The document is a column criticizing recent comments and actions made by Donald Trump and other Republican politicians. It summarizes Trump's unfounded claims at a recent rally that George H.W. Bush stole classified documents when leaving office and stored them at a bowling alley and Chinese restaurant. The column notes that Trump's claims have been debunked by the National Archives. It also criticizes similar dubious claims and pivots made recently by Republican candidates Herschel Walker and Newt Gingrich. The author expresses a desire for politicians and voters to move on from such unsubstantiated statements and focus on policies.
18. Coldwater Daily Reporter - 08/06/2022
August 6, 2022 9:05 pm (GMT -4:00) Powered by TECNAVIA
gullible supporters, who cannot believe he is flawed,
are sending money to a billionaire, who paid $750/
year in taxes. In return, they are offered a blue Official
2022 Trump Card, then a gold one, Limited Edition
Trump Wine Glasses, an EXCLUSIVE Trump Rally
Shirt, or a slot on the Official 2022 Trump Donor
Wall. I get his emails, too.
Guns? Polls show that 70+ percent of Americans
advocate limits or bans on assault weapons, and even
higher percentages support much-expanded back-
ground checks. But Republicans in Congress know
And last week, Republicans killed, the Sergeant
First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our PACT Act,
which would expand health care and disability bene-
fits for an estimated 3.5 million veterans exposed to
burn pits and other toxic substances during their mil-
itary service.
Senate Republicans backed the bill a month ago,
with a bi-partisan vote of 84-14, but they unexpectedly
changed their opinion, after Democrats surprisingly
worked out a climate-change bill. It looked a little like
revenge, as newscasts showed Ted Cruz (the funniest
comedian in the Senate) fist-bumping other Senators,
after killing the bill.
Cruz and his buddies were excited to block some-
thing again, regardless of what it means for veterans.
Make no mistake, this bill will pass eventually. But fist-
bumps all around for now.
Next, they say that they want to go after alternate
lifestyles and gay marriage. While my lifestyle is about
as mainstream as possible, I do wonder why rights, al-
In the words of one of my favorite comedians, who
spoke on Jan. 6, 2021, weve had a hell of a journey. I
hate it to end this way. Oh my God, I hate it. All I can say
is count me out. Enough is enough.Yes, Senator Lind-
sey Graham ignored hypocrisy to inspire humor. But
today his words, if not his actions, inspire me.
Enough is enough. House and Senate Republicans,
not even trying to be funny anymore, seem to be doing
all they can to block democracy.
The J-6 House Investigative Committee has heard
from a host of loyal Republicans, confirming the
events of the attempted coup that inspired Grahams
comments in 2021. Yet, most Republicans are not
watching. And many hear the term witch hunt and
believe it, as they have for several other witch-hunts
over the past six years.
At the same time, a Supreme Court, stacked by Re-
publicans and a lame-duck President (more hypocrisy
ignored) repealed a 50-year abortion right, over the
objection of 65+ percent of Americans. Regardless of
my stance on abortion, American majorities should
A one-term President, who tried to stage a coup to
retain power, has collected $121million on the pretense
of helping 2022 mid-term Republicans get elected. His
ready given, are so unacceptable to Republicans. Why
so much hate? Have we come to the point where we
just change the laws every time party majorities shift?
There are so many more examples, but just not
enough room.
So, Graham was right. Enough is enough. I broke
with my own congressperson a few years ago when I
was critical of the tea-party version of the Republican
party. I thought the tea-party was too far right to be
right. My naivet辿 was exposed, because now we have
MAGA, and memories of the tea-party seem like it was
just a. tea party.
I believe that I am still a conservative, but maybe
not. I will not be voting MAGA.
I support democracy, I believe most Americans are
more centered and I think that our representatives
should represent the majority. I am tired of the glee
and fist-bumps I see when either party defeats the
opposition. I wonder why the opposition seems to be
so intense, so partisan, so vicious. In fact, why is it OP-
POSITION? Arent these people colleagues?
I am nervous about the future, and I wish I had con-
fidence that my representatives were as concerned
about that as they are about getting reelected.
For me, the Republican party has been a good ride
for a lot of years. It fit me for a long time. Today it em-
barrasses me. I hope it comes back. All I can say now, is
count me out.
Curt MacRae is a resident of Coldwater and writes
columns each month. Columns are tweeted (@curt-
macrae). Send comments to
Enough is enough
Curt MacRae
Guest Columnist
ColdWater Daily Reporter
Its not unusual for cats and dogs to develop some
form of lump or bump as they age. Some will be benign
and can easily be removed, while others may be more
of a concern and will require a more extensive diagno-
sis and treatment plan.
Some lumps and bumps may form as scar tissue af-
ter an injury. If the scar tissue does not interfere with
the pets use or lifestyle, the condition is generally left
However, if the scar tissue impedes the animals
movement or duties, treatments such as laser and
shock wave therapy may prove useful in reducing the
size of the scar.
