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Rapid Prototyping of
Eclipse RCP Applications
So, you want to create a quick RCP prototype for a client?
About us
? Speaker
? Patrik Suzzi, www.asegno.com
Eclipse Platform Committer,
Consultant Software Engineer
? Audience
? Are you familiar with JAXB, JPA,
Eclipse E4 and WindowBuilder?
IDE and Tools
? Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP development (Oxygen RC3)
+ Nebula Widgets (to use XY Graph)
+ WindowBuilder (if not already installed in Eclipse IDE for RCP..)
? Libraries
+ EclipseLink (JPA and JAXB)
Steps to build a prototype (Banking)
? Data Model
? JAXB and JPA Annotations
? Test persistence
? E4 Application
? Simple UI
? Complex UI
? Working Example
Data Model
? Customer
? Account
? Transaction
Mock Data
Bank bank = new Bank();
bank.setName("Demo Bank");
// create customers
Customer c1 = new Customer("Tom", "Jones", "Garden Street 8", "tjones@test.com", "1998-04-06");
Customer c2 = new Customer("Diana", "Jones", "Garden Street 8", "djones@test.com", "1999-11-12");
Customer c3 = new Customer("Mark", "Reuters", "Maple Street 122", "mr@dot.com", "1958-03-18");
Customer c4 = new Customer("Spencer", "White", "Avenue Pontida 1", "swhite@site.com", "2000-01-05");
Customer c5 = new Customer("Alex", "Michaelson", "Red Square 14b", "alex@oxygen.com", "1982-05-06");
Customer c6 = new Customer("Francois", "Berger", "Frederickstrasse 87", "fberger@main.com", "1998-04-06");
// add accounts and link to customers
Account a1 = new Account().link(c1);
Account a2 = new Account().link(c1, c2);
Account a3 = new Account().link(c3);
Account a4 = new Account().link(c4);
Account a5 = new Account().link(c5);
Account a6 = new Account().link(c6);
Account a7 = new Account().link(c6);
// add transactions
Transaction t1 = new Deposit().create(5000, a1).confirm("2016-02-20").process();
Transaction t2 = new Charge().create(250, a1).confirm("2016-03-10").process();
Transaction t3 = new Transfer().create(1000, a1, a2).confirm("2016-04-05").process();
Transaction t4 = new Deposit().create(10000, a3).confirm("2016-04-06").process();
Transaction t5 = new Deposit().create(5000, a3).confirm("2016-04-10").process();
Transaction t6 = new Deposit().create(5000, a3).confirm("2016-06-21").process();
Transaction t7 = new Deposit().create(10000, a3).confirm("2016-06-23").process();
Transaction t8 = new Withdrawal().create(2500, a3).confirm("2016-07-01").process();
Transaction t9 = new Charge().create(1500, a3).confirm("2016-07-03").process();
Transaction t10 = new Transfer().create(1000, a3, a2).confirm("2016-07-05").process();
JAXB Annotations
@XmlAttribute, @XmlID
ID as attribute
@XmlList, @XmlIDREF
List of references
XML Persistence
? Save and Load with JAXB
public static void persistXml(File xmlFile, Bank bank) {
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Bank.class);
Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
marshaller.marshal(bank, xmlFile);
public static Bank loadXml(File xmlFile) {
JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Bank.class);
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
Bank bank = (Bank) unmarshaller.unmarshal(xmlFile);
return bank;
Usage: TestPersistence.java
JPA 2 Annotations
@Entity, @Table
@OneToMany, @JoinColumn
One-way association with reference
@Inheritance, @DiscriminatorColumn
Single-table Inheritance, superclass
Single-table Inheritance, subclass
DB Persistence
? Persist and Load with JPA
public static void persistDB(Bank bank){
EntityManager em = instance().getEntityManager();
public static Bank loadDB() throws JAXBException {
EntityManager em = instance().getEntityManager();
TypedQuery<Bank> query = em.createQuery(SELECT_BANK, Bank.class);
Bank bank = query.getSingleResult();
return bank;
Usage: TestPersistence.java
E4 RCP Application
? E4 Model Editor
? Perspectives
? Views
? ...
