This document discusses the concept of rapport between teachers and students. It defines rapport as a harmonious relationship characterized by agreement and affinity. The three essential components of rapport are mutual attentiveness, positivity, and coordination. The document provides strategies for teachers to establish quality relationships with students, such as learning students' names, treating them fairly, and understanding their needs. It notes advantages like facilitating successful communication and student motivation, and potential disadvantages like misunderstanding the relationship.
2. Content:
ï‚› What does rapport mean?
ï‚› Three essential components of rapport
ï‚› Strategies for establishment a quality
teacher-student relationship
ï‚› Advantages
ï‚› Disadvantages
ï‚› Support of ideas
6. Strategies for establish a quality
teacher-student relationship
ï‚› - Teacher-student relationship should be
based on fairness and honesty.
ï‚› Learn to call your students by name.
ï‚› - Teachers should know the students and
understand their needs.