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How to Win in the Russian Ice Cream Market


1. Introduction
  a. SCQ
  b. Recommendations
  c. Framework
2. Key Analysis
  a. Marketing
  b. Supply Chain
  c. Competitive Environment
3. Final Recommendation
  a. Implementation
  b. Key Takeaway

A changing business environment demands
efficiency and new strategic investment

     Situation                           Complication                                Questions
 The Russian ice                        Market is becoming                        What can be done
 cream market                           increasingly                              about Ice-Filis
 experienced a                          competitive and Ice-                      brand identity?
 3.9% CAGR1 over                        Fili has seen a                           Where can
 the past 4 years,                      reduction in market                       production and
 but import                             share by 50% over                         distribution be
 reliance and two                       the last 5 years from                     improved?
 major economic                         industry diffusion.                       How can Ice-Fili
 shocks have kept                       This is due, in part,                     continue to grow in
 industry profits in                    to Nestle, a new                          the face of
 check.                                 foreign competitor.                       competition?

1) Based on production figures as revenue figures are distorted by inflation and FX volatility.

       Introduction                              Analysis                      Implementation
Key recommendations can address multiple issues
and while reinforcing each other
Recommendation                      Impact
                                    Increase sales and potential price point
Build brand awareness               Pull availability through consumer
                                    Lower production costs
Streamline product mix              Increase brand awareness
                                    Strategic partnerships
Partner with regional players
                                    Reduce wasted capacity
Expand into supermarkets and        Leverages more on marketing efforts
gastronoms                          A growing and less competitive channel

      Introduction              Analysis            Implementation
Focusing on key issues yields broad strategic
principles addressed in a step-by-step plan
         What are the
         key issues?
                        What is the
         What is the
         impact?        ideal situation?
                        What are the       How can we
                        key factors that   achieve these
                        need change?       scenarios?
                                           What are the
                                           next steps?

         Issue          Area               Master
         Analysis       Goals              Plan
    Introduction         Analysis             Implementation

Compared to the beer and soft drink industries, the ice
cream industry only spends $5m on advertising annually
   % of Sales Spent on Advertising                 Industry Volume Growth in 2000



Ice Cream        Beer         Soft Drink        Ice Cream         Beer         Soft Drink

 The 1% of sales spent on advertising is associated with falling sales volume. To
 boost ice cream demand, Ice-Fili needs to increase advertising budget.

        Introduction                   Analysis               Implementation
Advertising efforts must clearly link brand to product

                                       Masses                   Industry
                                       demand                   growth,
    Advertising to masses
                                       more ice                    No
                                        cream                   branding

 Ice-Fili must develop advertising that emphasizes the company and its top brands,
 on top of natural ingredients, in order to build brand equity among consumers.

       Introduction                  Analysis              Implementation
3 of Ice-Filis 170 products contribute to approximately
70% of total sales
          Number of Ice Cream Products                                     % of Ice-Fili Sales




 Nestle     Baskin-Robbins   Metelitsa   Ice-Fili

  Ice-Fili needs to streamline its product mix in order to strengthen its strongest
  brands, while removing underperforming products that eat up capacity.

           Introduction                    Analysis                       Implementation
Focused marketing leads to large impact
        Issue                Impact

  Advertising in ice
                       Low demand for ice
  cream industry is
                             cream                      Goals
   extremely low
                                                 Launch mass media
                                                 campaign that
  Advertising does      Industry growth
                                                 focuses on company
    not mention          may not mean            and brand strengths,
 company or brands     growth for Ice-Fili       while stream lining
                                                 product mix
  Brand portfolio is    brands are taking
     fragmented          up capacity and
                       losing profitability

       Introduction          Analysis         Implementation
Supply Chain

Currently, the capacity of production is higher than the
demand of Ice-Filis ice cream
             000 tons 120


       Moscow Demand      60
       Ex-Moscow Demand
                          40                                                    Excess


                                1   2        3        4        5        6   Years after advertising

  In order to satisfy the increasing demand, Ice-Fili needs to partner with regional
  producers to meet demand outside Moscow.

         Introduction                   Analysis              Implementation
Russian geography creates distribution issues; dispersion of
population leads to high transportation cost
                                Major Costs as % of Price

                                                            Other non-retail

  Specifically target distribution, equipment, packaging and labour costs will
  significantly reduce over cost

        Introduction                    Analysis                     Implementation
Focusing on marketing sensitive channels also brings Ice-Fili
into growing segments

                  Distribution Channel Mix

        17.0%            15.1%
                          9.5%                                 Restaurants
       29.0%                                                   Supermarkets
                                               11.0%           Gastronoms
        49.0%                                  45.0%

       Industry          Ice-Fili              Target

        Introduction                Analysis            Implementation
New supply chain network accommodates marketing strategy
        Issue                  Impact

