Basic concepts of React, Flux, Redux and the most important ES2015 (ES6) features.
Presentation on Github pages:
The document discusses basic JDBC programming concepts including connecting to a database, executing SQL statements using Statement, PreparedStatement, and ResultSet objects, and mapping between Java and SQL data types. Key methods for connecting to a database, executing queries and updates, retrieving results, and setting parameters in PreparedStatements are described.
This document discusses functions in JavaScript. It defines a function as a block of code that performs a task and can be called multiple times. Functions are first-class objects that can be passed as arguments to other functions, returned from functions, and assigned to variables or object properties. Functions provide their own execution context and scope their variables to the function body. Functions are defined either with a function expression or function declaration and are called directly by name or indirectly via methods like call, apply, setTimeout. The value of the this keyword inside a function depends on how the function is called and refers to the execution context object.
The document discusses various ways to manage undo space in an Oracle database including manual and automatic undo management. It provides SQL commands for configuring undo management and calculating the optimal undo retention parameter and undo tablespace size.
The document discusses friend functions and classes, which can access private and protected members of another class. It provides examples of declaring friend functions and classes, and demonstrates how friend functions can modify private variables, while non-friend functions cannot. The document also covers static class members, which are shared by all objects of a class, and proxy classes, which hide the implementation of another class through a public interface.
Constructors and destructors are special member functions in C++. Constructors initialize objects and are invoked when objects are created. There are three types of constructors: default, parameterized, and copy constructors. Destructors destroy objects and are used to perform cleanup when objects go out of scope. Constructors do not have a return type while destructors are declared with a tilde symbol preceding the class name but do not have arguments or return values.
The document describes an algorithm used to purge data from a large IBM DB2 database to reduce its size. Key steps included:
1) Exporting data from large tables to external files and reloading the tables with only valid records to remove invalid data
2) Dropping constraints and indexes from large tables to improve performance during the purge process
3) Setting integrity constraints back on tables after the purge to ensure data validity
This document provides a summary of basic MATLAB commands organized into sections:
1) Basic scalar, vector, and matrix operations including declaring variables, performing arithmetic, accessing elements, and clearing memory.
2) Using character strings to print output and combine text.
3) Common mathematical operations like exponents, logarithms, trigonometric functions, rounding, and converting between numeric and string formats.
The document demonstrates how to perform essential tasks in MATLAB through examples and explanations of core commands. It serves as an introductory tutorial for newcomers to learn MATLAB's basic functionality.
Constructors, Destructors, call in parameterized Constructor, Multiple constructor in a class, Explicit/implicit call, Copy constructor, Dynamic Constructors and call in parameterized Constructor
Google interviewer asked for an algorithm to extract the k smallest elements from a set of ordered arrays. I suggested a vectorised bucket sort and merge sort approach. I took the problem offline and produced this analysis and C++.
The document discusses class objects, constructors, and destructors in C++. It provides an example book class with private data members and public member functions to manipulate the data. Constructors allow objects to initialize their data automatically upon creation without requiring separate calls. Destructors perform cleanup tasks when objects are destroyed. The document also demonstrates how objects are defined and member functions called, and provides examples of classes with constructors and destructors.
1. Constructors are special member functions used to initialize objects. They are called whenever an object is created and have the same name as the class.
2. Constructors can be default, parameterized, overloaded, or have default arguments. The default constructor takes no arguments.
3. A destructor is a special function that is called when an object is destroyed. It performs cleanup tasks like closing files. It has the same name as the class but preceded by a tilde (~).
The document provides specifications for a regular expression problem involving matching words from a dictionary to tile patterns containing wildcards. It specifies that the system should:
1) Find words from the dictionary that match patterns formed by 7 tiles, where blank tiles act as wildcards.
2) Perform the matching in O(n) time complexity to allow processing hundreds of tile sets efficiently.
3) Include test code that verifies the solution by exhaustively generating all permutations of tile patterns and matching them to words, for comparison with the algorithm's results.
