3. We absolutely loved to read more about
your country and especially your
hometown! As we noticed all of you
Romanian participants are most at
ages16/17 as we Lithuanians are.
It was nice to find out more about your
4. We think that your country is very beautiful! And
also you all have various hobbies! Some of you like
sports and others are more in artistic things like
music, dancing and drawing. Some of your girls
watch American TV shows and a few Bulgarian
boys drives motorcycles . We also like to do that!
So it was nice to know that our hobbies are not
very different at all.
5. From your presentations we learned bunch of
things about your school and that was interesting!
As we noticed most of your hobbies are sports or
being out with friends. That’s good! Also you
have an interesting subjects at school as well. In
our school we have German language subject and
it’s really nice to learn it!