Rava Kesari is one of the go-to sweets prepared for special occasions. This mouth watering sweet takes very less time to prepare and makes the obvious choice for women on a festival day.
Pertandingan ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan pembelajaran sains yang praktikal serta mengembangkan kemahiran berfikir kritis dan saintifik pelajar. Pelajar akan menyelesaikan beberapa eksperimen sains di stesen yang berbeza dalam tempoh masa terhad. Pemenang akan ditentukan berdasarkan markah eksperimen dan jawapan bertulis.
Bab 6 - Teknologi Makanan dan Penghasilan MakananIsmi Hawa Ahmad
Teknologi memainkan peranan penting dalam meningkatkan pengeluaran makanan dan kesejahteraan hidup. Kaedah seperti penggunaan baka bermutu, teknologi moden, pendidikan petani dan penyelidikan membantu meningkatkan hasil tanaman dan ternakan. Pengurusan sumber secara cekap seperti penggunaan tanah dan air secara optimum juga meningkatkan pengeluaran makanan.
soalan tahun 5 - matematik - kertas 2 2017habibah yusoff
Dokumen tersebut berisi soalan-soalan matematika tentang berbagai topik seperti pecahan, perpuluhan, operasi hitung, geometri, dan statistik. Terdapat 15 soalan yang mencakup penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, pembagian, penentuan luas, isipadu, perimete, dan penyelesaian masalah-masalah lainnya.
This document is a word search puzzle containing hidden words related to Malaysia such as "Mahathir", "Jalur Gemilang", "Merdeka", "Ogos", "Malaysia", "Bendera", "Sultan Abdullah", "Razak", "Najib", "Hussein", "Rahman", "Menteri", and "Negeri". The words are hidden across and down in a letter grid.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pendaraban dan kembangan ungkapan algebra. Terdapat empat topik utama yang dibahas yaitu: (1) pendaraban ungkapan, (2) pemfaktoran, (3) penambahan dan penolakan pecahan algebra, dan (4) kembangan ungkapan menggunakan hubungan (a + b)(a - b) = a^2 - b^2 dan (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2. Dokumen ini memberikan contoh soalan dan cara
Dokumen ini berisi instruksi untuk mengerjakan soalan-soalan berkaitan makanan dan gizi. Terdapat beberapa soalan yang memerlukan penandaan, pengklasifikasian, penyelarasan dan penulisan jawapan mengenai khasiat, rasa dan keselamatan makanan.
This experiment studied the effects of hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic solutions on plant cells. In the experiment, onion epidermal cells were placed in distilled water (hypotonic), 0.5M sucrose solution (isotonic), and 1.0M sucrose solution (hypertonic), and observed under a microscope. The cells placed in distilled water became turgid and large, while the cells in the more concentrated sucrose solutions shrank or crenated. When the cells from the hypertonic solution were returned to distilled water, they regained their turgid appearance. This demonstrated how cell shape is affected by the relative concentrations of solutions on either side of the cell membrane.
Borang ini digunakan untuk menilai penampilan nyanyian solo peserta dengan memberikan skor untuk unsur-unsur seperti tempo, sebutan, ton, dinamik, attack/release, ekspresi, dan ketrampilan; skor maksimum untuk setiap unsur adalah 20 poin kecuali untuk ketrampilan yang mendapatkan 5 poin, dengan total maksimum 100 poin.
This document contains a test paper for Year 1 students consisting of 3 sections - Section A: Guided Composition, Section B: Summary, and Section C: Literature Component. It provides instructions for students to answer all questions in the paper and validation information for markers. The paper tests students' English language abilities through composition, summary writing, and analyzing a poem and short story.
This document provides a recipe for Moong Dal ka Halwa from Masterchef Sanjeev Kapoor's website. The recipe calls for split green gram soaked and ground to a coarse paste, ghee, gram flour, milk, sugar, khoya/mawa, green cardamom powder, and almonds. It describes saut¨¦ing the moong dal in ghee until golden brown, combining it with saffron-infused milk, khoya, sugar syrup, and spices, then cooking it for 5 more minutes before serving garnished with edible silver foil. The document also lists similar sweet recipes and invites the reader to follow Sanjeev Kapoor on social media.
This document provides a recipe for masala chai. It recommends using Valley Spice chai masala to make a quick chai by boiling water with the masala, adding tea leaves, sugar, and milk. The masala chai is sieved and served. The document also discusses how masala chai is a staple in many Indian households and has health benefits. It encourages following Valley Spice's social media accounts for more recipes.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pendaraban dan kembangan ungkapan algebra. Terdapat empat topik utama yang dibahas yaitu: (1) pendaraban ungkapan, (2) pemfaktoran, (3) penambahan dan penolakan pecahan algebra, dan (4) kembangan ungkapan menggunakan hubungan (a + b)(a - b) = a^2 - b^2 dan (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2. Dokumen ini memberikan contoh soalan dan cara
Dokumen ini berisi instruksi untuk mengerjakan soalan-soalan berkaitan makanan dan gizi. Terdapat beberapa soalan yang memerlukan penandaan, pengklasifikasian, penyelarasan dan penulisan jawapan mengenai khasiat, rasa dan keselamatan makanan.