This document discusses best practices for handling null values in Java. It recommends: failing fast with NullPointerExceptions instead of silently returning null; never returning null values from methods; marking optional parameters and return values with Java's Optional class; using Optional's map and flatMap methods to avoid deep null checks; and using Guava transforms if on Java 6/7 prior to Java 8 streams. The document provides code examples demonstrating these techniques for optional user objects returned from databases and assigned to groups.
The document discusses handling XML data in databases using the SQLXML interface in Java. It introduces the SQLXML interface that allows storing and retrieving XML data from databases. It provides code snippets that show how to:
1) Create an SQLXML object and insert an XML document into a database table
2) Retrieve an XML document from a database table using an SQLXML object
3) Update an existing SQLXML object in the database
This document discusses lexical environments and execution contexts in ECMAScript according to ECMA-262 Edition 5. It explains how lexical environments contain environment records that bind identifiers to values and reference outer environments. Execution contexts contain a lexical environment, variable environment, and this binding. The document provides examples of identifier resolution, function closures, and how the with statement affects lexical and variable environments.
constructor with default arguments and dynamic initialization of objectsKanhaiya Saxena
This document discusses constructors and dynamic initialization of objects in C++. It defines a constructor as a member function with the same name as the class that is used to create and initialize objects. A default constructor is one that has no parameters or all parameters have default values. Dynamic initialization allows initializing class objects at runtime by providing values during program execution rather than at compile time. An example demonstrates defining a class with different constructors and dynamically initializing an object by passing user input to a constructor that calculates and displays the sum.
Connecting and using PostgreSQL database with psycopg2 [Python 2.7]Dinesh Neupane
This presentation covers the basic idea of connecting postgresql database with python and psycopg2 module.
Covered Topics:
1. Psycopg2 Installation
2. Connecting to PostgreSQL Database
3. Connection Parameters
4. Create and Drop Table
5. Adaptation of Python Values to SQL Types
6. SQL Transactions
7. DML
Constructors are member functions that initialize objects when they are created. They do not have a return type and are called automatically upon object creation with the same name as the class. There are three types of constructors: default, parameterized, and copy. The default constructor takes no arguments, parameterized constructors allow passing values during object creation, and copy constructors copy the values of one object into a new object. Destructors are special member functions that destroy objects and are declared with a tilde symbol preceding the class name. They are called automatically when program execution finishes or an object is deleted.
Thisi s a program of a binary tree which is extended from its super class Simple Tree. It uses all the functionalities from its super class. A binary tree consists of two leaves mainly left child nodes and right child nodes.
This document discusses common concurrency problems in Java and how to address them. It covers issues that can arise from shared mutable data being accessed without proper synchronization between threads, as well as problems related to visibility and atomicity of operations. Specific problems covered include mutable statics, double-checked locking, volatile arrays, and non-atomic operations like incrementing a long. The document provides best practices for locking, wait/notify, thread coordination, and avoiding deadlocks, spin locks, and lock contention.
This document summarizes how to set up and use Citus, an open-source PostgreSQL-based distributed database. It explains how to install Citus, add worker nodes, create distributed tables, and use features like reference tables to perform distributed queries across the cluster.
Monadic Comprehensions and Functional Composition with Query ExpressionsChris Eargle
Build monads using the C# language with a C# style, then use the appropriate methods to ensure the LINQ query syntax works with this functional design pattern. After describing monads, we will cut the middleman and apply the same techniques directly to objects and functions to achieve better results with a declarative syntax.
This document provides an overview of new features introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), including arrow functions, constants and let declarations, template literals, classes, modules, promises, symbols, and more. It explains these features through examples and comparisons to ES5. Key points covered include arrow function syntax, block vs expression bodies, let and const block scoping, default parameters, destructuring, rest and spread operators, tagged template literals, class syntax and inheritance, module imports and exports, symbol use cases for unique keys and constants, and for...of loop iteration vs enumeration.
The document defines a LineChart class that extends the Chart class. The LineChart class constructor calls the parent constructor and draws the chart. The draw method builds a line chart from the series data using an SVG library, appends it to the canvas, and adds statistics for each data point by calling the parent addStats method. The getSerieData static method calculates max and average values for a data series. The class is exported for use in other code.