? 3 perspectives
? Customers
? Accounts
? Transactions
demo/step1: E4 App
Customers perspective
? Search
? Select
? Edit user
Window Builder, Simple UI
? Visual Designer
? Data Binding
? Custom code
public void setModel(Bank model) {
if(model==null) return;
if(listViewer==null) return;
m_bindingContext = initDataBindings();
private void modelModified(@UIEventTopic(EventConstants.TOPIC_MODEL_MODIFIED) Account account) {
// User Interaction ..
demo/step2: simple UI
Window Builder, Complex UI
? Canvas
? Table Data Binding
? Custom code
private void update() {
LightweightSystem lws = new LightweightSystem(canvas);
ChartHelper.generateGraph(lws, getModel());
demo/step3: complex UI
Accounts perspective
? Search
? Balance chart
? Tables
Transactions perspective
? Search
? Edit
? Create new
? Process transaction
Working application
? Customers
? Persistence
demo/step4: working application
? Rapid prototype, fully customizable, persist your data
? Source: https://github.com/psuzzi/eclipsecon.git
? Project: ecf2017/com.asegno.e4.banking
? Branch demo/step1, model and persistence tests
? Branch demo/step2, E4 App with Customers perspective
? Branch demo/step3, E4 App with Accounts perspective
? Branch demo/step4, Final prototype
? Please, get in touch if you need more information.
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Rapid prototyping of eclipse rcp applications 2017

  • 1. Rapid Prototyping of Eclipse RCP Applications So, you want to create a quick RCP prototype for a client?
  • 2. About us ? Speaker ? Patrik Suzzi, www.asegno.com Eclipse Platform Committer, Consultant Software Engineer ? Audience ? Are you familiar with JAXB, JPA, Eclipse E4 and WindowBuilder?
  • 3. IDE and Tools ? Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP development (Oxygen RC3) + Nebula Widgets (to use XY Graph) http://download.eclipse.org/nebula/releases/latest + WindowBuilder (if not already installed in Eclipse IDE for RCP..) http://download.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/WB/integration/4.7/ ? Libraries + EclipseLink (JPA and JAXB) https://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/downloads/
  • 4. Steps to build a prototype (Banking) ? Data Model ? JAXB and JPA Annotations ? Test persistence ? E4 Application ? Simple UI ? Complex UI ? Working Example
  • 5. Data Model ? Customer ? Account ? Transaction
  • 6. Mock Data Bank bank = new Bank(); // bank.setName("Demo Bank"); // create customers Customer c1 = new Customer("Tom", "Jones", "Garden Street 8", "tjones@test.com", "1998-04-06"); Customer c2 = new Customer("Diana", "Jones", "Garden Street 8", "djones@test.com", "1999-11-12"); Customer c3 = new Customer("Mark", "Reuters", "Maple Street 122", "mr@dot.com", "1958-03-18"); Customer c4 = new Customer("Spencer", "White", "Avenue Pontida 1", "swhite@site.com", "2000-01-05"); Customer c5 = new Customer("Alex", "Michaelson", "Red Square 14b", "alex@oxygen.com", "1982-05-06"); Customer c6 = new Customer("Francois", "Berger", "Frederickstrasse 87", "fberger@main.com", "1998-04-06"); bank.addCustomers(c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6); // add accounts and link to customers Account a1 = new Account().link(c1); Account a2 = new Account().link(c1, c2); Account a3 = new Account().link(c3); Account a4 = new Account().link(c4); Account a5 = new Account().link(c5); Account a6 = new Account().link(c6); Account a7 = new Account().link(c6); bank.addAccounts(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7); // add transactions Transaction t1 = new Deposit().create(5000, a1).confirm("2016-02-20").process(); Transaction t2 = new Charge().create(250, a1).confirm("2016-03-10").process(); Transaction t3 = new Transfer().create(1000, a1, a2).confirm("2016-04-05").process(); Transaction