The document discusses the production of Brassica juncea var. rugosa (rayo saag). It covers the botany and cultivars of rayo saag, as well as climatic and soil requirements. Seed production methods are outlined, including sowing, transplanting, spacing, fertilization, irrigation, selection and rouging. Post-harvest procedures like harvesting, threshing, drying and storage are also summarized. Common insects and diseases that affect rayo saag are briefly mentioned.
3. Overview
Botany and cultivars
Climatic condition and soil
Flowers and pollination
Method of seed production
Sowing, Transplanting time and Spacing
Seed rate and Fertilization
Seedling production technique
Irrigation and intercultural operation
Selection and Rouging
Isolation distance
Harvesting, Threshing and Winnowing
Drying and storage
Insects and Diseases
4. B姻温壊壊庄界温 junceae var
rugosa, cruciferae
Nepali name: Rayo saag
In Nepal, BLM occupies first
position in terms of area and
production among leafy vegetables.
It is widely adopted and can be
grown from Terai to hills of Nepal.
It is rich in vitamin A,B,C and
iron, calcium and protein. It can be
used in lean period by curing and
making Gundruk. It has high
nutrritional and economic
5. Annual herb produce large broad leaves.
It is also soft leafy vegetables.
Seed is brown, yellow in colour.
Khumal broad leaf
Marpha Broad leaf
Khumal red leaf.
6. It is a cool season crop, so before flowering, it requires
cool climate.
At the time of flowering and seed maturation, it
requires warm and hot climate.
Loamy soil with sufficient humus and high water
holding capacity is best for the crop.
Optimum pH range for better growth and development
should be 6-7.
7. The flower is yellow and the flower is complete containing 6
androecium, 1 gynoecium.
Although it is cross pollinated crop , from seed production
point of view, it is consider as self pollinated crop.
It can be cross pollinated from one variety to another variety
but cannot be cross pollinated from one genus to another genus
like cauli, turnip,etc.
9. Although it is a cold season crop, from seed production
point of view it can be cultivated from Ashoj in mid-hill
and Terai.
Transplanting is done in Ashoj-Kartik. Plant growth
takes place upto Magh and Bud initiation and flowering
takes place in Magh-Falgun. And seed maturation takes
place in Baisakh.
In mustang, Transplanting is done in Falgun-Chaitra
and seed maturation takes places in Ashar-Shrawan.
Row to row spacing= 75cm.
Plant to plant spacing = 45 cm.
10. 30 gm seeds/ropani
1500-1800 plants/ropani.
Per ropani 1000 kg well rotten FYM, 10 kg complexal
and 2 kg MOP should be mixed in soil at the time of land
4 kg/ropani urea should be required for seed
2 kg urea should be applied 40-50 DAT.
Remaining 2 kg urea should be top-dressed after bud
initiation in the form of ring shape.
11. 1. Land should be made clean and dry after tillage
2. 1 m width, 3m length and 15 cm height raised bed
should be made.
3. Line sowing is done. And after sowing, seed is
covered with sand and mulching is done with dry
4. Irrigation should be done in every evening time
with rose can.
5. After seed germination, straw should be removed.
6. 25-30 Days after germination, Transplanting is
12. 1) 5 DAT, irrigation with rose can is done.
2) If it is necessary, thereaftere irrigation through
irrigation channel is done.
3) 40-45 DAT, Earthing up is done with spade. At this
time, top dressed of Urea is done.
4) Second interculture operation is done after
initiation of flowering.
13. a. Selection and Rouging is done on the basis of foliage
characteristics and on the basis of ancestral character.
b. Only true to type plants are permitted for flowering
which are of qualitatively potential.
c. Less qualitative plant like disease plant, damaged
plants, insect attack plant, unhealthy plants, etc. are
rouged before flowering.
d. Maximum permitted off-type for foundation seed is
0.1o % and for certified seed is 0.20 %.
e. Minimum no. of field inspection on Rayo is 3.
f. 1st at before full grown stage, 2nd at full grown stage in
non heading types and 3rd at flowering.
14. For Foundation seed, isolation distance should be 1600
m and for certified seed, it should be 1000 m
15. a. Harvesting of plant is done before complete drying
of plant when the pod become yellow.
b. Plant should be kept in heap in dry shadow place
for 3-4 days.
c. At 2 days interval, the heap should be aerated by
inverted turning of plant in heap.
d. Threshing is done either by manual or beating
with stick or mechanical method or by any other
e. The shattered seed should be collected and
winnowing should be done.
16. 1. The winnowed seed should be sun dried 3-4 times.
2. The moisture percentage should be 6-8 % .
3. The seed should be stored in air tight tin or
aluminium container.
17. 30-35 kg seed/ropani in context of Nepal.
Insects and Diseases
Cutworm, cabbage butterfly, Aphids,etc.
Damping off, Downy mildew, Leaf spot, White rust
, Powdery mildew,etc