This document provides a summary of basic MATLAB commands organized into sections:
1) Basic scalar, vector, and matrix operations including declaring variables, performing arithmetic, accessing elements, and clearing memory.
2) Using character strings to print output and combine text.
3) Common mathematical operations like exponents, logarithms, trigonometric functions, rounding, and converting between numeric and string formats.
The document demonstrates how to perform essential tasks in MATLAB through examples and explanations of core commands. It serves as an introductory tutorial for newcomers to learn MATLAB's basic functionality.
Constructors, Destructors, call in parameterized Constructor, Multiple constructor in a class, Explicit/implicit call, Copy constructor, Dynamic Constructors and call in parameterized Constructor
Google interviewer asked for an algorithm to extract the k smallest elements from a set of ordered arrays. I suggested a vectorised bucket sort and merge sort approach. I took the problem offline and produced this analysis and C++.
The document discusses class objects, constructors, and destructors in C++. It provides an example book class with private data members and public member functions to manipulate the data. Constructors allow objects to initialize their data automatically upon creation without requiring separate calls. Destructors perform cleanup tasks when objects are destroyed. The document also demonstrates how objects are defined and member functions called, and provides examples of classes with constructors and destructors.
1. Constructors are special member functions used to initialize objects. They are called whenever an object is created and have the same name as the class.
2. Constructors can be default, parameterized, overloaded, or have default arguments. The default constructor takes no arguments.
3. A destructor is a special function that is called when an object is destroyed. It performs cleanup tasks like closing files. It has the same name as the class but preceded by a tilde (~).
The document provides specifications for a regular expression problem involving matching words from a dictionary to tile patterns containing wildcards. It specifies that the system should:
1) Find words from the dictionary that match patterns formed by 7 tiles, where blank tiles act as wildcards.
2) Perform the matching in O(n) time complexity to allow processing hundreds of tile sets efficiently.
3) Include test code that verifies the solution by exhaustively generating all permutations of tile patterns and matching them to words, for comparison with the algorithm's results.
This document discusses best practices for handling null values in Java. It recommends: failing fast with NullPointerExceptions instead of silently returning null; never returning null values from methods; marking optional parameters and return values with Java's Optional class; using Optional's map and flatMap methods to avoid deep null checks; and using Guava transforms if on Java 6/7 prior to Java 8 streams. The document provides code examples demonstrating these techniques for optional user objects returned from databases and assigned to groups.
The document discusses handling XML data in databases using the SQLXML interface in Java. It introduces the SQLXML interface that allows storing and retrieving XML data from databases. It provides code snippets that show how to:
1) Create an SQLXML object and insert an XML document into a database table
2) Retrieve an XML document from a database table using an SQLXML object
3) Update an existing SQLXML object in the database
This document discusses lexical environments and execution contexts in ECMAScript according to ECMA-262 Edition 5. It explains how lexical environments contain environment records that bind identifiers to values and reference outer environments. Execution contexts contain a lexical environment, variable environment, and this binding. The document provides examples of identifier resolution, function closures, and how the with statement affects lexical and variable environments.
constructor with default arguments and dynamic initialization of objectsKanhaiya Saxena
This document discusses constructors and dynamic initialization of objects in C++. It defines a constructor as a member function with the same name as the class that is used to create and initialize objects. A default constructor is one that has no parameters or all parameters have default values. Dynamic initialization allows initializing class objects at runtime by providing values during program execution rather than at compile time. An example demonstrates defining a class with different constructors and dynamically initializing an object by passing user input to a constructor that calculates and displays the sum.
Connecting and using PostgreSQL database with psycopg2 [Python 2.7]Dinesh Neupane
This presentation covers the basic idea of connecting postgresql database with python and psycopg2 module.
Covered Topics:
1. Psycopg2 Installation
2. Connecting to PostgreSQL Database
3. Connection Parameters
4. Create and Drop Table
5. Adaptation of Python Values to SQL Types
6. SQL Transactions
7. DML
Constructors are member functions that initialize objects when they are created. They do not have a return type and are called automatically upon object creation with the same name as the class. There are three types of constructors: default, parameterized, and copy. The default constructor takes no arguments, parameterized constructors allow passing values during object creation, and copy constructors copy the values of one object into a new object. Destructors are special member functions that destroy objects and are declared with a tilde symbol preceding the class name. They are called automatically when program execution finishes or an object is deleted.