t4 = new Deposit().create(10000, a3).confirm("2016-04-06").process(); Transaction t5 = new Deposit().create(5000, a3).confirm("2016-04-10").process(); Transaction t6 = new Deposit().create(5000, a3).confirm("2016-06-21").process(); Transaction t7 = new Deposit().create(10000, a3).confirm("2016-06-23").process(); Transaction t8 = new Withdrawal().create(2500, a3).confirm("2016-07-01").process(); Transaction t9 = new Charge().create(1500, a3).confirm("2016-07-03").process(); Transaction t10 = new Transfer().create(1000, a3, a2).confirm("2016-07-05").process(); bank.addTransactions(t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10);
  • 8. XML Persistence ? Save and Load with JAXB public static void persistXml(File xmlFile, Bank bank) { JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Bank.class); Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); marshaller.marshal(bank, xmlFile); } public static Bank loadXml(File xmlFile) { JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Bank.class); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); Bank bank = (Bank) unmarshaller.unmarshal(xmlFile); return bank; } Usage: TestPersistence.java
  • 9. JPA 2 Annotations @MappedSuperclass Superclasses @Entity, @Table @OneToMany, @JoinColumn One-way association with reference @ID @Inheritance, @DiscriminatorColumn Single-table Inheritance, superclass @DiscriminatorValue Single-table Inheritance, subclass
  • 10. DB Persistence ? Persist and Load with JPA public static void persistDB(Bank bank){ EntityManager em = instance().getEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); em.merge(bank); em.flush(); em.getTransaction().commit(); } public static Bank loadDB() throws JAXBException { EntityManager em = instance().getEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); TypedQuery<Bank> query = em.createQuery(SELECT_BANK, Bank.class); Bank bank = query.getSingleResult(); return bank; } Usage: TestPersistence.java
  • 11. E4 RCP Application ? E4 Model Editor ? Perspectives ? Views ? ... ? 3 perspectives ? Customers ? Accounts ? Transactions demo/step1: E4 App
  • 12. Customers perspective ? Search ? Select ? Edit user Filter/search select edit
  • 13. Window Builder, Simple UI ? Visual Designer ? Data Binding ? Custom code public void setModel(Bank model) { if(model==null) return; disposeBindings(m_bindingContext); super.setModel(model); if(listViewer==null) return; m_bindingContext = initDataBindings(); update(); } @Inject @Optional private void modelModified(@UIEventTopic(EventConstants.TOPIC_MODEL_MODIFIED) Account account) { update(); } // User Interaction .. demo/step2: simple UI
  • 14. Window Builder, Complex UI ? Canvas ? Table Data Binding ? Custom code private void update() { tableViewer.refresh(); tableViewer_1.refresh(); resizeColumns(table); resizeColumns(table_1); LightweightSystem lws = new LightweightSystem(canvas); ChartHelper.generateGraph(lws, getModel()); } demo/step3: complex UI
  • 15. Accounts perspective ? Search ? Balance chart ? Tables Filter/search
  • 16. Transactions perspective ? Search ? Edit ? Create new ? Process transaction (...)
  • 17. Working application ? Customers ? Persistence demo/step4: working application
  • 18. Concluding ? Rapid prototype, fully customizable, persist your data ? Source: https://github.com/psuzzi/eclipsecon.git ? Project: ecf2017/com.asegno.e4.banking ? Branch demo/step1, model and persistence tests ? Branch demo/step2, E4 App with Customers perspective ? Branch demo/step3, E4 App with Accounts perspective ? Branch demo/step4, Final prototype ? Please, get in touch if you need more information. psuzzi[at]gmail[dot]com www.asegno.com
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