Animals do get warts and cysts. These are benign
The majority of lumps and bumps are of little con-
cern. However, if they continue to grow or are in a loca-
tion that restricts movement or affects the overlying
skin, they can cause irritation for your pet. Even if you
suspect the lump is benign, its always good to know
for certain, so that serious problems can be caught
Common types of lumps and bumps found in cats
and dogs include:
Lipomas which are fatty lumps that generally sit
just below the skins surface and are usually soft and
pliable. They vary in size, but they can grow to be fairly
large and can appear anywhere on the body. They
should always be checked especially if they are fast
Abscesses are injury sites that become a pus-filled
lump. Animals can develop abscesses as the result of
foreign bodies under the skin, bites, or from other
forms of trauma. These areas are very painful and hot
to the touch. Abscesses should be treated by your vet-
erinarian so that they do not become systemic and
maintain your pets hair or fur gets clogged. This
blocked gland caused small swellings under the skin
that can become infected. Most cysts will burst and
heal on their own, but some may need to be drained or
surgically removed.
Adenomas of the Perianal Gland are common in
dogs, male dogs being most susceptible, although
females can also be affected. These lumps are usually
slow growing and appear next to the skin of the anus.
In males, castration and removal of the mass is the
standard treatment.
Skin tags and warts rarely cause problems other
than cosmetic unless they are in an area where they
are irritated easily such as for grooming. When neces-
sary, treatment usually involves removal.
Granulomas are raised red bumps that may be
topped by a crusty formation. They can be found under
the skin feel firm to the touch. These should always be
checked as they look like aggressive tumors.
Haemangiomas are benign tumors most often af-
fecting dogs by interfering with the blood vessels and
soft tissues. These tumors require a biopsy to rule out
Benign lumps and bumps
Veterinary Viewpoint
Joanna Bronson
Coldwater Daily Reporter
23. Planned for publish-date October 15, 2022
R A N T S b y M A C
You cant make this stuff up..
Oh wait, maybe you can
BY: Curt MacRae
Last week, at a Nevada rally, Donald Trump claimed that George H.W. Bush stole classified
documents when he left office in 1993. Really?
Trump said, George H.W. Bush took millions of documents to a former bowling alley and a
former Chinese restaurant, where they combined them. So, theyre in a bowling alley/Chinese
restaurant With no security and a broken front door.
Im sorry, are you Trump supporters really not yet embarrassed by this guy?
I rooted for him when he became president just as I root for Joe Biden now. I know, I know.
Joe Biden has not exactly evoked comparisons to George Washington, but can we move on?
Trump took secret documents, for a reason no one seems to be able to discern. He would not
give them back after more than a year of requests from the Department of Justice, followed
by a subpoena. Finally, as a last resort, a judge authorized the search of his residence.
After the search, Trump claimed the FBI planted evidence. Then, he changed his story to
state that the documents had been declassified (apparently the FBI did not plant them). Then,
he added that he could declassify them telepathically.
Next, he claimed executive privilege, which makes no sense. And later, he claimed that the
documents were not secret at all but were simply news clippings. Which is it? As he plays
whack-a-mole, Trump is asking America to believe, and tens of millions do.
This weeks accusation of GHW Bush taking documents, simply seems like a rehash of past
wild claims from Trump that Bill Clinton took millions of documents from the White House to a
former car dealership in Arkansas and that George W. Bush stored 68 million pages in a
warehouse in Texas.
At his rally, Trump demanded that George H.W. Bush be investigated; Bush died in 2018.
For anyone who only watches Fox News, we should note that all of Trump claims on this
subject have been debunked. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA),
without naming Trump, noted that it took possession of all records from those three former
presidents. The agency also rejected a similar claim that Trump had made about his
immediate predecessor, Barack Obama.
24. Records from those former presidents were moved to temporary facilities located near future
presidential libraries. "All such temporary facilities met strict archival and security standards
and have been managed and staffed exclusively by NARA employees," the agency said in a
"Reports that indicate or imply that those presidential records were in the possession of the
former presidents or their representatives, after they left office, or that the records were
housed in substandard conditions, are false and misleading," it added.
Former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance, now a law professor at the University of Alabama,
said that Donald Trump's wild claims about other presidents classified documents are
She tweeted "In my experience as a prosecutor, people say stuff like this when they're guilty
& scared."
Guilty or not, can we just move on? Other candidates are now taking the Trump approach.
Herschel Walker, who has myriad scandals and controversies associated with his Georgia
Senate campaign, claims to have not known the woman who accused him of paying for her
abortion and being the father of one of her children. He stated that he gives money to lots of
Then, he pivoted, saying that maybe he knew her, but he didnt pay for an abortion. But, if he
did pay for an abortion, it was OK because people change, and hes changed. Wow!! Really?
Newt Gingrich defended Walker with, You know, hes been through a long, tough period. He
suffered a lot of concussions coming out of football.
Policies do not matter. Talent does not matter. Only party matters. Newt, youre right. As a
senator, this guy was a great football player. Yeah, I know the other candidate is not Thomas
Jefferson either, but come on.
A friend contacted me after a recent column to inform me I was no longer a Republican. I
confirmed that and noted that even the Republican party is no longer Republican.
Can we move on?
Curt MacRae is a resident of Coldwater, MI, and writes multiple Saturday columns monthly.
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