Thisi s a program of a binary tree which is extended from its super class Simple Tree. It uses all the functionalities from its super class. A binary tree consists of two leaves mainly left child nodes and right child nodes.
This document discusses common concurrency problems in Java and how to address them. It covers issues that can arise from shared mutable data being accessed without proper synchronization between threads, as well as problems related to visibility and atomicity of operations. Specific problems covered include mutable statics, double-checked locking, volatile arrays, and non-atomic operations like incrementing a long. The document provides best practices for locking, wait/notify, thread coordination, and avoiding deadlocks, spin locks, and lock contention.
This document summarizes how to set up and use Citus, an open-source PostgreSQL-based distributed database. It explains how to install Citus, add worker nodes, create distributed tables, and use features like reference tables to perform distributed queries across the cluster.
Monadic Comprehensions and Functional Composition with Query ExpressionsChris Eargle
Build monads using the C# language with a C# style, then use the appropriate methods to ensure the LINQ query syntax works with this functional design pattern. After describing monads, we will cut the middleman and apply the same techniques directly to objects and functions to achieve better results with a declarative syntax.
This document provides an overview of new features introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), including arrow functions, constants and let declarations, template literals, classes, modules, promises, symbols, and more. It explains these features through examples and comparisons to ES5. Key points covered include arrow function syntax, block vs expression bodies, let and const block scoping, default parameters, destructuring, rest and spread operators, tagged template literals, class syntax and inheritance, module imports and exports, symbol use cases for unique keys and constants, and for...of loop iteration vs enumeration.
The document defines a LineChart class that extends the Chart class. The LineChart class constructor calls the parent constructor and draws the chart. The draw method builds a line chart from the series data using an SVG library, appends it to the canvas, and adds statistics for each data point by calling the parent addStats method. The getSerieData static method calculates max and average values for a data series. The class is exported for use in other code.
The document discusses function composition and recursion in JavaScript. It introduces basic functions like double, square, and inc. It then shows how to work with these functions in an imperative style using a for loop, and in a declarative style using map. It discusses how composition allows building complexity by combining functions. The document also discusses combinators, introducing birds that represent functions like identity, mockingbird, bluebird (compose), lark, and meadowlark. It concludes by explaining the Y-combinator and how it allows recursion using fixed points.
Part presentation, part debate about the future of the language while touching base on the current state of the industry with respect to ES6/ES2015, and the possibilities of using it today in web applications and frameworks, the different options, and the things to keep in mind. Additionally, we will do a walk-through on the new features included in ES7/ES2016 draft, and those that are being discussed for ES8/ES2017.
This document provides a summary of new features in JavaScript, including let/const block scoping, arrow functions, template strings, classes, generators, async/await, and more. It explains each feature in 1-3 sentences and includes code examples.
Principles of functional progrmming in scalaehsoon
a short outline on necessity of functional programming and principles of functional programming in Scala.
In the article some keyword are used but not explained (to keep the article short and simple), the interested reader can look them up in internet.
This document summarizes a presentation on Scala given by Jonas Boner. It shows how to build a simple chat application in 30 lines of code using Lift framework. It then discusses Scala as a scalable, pragmatic language that blends object-oriented and functional programming. Traits allow for rich and extensible abstractions. Pattern matching, immutable data structures, and functions as first-class values enable a functional style. Tools like SBT and frameworks like Lift make Scala productive for real-world use.
Short (45 min) version of my 'Pragmatic Real-World Scala' talk. Discussing patterns and idioms discovered during 1.5 years of building a production system for finance; portfolio management and simulation.
This document summarizes advanced JavaScript concepts including:
- Object-oriented inheritance patterns in JavaScript and trends toward avoiding new and emulating private members. Pseudo-classical inheritance is recommended for better performance.
- Exploiting JavaScript's support for functional programming with higher-order functions to allow functions as arguments and return values for more flexible programming.
- Common issues with asynchronous code in JavaScript and how promises can help address callbacks and synchronization.