This experiment studied the effects of hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic solutions on plant cells. In the experiment, onion epidermal cells were placed in distilled water (hypotonic), 0.5M sucrose solution (isotonic), and 1.0M sucrose solution (hypertonic), and observed under a microscope. The cells placed in distilled water became turgid and large, while the cells in the more concentrated sucrose solutions shrank or crenated. When the cells from the hypertonic solution were returned to distilled water, they regained their turgid appearance. This demonstrated how cell shape is affected by the relative concentrations of solutions on either side of the cell membrane.
Borang ini digunakan untuk menilai penampilan nyanyian solo peserta dengan memberikan skor untuk unsur-unsur seperti tempo, sebutan, ton, dinamik, attack/release, ekspresi, dan ketrampilan; skor maksimum untuk setiap unsur adalah 20 poin kecuali untuk ketrampilan yang mendapatkan 5 poin, dengan total maksimum 100 poin.
This document contains a test paper for Year 1 students consisting of 3 sections - Section A: Guided Composition, Section B: Summary, and Section C: Literature Component. It provides instructions for students to answer all questions in the paper and validation information for markers. The paper tests students' English language abilities through composition, summary writing, and analyzing a poem and short story.
This document provides a recipe for Moong Dal ka Halwa from Masterchef Sanjeev Kapoor's website. The recipe calls for split green gram soaked and ground to a coarse paste, ghee, gram flour, milk, sugar, khoya/mawa, green cardamom powder, and almonds. It describes saut¨¦ing the moong dal in ghee until golden brown, combining it with saffron-infused milk, khoya, sugar syrup, and spices, then cooking it for 5 more minutes before serving garnished with edible silver foil. The document also lists similar sweet recipes and invites the reader to follow Sanjeev Kapoor on social media.
This document provides a recipe for masala chai. It recommends using Valley Spice chai masala to make a quick chai by boiling water with the masala, adding tea leaves, sugar, and milk. The masala chai is sieved and served. The document also discusses how masala chai is a staple in many Indian households and has health benefits. It encourages following Valley Spice's social media accounts for more recipes.
This document provides a recipe for raspberry meringue tarts. It describes making a sweet shortcrust pastry for the tart shells, a raspberry filling made from pureed raspberries, sugar, lemon juice and egg yolks, and a toasted meringue topping. The author notes making some changes to the recipe by omitting rosewater from the filling and making their own pastry instead of using store-bought. Detailed instructions are provided for making the filling, meringue, and assembling the tarts.
The document provides recipes for several Indian dishes traditionally served during Shivaratri, a Hindu festival. It includes recipes for Ven Pongal, a rice and lentil dish with cashews and ghee; Sweet Pongal, a sweet rice and lentil pudding with jaggery, cashews and raisins; Kesari, a semolina dessert cooked with milk, nuts, raisins and sugar; Lemon Rice, a tangy rice side with lemon juice, peanuts and spices; and Sundal, a seasoned chickpea snack mixed with coconut. The recipes provide lists of ingredients and step-by-step instructions for preparing each dish.
Ghevar is an Indian traditional disc shaped sweet made with all purpose flour, milk, desi ghee and sugar etc. Ghevar has its traces from Gujarat and Haryana. It is also liked by the nearby states like Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
This document provides recipes for 6 Ayurvedic dishes: 1) Rasam, a spicy South Indian tomato soup. 2) So-Easy Kitchiri, a rice and lentil dish seasoned with spices. 3) Potato and Cauliflower in Spiced Yoghurt, a vegetable dish with yogurt sauce. 4) Puris, deep-fried whole wheat bread. 5) Seviya Kheer, an angel hair pudding. 6) Ladhu, melt-in-your-mouth chickpea flour fudge balls. Instructions are given for ingredients and steps to make each recipe.
This document provides recipes for 6 Ayurvedic dishes: 1) Rasam, a spicy South Indian tomato soup. 2) So-Easy Kitchiri, a rice and lentil dish seasoned with spices. 3) Potato and Cauliflower in Spiced Yoghurt, a vegetable dish with yogurt sauce. 4) Puris, deep-fried whole wheat bread. 5) Seviya Kheer, an angel hair pudding. 6) Ladhu, melt-in-your-mouth chickpea flour fudge balls. Instructions are given for ingredients and steps to make each recipe.
The document is a recipe book from the Nelson family containing over 100 pages of recipes across various categories from breads to desserts. It includes a dedication to early Nelson family cooks and a note asking readers to check recipes for errors. The bread section provides over a dozen recipes for various types of breads, rolls, biscuits, and pancakes.
The document is a recipe book from the Nelson family containing over 100 pages of recipes across various categories like breads, soups, main dishes, desserts, and more. It includes a dedication to early Nelson family cooks and a note asking readers to check recipes for errors. The bread section provides over a dozen recipes for items like oatmeal buns, whole wheat bread, cinnamon rolls, and tortillas.
Here¡¯s a great spin on an already great dish - we¡¯ve made it Vegan by removing cream and adding coconut milk so it really can work for anyone! Chickpeas are rich in protein and fiber and all the ingredients in this dish are wholesome and nutritious!
