1. The Caribbean Premier League (T20) is unique because it is the only t20 cricket league played between different countries.
2. In 1906, Austrian scientist Clemens von Pirquet noticed that patients who had previously received injections had quicker reactions to a second injection. He coined the term "allergy", meaning altered reactivity, to describe this phenomenon.
3. Ptolemy Soter was the ruler of Egypt from 323 BC to 285 BC and founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty that ruled Egypt until 30 BC. Seleucus I Nicator was born in 358 BC and rose from governor of Babylon to king of an empire centered in Syria and Iran extending to India. Both were generals in the
8. 4
Clemens von Pirquet was an Austrian scientist and
pediatrician best known for his contributions to the
fields of bacteriology and immunology
In 1906 he noticed that patients who had previously
received injections of horse serum or smallpox vaccine
had quicker reactions to a second injection
What did he coin, along with Bela Schick, that is in
common use today?
10. 5 ID and Connect
1. Ruler of Egypt from 323 BC to 285 bc. founder of the dynasty,
which reigned Egypt till 30 BC before succumbing to the
2. Born 358 BC, rose from governor of Babylon to king of an
empire centering on Syria and Iran and extending upto India.
11. 5
Ptolemy Soter
Seleucus I Nicator
Generals in the army of Alexander the Great
12. 6
What is the complete name of, an inquiry into the nature and
causes of _____ __ _______ and who wrote it?