This document introduces AMQP messaging using RabbitMQ as a broker. It explains that AMQP and RabbitMQ allow applications to communicate asynchronously by sending and receiving messages through a broker, providing decoupling, queueing, load balancing and scalability. It provides details on RabbitMQ as an open source AMQP broker developed by Rabbit Technologies and the AMQP Working Group which maintains the AMQP standard.
This document introduces AMQP messaging using RabbitMQ as a broker. It explains that AMQP and RabbitMQ allow applications to communicate asynchronously by sending and receiving messages through a broker, providing decoupling, queueing, load balancing and scalability. It provides details on RabbitMQ as an open source AMQP broker developed by Rabbit Technologies and the AMQP Working Group which maintains the AMQP standard.
WSL for IoT, Microcomputer, and Yocto ProjectAtomu Hidaka
This material is a hand-on seminar material that will help you learn Linux driver development and the Yocto Project using WSL. It contains many useful tips and know-how for creating learning content that is suitable for beginners.
IoTシステムで必須となる双方向通信における一般的な考え方と、AWS IoTで実装する際のポイントを説明
Describe the general idea in bidirectional communication which is essential in IoT system and points to implement in AWS IoT
(Using in Interop Tokyo 2016)
8. 8
DIY 事例
● Raspberry PiからFluentdでBigQueryにデータを送るウェザーステーションの作り方
● RaspberryPi+Arduino、オムロンPLC、Intel Galileo でMQTTしてみた話
● An “Internet of Things” demo using Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Minecraft and MQTT
● Java ME 8 + Raspberry Pi + Sensors = IoT World
● Raspberry Pi and EnOcean Internet of Things Pack - Review