Pupils use different forms of transportation to get to school depending on the distance from their home, including walking, riding a jeepney, tricycle, or taking a school bus. Some common options are walking if the school is very near, taking a jeepney or tricycle if it's closer, and riding a school bus if the distance is farther than a kilometer. The type of transportation depends on how far away the school is located from one's home.
2. How do you go to school?
There are different transportations
that we use in going to school.
There are pupils who take a
jeepney while others go to school
in a tricycle.
There also some who walks from
their home to school.
3. Some pupils take a school bus. The
school bus takes the pupils to school
and brings them back home. You take
a school bus if the school is far from
your place.
4. The distance between your home and
school depends on the location.
If your home is a few meters away
from school then the distance is short.
If your home is more than a kilometer
away from the school, then the
distance is long.
If the school is
Very near your
House, then it is good to take a walk in
going to school.