Vijay Savani submitted a document to Mrs. Rashmi Francis thanking the institute for opportunities to learn about the hospitality sector. The document included menus for starter, soup, main course and dessert items as well as recipes and preparation instructions. It also covered topics like flight catering operations, food safety and types of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
1) The document provides several recipes that incorporate lavender, including lavender coffee cake, lavender oatmeal, lavender vegetable scrambled eggs, lavender sugar cookies, lavender pound cake, lemonade with lavender, lavender sugar, roasted potatoes with herbs of Provence, roasted pork chops with herbs of Provence, chocolate chip cookies with lavender, and lemon poppy seed bread.
2) The recipes provide instructions for incorporating dried or fresh lavender into baked goods, drinks, main dishes, and side dishes.
3) Many of the recipes are accompanied by additional preparation or serving suggestions.
This document contains recipes for 15 dishes that feature papaya as a main ingredient. The dishes include fruit salads, salads, soups, desserts and more. They provide instructions on combining papaya with ingredients like shrimp, rice, chicken, yogurt to make meals and snacks. The formatting is consistent with titles and sections for each individual recipe followed by a list of ingredients and directions for preparation.
This document provides a recipe for Lemon Rasmalai Cheesecake from Masterchef Sanjeev Kapoor's website. The cheesecake has a biscuit base topped with rasmalai pieces and a lemon-flavored yogurt mixture. The ingredients include digestive or bran biscuits, rasmalai pieces, lemon, hung yogurt, butter, gelatin, sugar, whipped cream and food coloring. The instructions provide steps to make a biscuit crust, prepare the lemon yogurt cheesecake filling by mixing ingredients like yogurt, sugar and whipped cream, and assemble the cheesecake by layering the biscuit base, filling and rasmalai pieces before refrigerating.
The document describes a recipe for beetroot lava cake with beetroot ice cream from Masterchef Sanjeev Kapoor's website. The recipe calls for boiling, peeling and grating beetroots along with other ingredients like butter, sugar, eggs, flour, and chocolate to make the beetroot cake. It also includes instructions to make beetroot ice cream by saut¨¦ing beetroots in ghee and milk then mixing with vanilla ice cream. The completed dish is served with beetroot ice cream in an ice bowl, beetroot powder sprinkled on sugar nests, and the beetroot cake with caramel sauce and rum flamb¨¦.
This document provides recipes from Cypriot cuisine contributed by students of Mathiatis Primary School in Nicosia, Cyprus. It includes recipes for Traxanas soup, Sieftalies, Afelia pork with pourgouri, Halvas katsarolas semolina pudding, Daktila kirion ladies' fingers, and Mbourekia me anari anari cheese pies. The recipes demonstrate how foreign influences from empires that have ruled Cyprus, such as Greece, Turkey, and Britain, have been combined with local ingredients to create traditional Cypriot dishes.
This document provides a recipe for pumpkin choux, a Christmas dessert. The recipe calls for boiling water, butter, flour, eggs, salt, oil for frying, sugar, cinnamon, and pumpkin. The pumpkin is peeled, cut into pieces and boiled in water. The water is drained and the pumpkin is pur¨¦ed. In a separate pan, water, butter and salt are brought to a boil and melted. Flour is added and stirred to form a dough. Eggs are added one by one to the dough along with the pumpkin pur¨¦e. Small balls of the dough are formed with a spoon and fried. The fried balls are then coated with sugar and cinnamon.
1. Rava Kesari Recipe
No festival is complete without a delicious sweet to relish your meal. Rava Kesari is one of
the go-to sweets prepared for special occasions. This mouth watering sweet takes very less
time to prepare and makes the obvious choice for women on a festival day. Learn this recipe
and serve your family and friends this scrumptious sweet on a holiday. Never worry when
you have unexpected guests arrive at the doorstep next time.
Image Courtesy : amuthiskitchen
Time Chart
Preparation Time : 5 ¨C 7 minutes
Cooking Time : 20 ¨C 25 minutes
Servings : 4
Essential Ingredients
Cardamom Powder
Cashew nuts
Kesari Powder
- 1 cup
? cup
- 1 cup (Add more if you want it to be tastier)
- 2 cups
- 2 tablespoons (Preferably hot milk)
- ? teaspoon
- ? teaspoon (for flavor)
- ? teaspoon
2. Preparation
1. Take 1 cup of rava and 1 teaspoon of ghee and fry it in a pan with medium flame. Fry
until you notice a color change.
2. In another pan, mix water with a pinch of kesari powder and keep it.
3. Add the water pan to the rava in medium flame. Stir it continuously until it starts
showing bubbles.
4. Now add sugar to the mixture. A nice aroma is when you should turn the stove off.
5. In case, if lumps are formed after adding sugar, mash it up thoroughly.
6. Stir the mixture for 5 ¨C 8 minutes until it becomes non-sticky.
7. Now, add more ghee if you want. Also, garnish the dish with roasted cashews.
Now, the Rava Kesari is ready to serve and impress your guests