- Common pitfalls to avoid with arrays, numbers, and typeof in JavaScript.
The document provides an overview of several C++ concepts including basic syntax, compiling programs, argument passing, dynamic memory allocation, and object-oriented programming. It demonstrates simple C++ programs and functions. It discusses best practices like separating interface and implementation using header files. It also introduces C++ standard library features like vectors and the importance of avoiding unnecessary copying.
ES7 introduced the exponentiation operator (**) and Array.prototype.includes() method. ES8 introduced async functions which allow asynchronous code to be written in a cleaner way using async and await keywords, shared memory and atomics to improve parallelism and concurrency between workers, and new methods like Object.entries() and Object.values(). Current proposals for ES9 include object destructuring with rest and spread properties, async iteration with for-await loops, and dynamic import() to load modules at runtime.
C++ is a middle-level programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. C++ runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX.
This reference will take you through simple and practical approach while learning C++ Programming language.
JavaScript is the programming language of the web. It can dynamically manipulate HTML content by changing element properties like innerHTML. Functions allow JavaScript code to run in response to events like button clicks or timeouts. JavaScript uses objects and prototypes to define reusable behaviors and properties for objects. It is an important language for web developers to learn alongside HTML and CSS.
This document provides an overview of React.js and key concepts like components, props, state, and JSX syntax. It also discusses performance techniques like virtual DOM and how React efficiently re-renders. Additionally, it covers related topics like Redux for state management and separating concerns with a component architecture.
This document discusses first-class functions and lambda calculus. It begins with an overview of Alonzo Church and the origins of lambda calculus. It then covers first-class functions in JavaScript, functions as objects in Java, and first-class functions in Scala. The document also discusses generic higher-order functions and control abstraction.
Generators in ECMAScript provide a way to write iterator functions using the yield keyword. This allows for writing functions that can be iterated over manually or used to create infinite streams. Generators also enable asynchronous programming using coroutines instead of callbacks. They allow for cooperative multitasking by starting multiple generator functions as "threads" that yield values in a nondeterministic order. Array comprehensions are also proposed as a shorthand for transforming arrays using generators.
This document summarizes new features introduced in ES2015 (ES6), including let and const block scoping, arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, classes, modules, and methods added to built-in objects like String, Array, Number, Math and more. It recommends using features like let, const, arrow functions, and template literals that improve code clarity and syntax, while being cautious of less supported features like iterators, generators and proxies that may require polyfills or have limited browser support. The document provides examples and explanations of many ES6 features and references additional learning resources.
This document provides an introduction to functional programming in JavaScript. It discusses key functional programming concepts like pure functions, immutable data, and referential transparency. It explains how JavaScript supports functional programming with features like anonymous functions, closures, and higher-order functions. The document also demonstrates functional programming tools like filter, map, reduce, currying, and function composition. It provides examples of how to write pure functions and avoid side effects. Finally, it encourages readers to start applying these concepts like writing pure functions, using currying, and embracing functional composition.
The next version of JavaScript, ES6, is starting to arrive. Many of its features are simple enhancements to the language we already have: things like arrow functions, class syntax, and destructuring. But other features will change the way we program JavaScript, fundamentally expanding the capabilities of the language and reshaping our future codebases. In this talk we'll focus on two of these, discovering the the myriad possibilities of generators and the many tricks you can pull of with template strings.
JavaScript is evolving with the addition of modules, platform consistency, and harmony features. Modules allow JavaScript code to be organized and avoid naming collisions. CommonJS and AMD module formats are used widely. Platform consistency is improved through polyfills that mimic future APIs for older browsers. Harmony brings language-level modules and features like destructuring assignment, default parameters, and promises to JavaScript. Traceur compiles Harmony code to existing JavaScript.
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MiniTool Partition Wizard is a powerful and easy-to-use partition management tool designed to help users manage their hard drive partitions. It provides a variety of functions to help with partition creation, resizing, merging, splitting, formatting, and much more, making it a popular tool for users who need to optimize or manage their storage devices.
