This document provides a template for submitting abstracts to the R&D Management Conference in 2011. It specifies formatting guidelines such as using A4 page size with 25mm margins, Times New Roman font, and includes sections for the title, author names and affiliations, abstract body, and keywords. The abstract body is to be between 400-500 words, single spaced with 12pt font and no figures, tables, or references. It should clearly state the purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions of the work.
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1. Template for abstract to be submitted to the R&D Management Conference
First Author1,*, Second Author2, Third Author1
Institution, City, Country
Institution, City, Country
* Corresponding author. Tel: +46 13211000, Fax: +46 13211001, E-mail:
The abstract must be prepared in A4 format (297x210 mm) with 25 mm margins. The
manuscript file must be in an editable format, preferably Microsoft Word. The submission of
pdf files is not allowed. Times New Roman should be used for the entire document.
The use of this Template for the abstract preparation is strongly encouraged! The name of the
final abstract file should be the same as the title of the abstract.
The title of the contribution should be centred and written in bold script, font size 14 pt. This
should be followed by a 12 pt space before the author’s/authors’ name(s). The name(s) should
be centred, written in 12 pt, normal script and given in the following order: given name,
(initials) and surname. Author names and affiliations should be linked with corresponding
superscript Arabic numerals. After the name(s) there should be a 12 pt space before the
affiliation list. Affiliations should be centred, written in 10 pt italic script, and include at least
the name of the institution, city and country. The corresponding author should be marked by
an asterisk (*). At least e-mail and telephone number for the corresponding author must be
There should be a 24 pt vertical space before the main body of the abstract. The body text
should be single spaced and fully justified, in 12 pt, normal script, with paragraphs separated
by a 12 pt space. No headings or subheadings should be used in the abstract. We expect all
texts to be written in good English and that grammar and spelling have been checked before
submission. No figures, tables, equations or references should be included. Abbreviations and
acronyms must be clearly defined.
The abstract should be 400-500 words, and must not exceed one page. The abstract should
clearly state the purpose of the work, approach and methodology, limitations, significant
results, with concise conclusions or recommendations included.
All abstracts must be submitted through the online submission system at
rnd2011?l=en before February 15, 2011.
The main body of the text is to be followed by the keywords, with a 24 pt space between. At
least one keyword and a maximum of five keywords must be given. Keywords should be in
12 pt script, italicized, and separated by commas. The first letter of each keyword or keyword
phrase should be capitalized.
Keywords (3 to 7):
Number of words (Max 500):