My slides from my talk at Code Generation 2014 in Cambridge, UK.
rbacDSL is a text-based DSL for writing, verifying and correcting RBAC authorisation policies. It produces standard XACML policies that can be used with any XACML evaluation engine.
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rbacDSL - slides from Code Generation 2014
1. rbacDSL: a DSL for Role-Based Access Control
Lionel Montrieux <>
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
2. Outline
Background and overview (15 min.)
Building an authorisation policy - live demo (20 min.)
Try to think of a good example
Bonus points for funny ones
Current research and future directions (10 min.)
9. How it started
rbacUML and rbacDSML
OCL constraints
model smells
鍖xing incorrect models
Rational Software Architect 8.0, UML pro鍖les
10. Scenarios?
Granted: user should be able to perform a list of actions
Forbidden: !Granted
User-Role: role should be assigned to at least one user
Object-Role: role should allow one to perform a list of
actions on objects
Object: at least one user should be able to perform an
action on an object
13. Current (and past) research
Automated model 鍖xing (the whole model) [Montrieux13]
Adaptive access control - automated reaction to inside
threats [Bailey14]
Dynamic access control - in progress
14. Future directions
Attributes and conditions support
User-speci鍖c scenarios
XACML PAP connectors, LDAP connectors
Dynamic access control features
Bidirectional graph transformations
15. Any questions? email me:
get the tool:
16. References
All publications I co-authored are available on
view/person/lm25566.html and
[Sandhu00] Ravi S. Sandhu, David F. Ferraiolo, D. Richard Kuhn: The
NIST model for role-based access control: towards a uni鍖ed standard.
ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control 2000:47-63
XACML: eXtensible Access Control Modeling Language - OASIS -
Image on slide 6 re-created from
Images on slides 4 and 15 by J. Hardaway