AI/ML Infra Meetup | Building Production Platform for Large-Scale Recommendat...Alluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events:
- Xu Ning (Director of Engineering, AI Platform @ Snap)
In this talk, Xu Ning from Snap provides a comprehensive overview of the unique challenges in building and scaling recommendation systems compared to LLM applications.
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Enscape Latest 2025 Crack is a real-time 3D rendering and virtual reality (VR) software that integrates seamlessly with architectural design software like Autodesk Revit, SketchUp, Rhino, ArchiCAD, and Vectorworks. It is widely used by architects, designers, and visualization professionals to create photorealistic visualizations, immersive virtual walkthroughs, and high-quality renderings directly from their 3D models.
Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon: Java is the New Python v0.9Yann-Ga谷l Gu辿h辿neuc
Java has had a tremendous success and, in the last few years, has evolved quite significantly. However, it was still difficult to interface with libraries written in other programming language because of some complexity with JNI and some syntactic and semantic barriers. New projects to improve Java could help alleviate, even nullify, these barriers. Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon exist to make it easier to use different programming and memory models in Java and to interface with foreign programming languages. This presentation describes the problem with the Java isthmus and the three projects in details, with real code examples. It shows how, combined, these three projects could make of Java the new Python.
Mastering Software Test Automation: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and E...Shubham Joshi
Software test automation is transforming the way teams ensure product quality, making testing faster, more efficient, and highly reliable. This guide covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts, helping both beginners and experts optimize their testing processes. Youll explore various automation tools, frameworks, and best practices to improve test accuracy and speed up development cycles. With software test automation, organizations can minimize manual effort while enhancing test coverage. Whether you're just starting out or refining your existing automation strategies, this guide provides actionable insights and real-world examples to help you achieve success in automated testing.
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EASEUS Partition Master Crack with License Code [Latest]bhagasufyan
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EASEUS Partition Master Crack is a professional hard disk partition management tool and system partition optimization software. It is an all-in-one PC and server disk management toolkit for IT professionals, system administrators, technicians, and consultants to provide technical services to customers with unlimited use.
EASEUS Partition Master 18.0 Technician Edition Crack interface is clean and tidy, so all options are at your fingertips. Whether you want to resize, move, copy, merge, browse, check, convert partitions, or change their labels, you can do everything with a few clicks. The defragmentation tool is also designed to merge fragmented files and folders and store them in contiguous locations on the hard drive.
DevOpsDays LA - Platform Engineers are Product Managers.pdfJustin Reock
Platform engineering is the foundation of modern software development, equipping teams with the tools and workflows they need to move faster. However, to truly drive impact, platform engineers must think like product managersleveraging productivity metrics to guide decisions, prioritize investments, and measure success. By applying a data-driven approach, platform teams can optimize developer experience, streamline workflows, and demonstrate tangible ROI on platform initiatives.
In this 15-minute session, Justin Reock, Deputy CTO at DX (, will explore how platform engineers can use key developer productivity metricssuch as cycle time, deployment frequency, and developer satisfactionto manage their platform as an internal product. By treating the platform with the same rigor as an external product launch, teams can accelerate adoption, improve efficiency, and create a frictionless developer experience.
Join us to learn how adopting a metrics-driven, product management mindset can transform your platform engineering efforts into a strategic, high-impact function that unlocks engineering velocity and business success.
Rise of the Phoenix: Lesson Learned Build an AI-powered Test Gen Enginestevebrudz1
In this talk, I give an overview and demo of Phoenix, an AI-powered test generation engine for Ruby on Rails applications, and share lessons learned while building it. I presented this at the Artificial Ruby Meet Up in NYC on March 4, 2025.
AI/ML Infra Meetup | How Uber Optimizes LLM Training and FinetuneAlluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events:
- Chongxiao Cao (Senior SWE @ Uber)
Chongxiao Cao from Uber's Michelangelo training team shared valuable insights into Uber's approach to optimizing LLM training and fine-tuning workflows.
OutSystems User Group Utrecht February 2025.pdfmail496323
We'll first explore how to Transition from O11 to ODC with Solange Ferreira (OutSystems). After that, Remco Dekkinga (Evergreen IT) will jump into Troubleshooting.