                            Inability to
  Ex-Moscow demand
                        transfer capacity
     will soar above
                         from Moscow to                  Goals
    current capacity
                                                   Form strategic
                                                   partnerships to
                          A large part of
    28% of price is                                produce where
                        profit is foregone if
      eaten up by                                  demand is, while
                         distribute to ex-         accommodating
   distribution costs
                              Moscow               increased demand
                                                   for bulk
 Current channel mix      Competitors will
 does not allow us to   capture incremental
   capture growth             growth

       Introduction            Analysis         Implementation
Competitive Environment

   Introduction    Analysis   Implementation
Nestle achieved 2nd largest market share in 2000 and will continue

          000s tons Sold in 2000
         20                                           Local production  Low

                                                       Heavy advertising 
                                                       Unique brand identity
       Ice-Fili               Nestle

   Focus advertising on Ice-Fili company and top brands, with the help of improved
   distribution network to maintain strong market presence.

          Introduction                 Analysis              Implementation
Baskin-Robbins leverages its know-how in franchise operations and
international brand appeal to maintain dominance in caf辿 segment

                                                         Dominance in caf辿
       Franchise operations                               segment

                                                          International brand appeal

      Specialized training,                               High margins
    marketing, and advertising

  Ice-Fili should not enter caf辿 segment, due to lack of expertise. Company should
  maintain strength in kiosks and mini-marts.

        Introduction                   Analysis              Implementation
New supply chain network accommodates marketing strategy

       Issue                Impact

  Nestle has strong                                    Goals
                      Ice-Fili could lose
                      dominant market
    network and
                           position            Differentiate Ice-Fili
     advertising                               brand based on
                                               premium, natural
                                               ingredients, and
  Baskin-Robbins is   High probability of      avoid caf辿 segment
  dominant in caf辿      failure if enter
      segment               segment

      Introduction          Analysis        Implementation
Increase advertising,
 Streamline product              Launch and maintain marketing campaign

                                 Select and approach
                                 regional producers

   Form strategic                              Introduce bulk for family

                                               Strengthen presence in
Increase gastronom                             supermarkets and gastronoms
                                               Produce at regional level

                                                           Optimize product mix

Differentiate brand,
                                                           Investigate international
Avoid caf辿 segment                                         opportunities

                                  0-6 months       6-12 months         12 months+
     Introduction                Analysis                Implementation
Key Takeaway
There is a Russian saying, A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general.
Even small companies dream of becoming large someday.
                                                                         Anatoliy Shamanov


Distribution Channel Mix
          Ice-Fili      Target        Industry
Kiosks            0.7            0.45       0.49
Minimarts       0.095            0.11       0.29
Gastronoms     0.1511            0.36       0.17
Supermarkets    0.032            0.06       0.02
Restaurants    0.0219            0.02     0.0219

Projected Demand in 000 Tons
  Capacity Moscow Demand Ex-Moscow Demand
0        73              4                16
1        73              5            44.215
2        73           6.25          55.26875
3        73         7.8125        69.0859375
4        73       9.765625       86.35742188
5        73    12.20703125       107.9467773


