ReadWorks, which Wilson Neely serves as a member of the board of directors, recently earned a mention on edSurges list of the Top Ten SCool Tools of 2014.
The document summarizes a session on embedding the Graduate Portfolio System (GPS) into school culture at Sharpstown International School. It discusses challenges implementing GPS in previous years and developing goals and plans for the upcoming year. It provides examples of challenges faced by Sharpstown International including adapting from a small charter school to a larger 6-12 model and creating teacher buy-in for GPS tasks. Participants shared challenges and successes, developed measurable goals for one challenge, and shared goals in groups to get feedback.
The family studies resource binder contains information about the department, school, and classroom resources. It includes the school calendar, policies and initiatives, department mission and budget, literacy and numeracy strategies, curriculum design, lesson planning tips, instructional techniques, assessment practices, classroom management, special needs support, safety procedures, and communicating with parents.
This document provides a summary of free study resources available to assist 2022 Grade 12 learners in South Africa. It lists past papers, revision notes, study guides and other preparatory materials for over 30 subjects, including Accounting, Mathematics, Physical Science, English, IsiXhosa, Setswana, Computer Applications Technology and various other academic and practical subjects. The resources are meant to help matriculants prepare for their final exams and matric results through access to previous exam papers, study guides, notes and other supplementary materials.
An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a data modeling technique that graphically illustrates an information systems entities and the relationships between those entities. An ERD is a conceptual and representational model of data used to represent the entity framework infrastructure. DBA and System Analyst used ERD to perform data modeling and explain the diagram to the stakeholders.
Lakeside Middle School Update for Parents and Community Spike Cook
In an effort to increase transparency, we developed this Power Point to report on our progress this year. Be sure to stay connected with us weekly through our Social Networks! Thanks for your support!
School Transformation So That Every Student ThrivesLisa Andrew, Ed.D
The document summarizes a presentation on school transformation from Partners in Schooling. It discusses their mission of eliminating achievement gaps for low-income, African American, Latino, and English learner students. It presents their school transformation framework and rubric used to define research-based components and accelerate student outcomes. Case studies are shared showing how the rubric has been implemented at different school sites. The presentation aims to help participants understand Partners in Schooling's approach and how their research-based rubric can be used to create sustainable change at schools.
The A+nyWhere Learning System (A+LS) is an e-learning program that provides core K-12 curriculum content in subjects like reading, math, science, and social studies delivered online through a course management system. It offers assessment and instructional tools to meet the needs of all students, from remedial to advanced, and can be used for credit recovery, dropout prevention, after school programs, and more. While it is flexible in allowing students to learn anywhere with internet access, the initial setup is difficult and teachers have no way of knowing if students are doing their own work. School districts pay significant fees for the program, with contracts often exceeding $80,000.
ReadWorks was named a finalist in the 2014 REVERE Awards for best supplemental reading and language arts resources. The nonprofit provides free downloadable lesson plans, reading passages, and comprehension questions that cover K-12 curriculum standards. Developed with educational experts, ReadWorks materials have earned praise from over 700,000 teachers for improving reading skills and critical thinking across subjects.
Since it began in 2010, ReadWorks has quickly become a leader in providing reading comprehension curriculum materials to K-8 teachers across the country. A nonprofit organization that provides no-cost, high-quality teaching aids and reading material aligned with Common Core standards, ReadWorks has met with considerable approval from teachers and administrators alike. More than 700,000 teachers use ReadWorks, and the organization received two major education industry awards for the 2013-2014 school year.
This document provides guidelines for developing contextualized instructional materials across K-12 curricula. It defines key terms like contextualization, indigenization, and localization. It also classifies different types of instructional materials like printed and non-printed resources. Guidelines are provided for developing learning activity sheets, including ensuring materials are self-explanatory, based on learning targets, and use clear fonts and illustrations appropriate for different grade levels. The overall goal is to develop materials that make the curriculum relevant and meaningful for learners.
This document discusses reading assessment tools and their importance. It begins by outlining the objectives of the session, which are to identify different assessment tools for profiling reading ability, understand how tools can track improvement, simulate assessment, and explain the advantages of assessment tools. It then introduces several tools: the Phil-IRI allows assessment of oral reading, silent reading, and listening comprehension to determine a student's reading level. Administering it involves initial screening, oral reading tests, and analyzing performance both quantitatively and qualitatively. Assessment provides critical information about students' skills and progress to guide effective instruction.
12 hr Professional Learning and Instructional Leadership artifactDenton-Festa Salena
This document discusses effective reading interventions for a school that has identified reading as an instructional improvement target based on student assessment data. It summarizes two interventions that were selected: the Voyager Universal Literacy Program for K-2 students and Reading Plus for grades 2 and up. Voyager provides explicit, systematic literacy instruction aligned with Reading First research. Reading Plus is a web-based program that individualizes reading exercises and assessments to develop students' fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Implementing these interventions is expected to provide academic success through remediating reading deficits and meeting individual student needs.
The document discusses issues with how instruction is defined and delivered through basal reading programs. It notes that basal programs assume one instructional approach for all students and lack differentiation. The summary provides 9 actions teachers must take to improve instruction when using a basal program, including setting goals for students, modifying lessons, and differentiating instruction based on student needs.