Examples of (bad) consequences of a lack of software quality and some solutions. This presentation presents some examples of (bad) consequences of a lack of software quality, in particular how poor software quality led to the direct deaths of 89 people. It then provides some background on software quality, especially the concept of Quality Without a Name. It then discusses many principles, their usefulness, and their positive consequences on software quality. Some of these principles are well-known in object-oriented programming while many others are taken from the book 97 Programmers. They include: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, types, polymorphism, SOLID, GRASP, YAGNI, KISS, DRY, Do Not Reinvent the Wheel, Law of Demeter, Beware of Assumptions, Deletable Code, coding with reason, and functional programming. They pertain to dependencies, domains, and tools. Concrete application on a real-world software systems, with examples and discussions.
(In details: Beautify is Simplicity, The Boy Scout Rule, You Gotta Care About the Code, The Longevity of Interim Solutions, Beware the Share, Encapsulate Behaviour not Just State, Single Responsibility Principle, WET Dilutes Performance Bottlenecks, Convenience Is Not an -ility, Code in the Language of the Domain, Comment Only What the Code Cannot Say, Distinguish Business Exception from Technical, Prefer Domain-specific Types to Primitive Types, Automate Your Coding Standards, Code Layout Matters, Before You Refactor, Improve Code by Removing It, Put the Mouse Down and Step Away from the Keyboard)
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Tenorshare 4uKey Crack is a versatile software tool designed to help users bypass or remove various types of passwords and locks from iOS devices. It's primarily used to recover access to locked iPhones, iPads, or iPods without the need for a password or Apple ID. This software is particularly helpful when users forget their screen lock passcode, Face ID, Touch ID, or Apple ID password. It supports a wide range of iOS devices and works with various versions of iOS, making it a useful tool for iOS users in need of password recovery.
4. Components
Breaking UI into a compoent hierarchy is logical
They usually great at one thing
Components are highly reusable epecially in large apps
JSX is great for this
14. Reducer油composition
It helps to split data handling logic, when each of reducers is
managing its own part of the global state
Redux provides util combineReducers() that makes it easy to use.
22. Examples
function () { return 1; }
() => { return 1; }
() => 1
function (a) { return a * 2; }
(a) => { return a * 2; }
(a) => a * 2
a => a * 2
function (a, b) { return a * b; }
(a, b) => { return a * b; }
(a, b) => a * b
function () { return arguments[0]; }
(...args) => args[0] // ES6 rest syntax helps to work without 'arguments'
() => {} // undefined
() => ({}) // {}
23. Spread油operator
Math.max(-1, 5, 11, 3) // 11
Math.max(...[-1, 5, 11, 3]) // 11
Math.max(-1, ...[5, 11], 3) // 11
// example from Tic Tac Toe React
// with ES6 spread operator
function getMaxElement(arr) {
return Math.max(...arr);
// without ES6 spread
function getMaxElement(arr) {
return Math.max.apply(null, arr);
25. Destructuring
// Can work with objects
let {one, two} = {one: 1, two: 2} // one = 1, two = 2
// And arrays
let [,,x] = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']; // x = 'c'
// Is that it? Nope, array destructuring works with iterable objects
// Like strings
let [x,y] = 'abc'; // x='a'; y=['b', 'c']
// And Set
let [x, y] = new Set(['x', 'y']); // x = 'x', y = 'y'
// and etc.
// It's works great with rest operator
let [x,...y] = 'abc'; // x='a'; y=['b', 'c']
// And looks great in functions
function ([x, y,]) {...}
26. let,油const
let and const are block scoped
let and const don't get hoisted have TDZ (Temporal Dead Zone)
Variables de ned with let/const can't be de ned more than once
in the same scope
27. Template油strings
// Can contain multiline strings
let multiline = `line 1
line2`; // and spaces matter
let x = 1;
// Can evaluate variables, or expressions inside ${...}
let str = `${x + 41}` // str = '42'
// Can be tagged
function firstString(stringsArray, ...allValues) { // using the new ES6 rest syntax
// allValues is array of values passed inside ${}
return stringsArray[0];
let firstStr = firstString `Some text ${x} bla-bla`;
// firstStr = 'Some text ';