Las mujeres en la l┴rica medieval galaico portuguesaMaria Villar
Este documento descreve as figuras femininas e os g┷neros po└ticos da l┴rica galego-portuguesa da Idade M└dia. Resume os pap└is das mulheres como trovadoras, jograis e soldadeiras e apresenta os principais g┷neros po└ticos como cantigas de amigo, de amor e de esc│rnio. Tamb└m lista os principais cancioneiros que preservaram esta l┴rica.
Las mujeres en la l┴rica medieval galaico portuguesaMaria Villar
Este documento descreve as figuras femininas e os g┷neros po└ticos da l┴rica galego-portuguesa da Idade M└dia. Resume os pap└is das mulheres como trovadoras, jograis e soldadeiras e apresenta os principais g┷neros po└ticos como cantigas de amigo, de amor e de esc│rnio. Tamb└m lista os principais cancioneiros que preservaram esta l┴rica.
This document appears to be contact information for a business located at 232 Rice Lake Square in Wheaton, Illinois. The business can be reached by phone at 630-555-1234 or online at for ordering. The business is abbreviated as ELR.
El grupo propone la animaci┏n sociocultural como un proyecto de innovaci┏n. La animaci┏n sociocultural utiliza juegos para animar a ni?os de familias desfavorecidas y mejorar las relaciones entre los estudiantes. Los futuros maestros pueden implementar la animaci┏n sociocultural en sus aulas para fomentar una mejor comunicaci┏n y convivencia entre los estudiantes a trav└s de juegos divertidos que tambi└n aumenten su motivaci┏n para aprender.
The document discusses balancing life with consumption and investment. It suggests finding a balance between spending on current needs and wants while also investing for the future. Overall the message seems to be about moderation and planning for both the present and what's to come.
The document appears to be a calendar or schedule for an individual named yuuki_maxio. It includes several events related to Android development between July 15th and an unspecified future date. Many of the events provide details like dates, times, locations, and topics related to Android. A few links are also included likely with additional information about the events.
Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations which can be shared on 際際滷Share. In just a few sentences, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create visually engaging slideshows.
The document provides a 5-step playbook for crafting a highly social talent brand. The first step is to get buy-in from executives by starting at the top, arming yourself with data, and bringing partners to the table. The second step is to listen and learn by auditing existing materials, planning research among key audiences, and putting the findings together. The third step is to craft the approach by being real, personal, brave, consistent, and setting goals. The playbook then provides steps to promote and engage talent as well as measure and adjust the talent brand approach.
El documento describe un proyecto de innovaci┏n para prevenir el bullying en las escuelas. Actualmente, muchos casos de acoso escolar no se detectan. El proyecto busca luchar contra el bullying para proteger a los ni?os de da?os psicol┏gicos, sociales y escolares. Los colegios deben promover programas contra el bullying para crear un ambiente m│s seguro y equilibrado para los estudiantes.
Presentaci┏ a c┐rrec de Carmen Cabezas, Subdirectora General de Promoci┏ de la Salut. Ag┬ncia de Salut P┣blica de Catalunya. Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya
This document discusses gravitomagnetism and how it can explain various cosmic phenomena without relying on other assumptions or theories like general relativity. It defines gravitomagnetism and shows how it is analogous to electromagnetism. It then demonstrates how gravitomagnetism can explain phenomena like the bending of light near massive objects, the precession of Mercury's orbit, the shapes of supernova remnants, and the orbital motions of planets, stars and galaxies. The document proposes that gravitomagnetism is caused by the Coriolis effect of gravitons interacting with trapped light or mass within astrophysical objects.
The document discusses using GIS software to calculate and map transportation accessibility measures. It presents an accessibility model that calculates the number of opportunities reachable within a given time threshold from an origin. The document demonstrates applying this model using Google Earth to generate isochrone maps showing areas served by bus routes within different time thresholds. It also provides examples of calculating accessibility to jobs within different travel times and comparing accessibility in two different years.
The document summarizes the DuraFon long range cordless phone system presented by EnGenius Technologies. Key points:
- DuraFon provides long range connectivity up to 12 floors, 250,000 square feet, or 3,000 acres with clear line of sight.
- It operates as both a long range cordless phone and a private two-way radio system.
- The DuraFon Pro model can connect up to 90 handsets across 8 base units and 32 phone lines.
- It provides PBX features and can replace existing wireless systems with lower costs and no recurring fees.