Losing your job can take a toll on your emotional and physical wellbeing. There is a grieving process that most people go through after a layoff. It is completely normal to experience anger and denial and giddiness - and every other emotion. You will definitely have good days and bad days.
However, this also is a great opportunity to step back and evaluate what you have done in the past, and what you would like to do in the future. It is a time to take inventory of what worked and what didnt work for you. It is a time to reconnect with your purpose and values. It is a time to consider what the right next step is.
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Re Launch You Liftoff After Layoff
1. Re-Launch You:
Liftoff after Layoff
Catherine Morgan
Career Transition and Entrepreneur Coach
Point A to Point B Transitions Inc.
March 8, 2012
2. You are not alone
Congratulations for getting here today
Tales from the front
3. Some people feel relief
I always ask if congratulations or condolences
are in order
But you might feel guilty if you do feel relieved
4. What we will cover today
1. Reframing Transition
2. The New Normal
3. The Rollercoaster
4. How to Have an Easier Transition
6. Transition as a time to evaluate
I encourage you to think of this as a time
to evaluate:
What did you like?
What would you change?
What have you always wanted to try?
What is on your life list that you have been
meaning to do?
8. I might say
Probably only some parts of your life suck
9. Exercise: Wheel of Life
(not my creation but very helpful)
Career Health
Finances Spirituality
Relationships Creativity
Social life Family
10. Transition as a time of opportunity
This could be a time to:
Get back on track
Find work that fits around your life
Find work that is more aligned with your values
11. What I call transition
The squishy rich primordial stew
of infinite possibility
~ Catherine Morgan
13. The world of work has changed
We are all self-employed
We must take responsibility for
our own training
We must maintain our network
14. What is your right next choice?
What is your overhead like?
What obligations do you have coming up?
What is your financial situation?
15. Has your job paradigm shifted?
Will corporate rehire for your position?
Or will it typically be outsourced going forward?
16. New possibility job portfolio
Some of you will look for traditional
full-time work
Some people either by choice or necessity
will opt to have a job portfolio
Several part-time jobs
Primary job and a side project
Freelance work
Freelance work and their own business
17. If you want to freelance
Do you pitch your own projects?
Go through another company?
18. Self-assessment
What have you always wanted to do?
If you dont know, check out
Do More Great Work
by Michael Bungay Stanier
Thinking about starting a business?
Read The Entrepreneur Equation
By Carol Roth
19. Exercise: Likes and Dislikes
What I liked about my prior job(s) What I would change in my next job
20. Connecting to your values
Not all of us are money motivated
But there is nothing wrong if you are
Did your work leave you feeling hollow?
I helped Deloitte make a lot of money but
Have you been walking around thinking,
Is this all there is?
What do you want your legacy to be?
21. The benefits of being clear
There are huge benefits to being clear on
exactly what you are looking for
You can use it as a lens through which you can
evaluate opportunities
But leave the door open for something that
might be even better
23. There are emotional ups and downs
You will have good days and bad days
I told one client that I would be more worried if
she wasnt depressed sometimes
But you also may feel guilty about enjoying
your time off
24. Not unlike the Five Stages of Grief
The K端bler-Ross model, commonly known as
The Five Stages of Grief
25. How to stay out of the dips
Do something every day to move your job
search forward
It can be something very small or a few very
small actions
The trick is to feel like you are making progress
26. Volunteer, shadow, or intern
To learn new skills
To have stories to tell in interviews
To explore different possibilities and
next steps
27. Go on informational interviews
To find out what doing that job might be like
To build your network
28. Start a blog
To establish yourself as an expert or
thought leader
To keep yourself relevant
To get Google juice and LinkedIn credit
Google and LinkedIn are the new
background checks
29. Stay scheduled
Spending too much time in your own head
is not good
Work expands to the amount of time allotted
If you keep things in your schedule you will
get more done (Trust me on this!)
Remember that old saying, If you want to get
something done, ask a busy person.
30. Consider teaching for free
Teaching is a great way to:
Establish yourself as an expert
Keep your skills sharp
Build connections
(Read 6 Big Ways Teaching for Free Pays Off)
31. Play catch up
Catch up on the things you have wanted to do
but didnt have the time
Learn a new business skill
Paint a room
Organize your garage, basement, office, or closet
Learn to cook
Start eating healthily
Begin (or continue) exercising regularly
32. Fill the well
Take an art course
Learn a language
Go on a road trip
33. Small things, big differences
Sometimes small things can make you happy
and feel abundant
Julia Cameron and fresh fruit from
The Artists Way
34. BUT keep looking for a job
Projects can distract
They make you feel like you are doing something
Is looking for a job a full-time job?
36. For an easier time with your search
Get a buddy
Join some groups (like this one)
Hire a coach
37. Useful tools and techniques
I recommend using Google Chrome for online
job applications
Become a connector
I keep hearing that 85% of jobs dont get posted
But you cant ignore online postings
Check out Indeed.com (a consolidator job site)
38. My best advice for job search
Dont do your own resume
Its impossible to strike the right tone and balance
Dont let your spouse or partner coach you
Even if they are an expert
Accountability is king
Make sure you are accountable to someone
(or preferably several people)
39. My best advice on how to thrive
Evaluate all of your options
Make the most of this time
Use it to catch up on all the things you have been
meaning to do
Reconnect with friends and family
Help someone else
Be extra kind to yourself
Transition is stressful and exhausting
40. Questions?
Catherine Morgan
Career Transition and Entrepreneur Coach
Point A to Point B Transitions Inc.
Twitter @PointA_PointB