Read Well is a primary reading curriculum for K-2 students that provides whole class and small group instruction. It uses mastery-based and differentiated teaching strategies. Students are placed into small groups based on their assessed reading skills and work to master skills before advancing. The program provides flexible scheduling options and includes phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension and fluency instruction daily. While independent research is limited, Read Well incorporates evidence-based practices and Cambium Learning has conducted internal studies showing its effectiveness.
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1. Read Well is a primary reading curriculum that
adjusts to the needs of each student.
K-2+ reading core and intervention programs
Mastery-based and research-validated instructional
Multiple entry points for placement into appropriate
small groups.
A unique sound sequence.
Differentiated instruction with flexible pacing.
Ongoing assessment and progress monitoring.
An instructional framework that addresses the
needs of a response to intervention (RtI) model.
2. What is Read Well?
Read Well is a research-based primary reading
curriculum that consists of whole class and
small group instruction and independent
Students are placed into small groups based on
assessed skills and should acquire mastery
before moving on.
6. All Read Well Products Can Be Purchased @
7. Designed to meet the needs of
Whole Group
Small Group
Individual Assessment and Practice
8. Age appropriate whole Explicit Instruction Small group
class instruction placement
Ongoing Assessment determined by
assessed skill level
Targeted extra
practice and
Skills taught to mastery in small
group lessons.
9. What makes Read Well different? What makes it work?
Designed to be flexible to meet the needs of all students, regardless of their
ability or achievement level
Small group placement determined by assessed skill level (ORF)
Skills taught to mastery in small-group instruction, with sufficient, targeted,
appropriate extra practice to reinforce skills as needed
Ongoing assessment to monitor progress and guide pacing
Daily instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary,
comprehension and fluency
Comprehensive and ongoing professional development
10. Implementation
Scheduling options for 120 min/90 min/60 min
(and what is covered during this time)
120 minutes: 30 minutes whole class [Read Well ABC Routines, Theme-
Related Read Alouds, and Write Well Spelling] and 30 minutes small
groups (3) [Classroom teacher with 3 group rotations: 30 mins Teacher-
Directed instruction, 30 mins Read Well Independent Work, 30 mins
Teacher-Developed Center Activites]
90 minutes: 60 minute walk-to-read (Teacher and Assistant 45 minutes
directed; 15 minute independent work); plus 30 minute whole-class
instruction (Teacher doing Read Well ABC Routines, Theme-Related Read
Alouds, and Write Well Spelling)
60 minutes: walk-to-read with Teacher and no whole-class instruction
11. Whole Group
(Alphabet Cheers, ABC routines)
Review or Preview decoding,
choral reading, repeated reading, themed
read alouds
Write Well Spelling
12. Small Group
Teacher Directed:
Sound Reviews, Exercises, Vocabulary and Story
Story Rereading, Comprehension and Skill
13. Validation
Not a lot of independent study to back up the claim that RW makes
improvements in reading performance
However, Read Well incorporates researched-based practices that
have been proven to be effective for diverse learners.
Preplacement Assessment and ongoing Progress Monitoring
Scaffolded Instruction
Explicit Instruction
Targeted Interventions
Teaching to Mastery
And more
Sopris West and Cambium Learning (publishers) conducted numerous
studies to show Read Wells effectiveness in diverse school settings.
However, these studies do not pass WWCs threshold (lack comparison,
control groups, tests of significance, etc.)
15. IES What Works Clearinghouse
Read Well速 was found to have no discernible effects
on reading achievement and potentially positive
effects on English language development for
elementary school English language learners.
16. What Teachers Like About Read
Incorporates authentic reading materials that
kids are interested in (Arthur, Magic Tree
House, etc.)
Flexible and easy to differentiate
Doesnt follow strict timelines
Explicit (scripted) instruction
Fits RTI model well (progress monitoring and
varying degrees of intervention)
17. Sources Cited
Cambium Learning Group/Voyager
Lisa Elliot, Wildwood Park Elementary.
What Works Clearinghouse