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Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Services
                                                  EDI services and RCM expertise.

                                                                                                   Enterpris e Busine s s S olutions

Overview                                           RCM played an active role in the design and development
RCM certified professionals have the expertise
                                                   of the QAD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) module.
needed to work with predominate translator
choices for your EDI eCommerce imple-
mentation. Whether you wish to leverage           RCM has extensive EDI implementation and

your current translator or are looking at         training experience in the QAD user community.

translator alternatives, you can utilize RCMs    RCM has assisted numerous QAD customers
                                                  in the automotive, consumer product, food
knowledge to make the best decision for
                                                  and beverage, life sciences and industrial
your organization. We understand that  EDI                                                          E nt e r p ris e B u sin e s s S o lut io n s
                                                  industries with implementation since the 1999
is mission critical to your business. That is                                                       Built on QAD速 applications, RCM Technologies
                                                  release of the EDI eCommerce product.
why RCM played an active role in the design                                                         provides high quality, cost-effective business
and development of QADs EDI eCommerce                                                              solutions and services that enable customers
                                                                                                    to meet and exceed their objectives. QAD 速
module and has embraced the QAD EDI               .
                                                  Support Offerings                                 applications manage the core business
eCommerce solution, providing a competitive                                                         processes of your enterprise, with industry
                                                  	 EDI eCommerce Training                         specific design functionality. As an authorized
advantage to our customers.
                                                  	 Communications Set-Up                          Sales and Services Channel Partner of QAD,速
Our proven EDI implementation methodology                                                           RCM leverages the expertise of their staff
                                                  	 SNF Mapping                                    and proven methodologies to assist clients
can be utilized whether you are implementing
                                                                                                    in implementing QAD 速 applications.
                                                  	 eCommerce Library Development
EDI with QAD for the first time or looking to
                                                                                                    For almost two decades, RCM has been
transition from a legacy EDI product. RCM         	 Trading Partner Implementation
                                                                                                    recognized as a leader in providing QAD速
has experience in providing either full service    	 Cycle Testing Services                        applications for business solutions. By under-
                                                                                                    standing industry trends, challenges, and
EDI implementation support or a training          	 Project Management                             issues, RCM extends the capability of QAD 速
and guidance approach, which is a joint effort                                                      Enterprise Applications and maximizes a
between RCM and your organization.                                                                  clients investment.

(616)284-4790 足I 足mike.pope@rcmt.com                                                                                  www.rcmt.com
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Services
                                                EDI services and RCM expertise.

                                                                                              Enterpris e Busine s s S olutions

                                                North American Channel Alliance
                                                     Partner of the Year
                                                                             ~ for five consecutive years

                                                                                            Contact Us:
                                                                                            2900 Charlevoix Dr. Suite 100
                                                                                            Grand Rapids, MI 49546
RCM is well equipped to handle all              to insure that you receive the full
                                                                                            (616) 284-4790
of the technical and consulting services        benefit of the QAD product. Maximize

required for the entire EDI eCommerce           the return on your investment by

implementation project. We have the             delivering value to support your

expertise to meet your requirements and         business operations.

you can depend on the EDI team at RCM
                                                Our commitment is to provide services

to deliver the project on time and on budget.
                                                to your company using proven processes

Our philosophy is simple: Listen to and         and resources that can help you meet

understand the needs of our clients.            and exceed your objectives in todays

Provide quality support and service             competitive marketplace.

(616)284-4790 足I 足mike.pope@rcmt.com                                                                         www.rcmt.com

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RCM QAD EDI services

  • 1. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Services EDI services and RCM expertise. Enterpris e Busine s s S olutions Overview RCM played an active role in the design and development RCM certified professionals have the expertise of the QAD Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) module. needed to work with predominate translator choices for your EDI eCommerce imple- mentation. Whether you wish to leverage RCM has extensive EDI implementation and your current translator or are looking at training experience in the QAD user community. translator alternatives, you can utilize RCMs RCM has assisted numerous QAD customers in the automotive, consumer product, food knowledge to make the best decision for and beverage, life sciences and industrial your organization. We understand that EDI E nt e r p ris e B u sin e s s S o lut io n s industries with implementation since the 1999 is mission critical to your business. That is Built on QAD速 applications, RCM Technologies release of the EDI eCommerce product. why RCM played an active role in the design provides high quality, cost-effective business and development of QADs EDI eCommerce solutions and services that enable customers to meet and exceed their objectives. QAD 速 module and has embraced the QAD EDI . Support Offerings applications manage the core business eCommerce solution, providing a competitive processes of your enterprise, with industry EDI eCommerce Training specific design functionality. As an authorized advantage to our customers. Communications Set-Up Sales and Services Channel Partner of QAD,速 Our proven EDI implementation methodology RCM leverages the expertise of their staff SNF Mapping and proven methodologies to assist clients can be utilized whether you are implementing in implementing QAD 速 applications. eCommerce Library Development EDI with QAD for the first time or looking to For almost two decades, RCM has been transition from a legacy EDI product. RCM Trading Partner Implementation recognized as a leader in providing QAD速 has experience in providing either full service Cycle Testing Services applications for business solutions. By under- standing industry trends, challenges, and EDI implementation support or a training Project Management issues, RCM extends the capability of QAD 速 and guidance approach, which is a joint effort Enterprise Applications and maximizes a between RCM and your organization. clients investment. (616)284-4790 足I 足mike.pope@rcmt.com www.rcmt.com
  • 2. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Services EDI services and RCM expertise. Enterpris e Busine s s S olutions North American Channel Alliance Partner of the Year ~ for five consecutive years Contact Us: 2900 Charlevoix Dr. Suite 100 Grand Rapids, MI 49546 RCM is well equipped to handle all to insure that you receive the full (616) 284-4790 mike.pope@rcmt.com of the technical and consulting services benefit of the QAD product. Maximize required for the entire EDI eCommerce the return on your investment by implementation project. We have the delivering value to support your expertise to meet your requirements and business operations. you can depend on the EDI team at RCM Our commitment is to provide services to deliver the project on time and on budget. to your company using proven processes Our philosophy is simple: Listen to and and resources that can help you meet understand the needs of our clients. and exceed your objectives in todays Provide quality support and service competitive marketplace. (616)284-4790 足I 足mike.pope@rcmt.com www.rcmt.com