This document provides instructions on obtaining a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). It covers electrode placement, identifying the correct intercostal spaces for chest leads, demonstrating techniques, reducing artifact, and tips. Key points include using gel to improve skin contact and signal strength, cleaning skin first, and troubleshooting to get clear readings, as accurate ECG interpretation requires a high-quality tracing. With practice, paramedics can learn to rapidly obtain 12-lead ECGs even in challenging patients or situations.
6. Module 5 Tips and Techniques Module 1 Electrode LocationElectrodes must be placed in the proper position to obtain an accurate 12 Lead ECG
7. Module 1 Electrode Location12 leads obtained from 10 electrodes 4 on the limbs
8. 6 on the chestModule 1 Electrode LocationLimb lead positioning is simple.The electrodes are placed off the torso, on the limbs. The most correct positioning is near the wrist and ankles. However, EMS generally places the electrodes on/near the torso to limit artifact while transporting.
9. Module 1 Electrode LocationChest leads have specific anatomic locationsV1, V2, V4 the rest are placed in relationship to these leads
57. Module 4 Reducing ArtifactUnless you have a clear ECG to analyze, all you interruptive skills are of little use
58. Module 4 Reducing ArtifactStress labs obtain clear ECGs while the Patient is running on a treadmillWe should be able to obtain a 12 lead while the Patient is laying still
59. Module 4 Reducing ArtifactAs the heart depolarizes, an electrode on the Pts skin picks up the electrical activity
60. Module 4 Reducing ArtifactIt can also pick up other electrical signals
61. Module 4 Reducing ArtifactTo reduce artifact, we have to increase the hearts signal and reduce the other electrical activity
62. Module 4 Reducing ArtifactArtifact Reduction Strategy:Helping the electrode gel to better penetrate the skin will increase the signal strength from the heart and reduce the signal strength from other sources.
69. Module 5Tips and TechniquesSupine is the proper position, if the Pt will tollerate
70. Module 5Tips and TechniquesWhen the Pt changes position, the heart moves within the chest. This can cause ECG changes similar to a misplaced electrode.
71. Module 5Tips and TechniquesDo your best to maintain the modesty of a female Pt
75. When ECG cables are looped around IV lines, O2 tubing, BP cuff tubing, or dangling between squad bench and stretcher you will have more artifact
76. Make sure the Pt isnt twiddling the ECG cables
77. If unable to lay supine for ECG, place them semi-fowlers and breathing normally
78. Do not allow Pt to prop themselves up by the arms or you will have muscle tremor artifactModule 5Tips and Techniques If the Pt is cold/shivering, cover with blanket or sheet prior to capturing the 12 LeadModule 5Tips and TechniquesSame Pt as before, covered with a towel
79. Module 5Tips and TechniquesFor some Pts obtaining a clear ECG will be difficult (e.g. respiratory distress Pt, sitting up)However, in most cases it is possible to a 12 Lead ECG with excellent, or at least acceptable data qualityIt just takes effort. A desire to obtain a clean 12 Lead and the knowledge to trouble shoot problems
80. Module 5Tips and TechniquesMyocardial Infarctions are not like broken bones, and therefore, ECGs are not like X-rays.If youre treating a Pt with a broken hip. That x-ray could be taken now, 10 mins from now, an hour from now and what would you see? A broken hip.With MI the events in the coronary artery can be changing moment by moment. The ECG can be very dynamic as well.There is a value to obtaining repeat ECGs when you suspect MI. Making a habit of doing early and repeat ECGs will help you identify a STEMI that could easily be missed.
83. Module 5Tips and TechniquesThis short course provides you with what you need to know in order to rapidly obtain a 12 Lead ECG thats both clear and accurateJust as the case with ECG interpretation, acquisition also requires practice. After youve done this 20 or 30 times, youll become comfortable and confidentFIN