sólo consigue la dispersión de estos.
En cambio, la plataforma educativa on-Ning para la impartición de cursos online, que se integra perfectamente en las redes sociales Ning, resuelve del todo ese vacío estructural y facilita a los miembros que participan en los cursos el uso de herramientas y funciones de comunicación con los que ya están familiarizados.
La implementación de esta plataforma de cursos on-line es tan sencilla que la pueden llevar a cabo creadores de redes sin experiencia alguna en manejar código y en pocos minutos. Por otro lado, ofrece a las personas expertas, pero sin experiencia en gestión de cursos on-line (incluso a los mismos creadores de la red), la posibilidad de impartir cursos con sólo preocuparse del contenido y la docencia de estos.
En este documento, dirigido a creadores de redes sociales Ning, se explica cómo llevar a cabo la instalación de la plataforma (con sólo 4 códigos).
Testimonials LaminineСветлана РазореноваThis document contains testimonials from several individuals describing positive effects experienced after taking Laminine supplements, including improved blood sugar levels and depression for a diabetic, reduced nerve pain, improved vision and blood pressure, increased energy and stamina, reduced smoking urges, increased focus and motivation, and weight loss and improved blood pressure. The testimonials provide anecdotal evidence that Laminine may provide various health benefits, but also note that results may vary between individuals.
4. Как отправить монеты
1. Откройте вкладку “Отправка монет”
2. Можно вписать метку - для понимания того, куда вы отправили монеты,
все отправки и получения монет- во вкладке “Транзакции”
3. Укажите количество монет , которые вы отправляете
4. Подтвердите отправку, нажмите отправить
5. После этого подтвердите свое согласие на комиссию
5. Отправка монет нескольким адресатам
Можно отправлять монеты сразу на несколько
В этом случае комиссия будет взиматься только
за одну транзакцию
6. Как создать новый адрес для получения монет
1. Откройте вкладку “ Получение монет”
2. Нажмите на кнопку “+Новый адрес”
3. В поле “Метка” напишите обозначение - для чего вы создаете
4. Нажмите кнопку “ОК”
7. Получение монет
Даже в только что установленном кошельке
уже есть адрес для получения монет
Можно создавать каждый раз новый адрес,
можно использовать любой указанный здесь,
по любому из этих адресов,который
вы предоставите отправителю,
монеты поступят только на ваш бумажник
9. Поиск транзакций
Чтобы быстро найти отправленные и полученные монеты,
используйте окно поиска.
Скопируйте адрес, вставьте в окно поиска,
нажмите на клавиатуре клавишу Enter
10. Вкладка “ Адресная книга”
Можно добавлять адреса с метками
заранее, и при отправке монет
использовать адресную книгу
Адресная книга, также, заполняется
автоматически при отправке монет
Если при отправке адресу присваивается
имя, оно будет указано в графе “метка”
11. Доказательство владения адресом получения- подпись и проверка
1.Впишите свой адрес для получения монет
2.Напишите текст
3.Нажмите кнопку “подписать”
4.Скопируйте код
Адрес, текст сообщения и код подписи передаете
1.Указать адрес
2.Точно вписать полученное сообшение
3. Вставить полученный код сообщения
4.Нажать копку “Проверить”
13. ВАЖНО! Резервная копия бумажника
1.Вкладка “Файл”,
Сделать резервную копию
2.В выбранном Вами месте на
компьютере -
лучше вне его- на
USB, гугл- яндекс диске или на Дропбоксе)
создаете папку или сразу пишете
имя файла wallet
3.Нажимаете кнопку “ Сохранить”