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  • 1. Ice-Fili How to Win in the Russian Ice Cream Market David Darryl Calvin Jeff 1
  • 2. Agenda 1. Introduction a. SCQ b. Recommendations c. Framework 2. Key Analysis a. Marketing b. Supply Chain c. Competitive Environment 3. Final Recommendation a. Implementation b. Key Takeaway 2
  • 3. A changing business environment demands efficiency and new strategic investment Situation Complication Questions The Russian ice Market is becoming What can be done cream market increasingly about Ice-Filis experienced a competitive and Ice- brand identity? 3.9% CAGR1 over Fili has seen a Where can the past 4 years, reduction in market production and but import share by 50% over distribution be reliance and two the last 5 years from improved? major economic industry diffusion. How can Ice-Fili shocks have kept This is due, in part, continue to grow in industry profits in to Nestle, a new the face of check. foreign competitor. competition? 1) Based on production figures as revenue figures are distorted by inflation and FX volatility. 3 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 4. Key recommendations can address multiple issues and while reinforcing each other Recommendation Impact Increase sales and potential price point Build brand awareness Pull availability through consumer searching Lower production costs Streamline product mix Increase brand awareness Strategic partnerships Cross-selling Partner with regional players Reduce wasted capacity Expand into supermarkets and Leverages more on marketing efforts gastronoms A growing and less competitive channel 4 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 5. Focusing on key issues yields broad strategic principles addressed in a step-by-step plan What are the key issues? What is the What is the impact? ideal situation? What are the How can we key factors that achieve these need change? scenarios? What are the next steps? Issue Area Master Analysis Goals Plan 5 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 7. Compared to the beer and soft drink industries, the ice cream industry only spends $5m on advertising annually % of Sales Spent on Advertising Industry Volume Growth in 2000 7% 25.0% 23.0% 2% 1% -3.5% Ice Cream Beer Soft Drink Ice Cream Beer Soft Drink The 1% of sales spent on advertising is associated with falling sales volume. To boost ice cream demand, Ice-Fili needs to increase advertising budget. 7 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 8. Advertising efforts must clearly link brand to product Masses Industry demand growth, Advertising to masses more ice No cream branding Ice-Fili must develop advertising that emphasizes the company and its top brands, on top of natural ingredients, in order to build brand equity among consumers. 8 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 9. 3 of Ice-Filis 170 products contribute to approximately 70% of total sales Number of Ice Cream Products % of Ice-Fili Sales Other 170 30% Lakomka 30% Batonchiki-Fili 20% 50 30 25 Leningradskoe 20% Nestle Baskin-Robbins Metelitsa Ice-Fili Ice-Fili needs to streamline its product mix in order to strengthen its strongest brands, while removing underperforming products that eat up capacity. 9 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 10. Focused marketing leads to large impact Issue Impact Advertising in ice Low demand for ice cream industry is cream Goals extremely low Launch mass media campaign that Advertising does Industry growth focuses on company not mention may not mean and brand strengths, company or brands growth for Ice-Fili while stream lining product mix Underperforming Brand portfolio is brands are taking fragmented up capacity and losing profitability 10 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 12. Currently, the capacity of production is higher than the demand of Ice-Filis ice cream 000 tons 120 100 Ex-Moscow Shortage 80 Capacity Moscow Demand 60 Ex-Moscow Demand Moscow 40 Excess 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Years after advertising In order to satisfy the increasing demand, Ice-Fili needs to partner with regional producers to meet demand outside Moscow. 12 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 13. Russian geography creates distribution issues; dispersion of population leads to high transportation cost Major Costs as % of Price 40% Other non-retail Distribution Equipment 28% Packaging Labour 12% 10% 10% Specifically target distribution, equipment, packaging and labour costs will significantly reduce over cost 13 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 14. Focusing on marketing sensitive channels also brings Ice-Fili into growing segments Distribution Channel Mix 17.0% 15.1% 9.5% Restaurants 36.0% 29.0% Supermarkets 11.0% Gastronoms Minimarts 70.0% Kiosks 49.0% 45.0% Industry Ice-Fili Target 14 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 15. New supply chain network accommodates marketing strategy Issue Impact Inability to Ex-Moscow demand transfer capacity will soar above from Moscow to Goals current capacity outside. Form strategic partnerships to A large part of 28% of price is produce where profit is foregone if eaten up by demand is, while distribute to ex- accommodating distribution costs Moscow increased demand for bulk Current channel mix Competitors will does not allow us to capture incremental capture growth growth 15 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 16. Competitive Environment 16 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 17. Nestle achieved 2nd largest market share in 2000 and will continue strong. 000s tons Sold in 2000 20 Local production Low 16.5 costs Heavy advertising Unique brand identity Ice-Fili Nestle Focus advertising on Ice-Fili company and top brands, with the help of improved distribution network to maintain strong market presence. 17 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 18. Baskin-Robbins leverages its know-how in franchise operations and international brand appeal to maintain dominance in caf辿 segment Dominance in caf辿 Franchise operations segment expertise International brand appeal Specialized training, High margins marketing, and advertising Ice-Fili should not enter caf辿 segment, due to lack of expertise. Company should maintain strength in kiosks and mini-marts. 18 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 19. New supply chain network accommodates marketing strategy Issue Impact Nestle has strong Goals Ice-Fili could lose distribution dominant market network and position Differentiate Ice-Fili advertising brand based on premium, natural ingredients, and Baskin-Robbins is High probability of avoid caf辿 segment dominant in caf辿 failure if enter segment segment 19 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 20. Increase advertising, Streamline product Launch and maintain marketing campaign High mix Select and approach regional producers Form strategic Introduce bulk for family Medium partnerships, Strengthen presence in Increase gastronom supermarkets and gastronoms exposure Produce at regional level Optimize product mix Low Differentiate brand, Investigate international Avoid caf辿 segment opportunities 0-6 months 6-12 months 12 months+ 20 Introduction Analysis Implementation
  • 21. Key Takeaway There is a Russian saying, A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. Even small companies dream of becoming large someday. Anatoliy Shamanov 21
  • 23. Distribution Channel Mix Ice-Fili Target Industry Kiosks 0.7 0.45 0.49 Minimarts 0.095 0.11 0.29 Gastronoms 0.1511 0.36 0.17 Supermarkets 0.032 0.06 0.02 Restaurants 0.0219 0.02 0.0219 23
  • 24. Projected Demand in 000 Tons Capacity Moscow Demand Ex-Moscow Demand 0 73 4 16 1 73 5 44.215 2 73 6.25 55.26875 3 73 7.8125 69.0859375 4 73 9.765625 86.35742188 5 73 12.20703125 107.9467773 24