This document provides an introduction to a teacher's resource on developing higher-order thinking skills among learners in English/Reading for grades 7-10. It includes an overview of the resource, background on international assessments like PISA, the relevant Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, and an introduction to the Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) model which is used within the resource to classify learning outcomes and assess higher-order thinking. The teacher's resource contains sample assessment items addressing various competencies across grades 7-10 that teachers can use or adapt for their classrooms.
Academic adoption at the University of LiverpoolTalis
Planning your academic rollout of Reading Lists? This presentation covers the academic adoption roll out success at the University of Liverpool. Thanks to Carol Rhodes for preparing this presentation.
eVAL is an electronic application to support the work of the new teacher and principal evaluation systems. This presentation describes what eVAL is and how teachers and principals can use it to support their growth and manage evaluation processes.
Resume Teresa updated without quotes 8-10-16Teresa Lewis
This document provides a summary of Teresa Lynn Lewis's education and professional experience. She has over 30 years of experience in education, including serving as a Title I Reading Specialist for the past 20 years. She also has experience as a Literacy Coach, Intervention Team Coordinator, Talented and Gifted Coordinator, Reading Specialist, classroom teacher, and substitute teacher across multiple school districts in Oregon. Her education includes a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education.
Evidence based reading practices.cr4 yr,jan18, 2013Faye Brownlie
The document discusses a symposium on evidence-based practices for improving young readers. It provides information from the PIRLS 2011 international reading assessment which found that students in British Columbia performed above average, with more success in literary reading compared to informational reading. The document also discusses challenges in balancing basic reading skills instruction with using texts to build knowledge, as well as the importance of ensuring struggling readers have support to build an efficient reading process.
This document summarizes a presentation about using formative assessments to support English Learners (ELs). The presentation defined formative assessment and discussed its benefits for ELs. Different types of formative assessments were described, as well as effective strategies for assessing ELs, including physical demonstrations, pictorial products, graphic organizers, and written and oral assessments. The presentation provided examples of how to scaffold assessments for ELs of varying proficiency levels. It also discussed using formative assessments and student data as collaborative tools between educators to better support ELs.
The Making Meaning program is a K-8 reading curriculum that combines comprehension strategies with social-emotional learning. It uses fiction and nonfiction trade books to build students' vocabulary and experience with complex texts. The program includes teacher manuals, trade books, and grade-specific materials. It teaches comprehension strategies like visualizing and questioning directly, and informally teaches making connections. It also teaches social skills like giving reasons, listening to others, and contributing to group work. The program is designed to enhance existing literacy programs and is used in several states. Research shows it improves comprehension and aligns with state standards.
Using underlying concepts as a framework for teaching and learning in Health ...NatashaLowNZ
Natasha Low presented on using underlying concepts as a framework for teaching and learning in health and physical education (HPE). She discussed how a clear framework with objectives can allow teachers to focus on innovation. She proposed that the four underlying concepts of hauora, attitudes and values, sociological perspective, and health promotion be used as the framework. Teachers can develop symbols to represent these concepts and share them with students to help students understand and connect their learning. Natasha provided examples of how the framework could be applied and encouraged teachers to share ideas.
Action Research On The Teaching Of Writing In Primary SchoolsMary Calkins
The document summarizes an action research project called "Writing is Primary" that aimed to help primary school teachers become more confident and skilled at teaching writing. It discusses findings from reports that improving teacher confidence in writing and having teachers model writing processes is important for improving student writing attainment. The project gave teachers freedom to experiment with new teaching strategies over 15 months. Teachers expanded their repertoire of strategies, felt more confident in their teaching abilities, and were more open to innovative practices as a result of participating.
This document provides an overview of the WriteWell curriculum for teaching writing. It discusses the structure and format of WriteWell units, which are designed to increase students' writing proficiency through the writer's workshop model. Key aspects of the curriculum include daily mini-lessons, independent writing time with teacher conferencing, and sharing sessions. The document also provides examples of how the curriculum is organized online and outlines strategies for effective implementation in classrooms.
Development and Validation of Filipino Reading Test for Senior High SchoolReggie Cruz
1. The document describes the development and validation of a Filipino reading test intended as an assessment tool for the core subject "Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba't Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik" in Senior High School.
2. An 85-item reading test was developed based on learning competencies and underwent face and content validation by teachers and students.
3. After validation, 36 items were accepted, 21 revised, and 28 rejected, resulting in a final 50-item test that was found to have excellent reliability for research purposes.
The document provides an overview of the REWARDS Intermediate training program. It discusses reviewing the science of teaching reading, summarizing benefits of instructional components in REWARDS, and describing the program's materials and instructional design. The training aims to practice delivering REWARDS components to prepare participants for using it with students.
ReadWorks was named a finalist in the 2014 REVERE Awards for best supplemental reading and language arts resources. The nonprofit provides free downloadable lesson plans, reading passages, and comprehension questions that cover K-12 curriculum standards. Developed with educational experts, ReadWorks materials have earned praise from over 700,000 teachers for improving reading skills and critical thinking across subjects.
Since it began in 2010, ReadWorks has quickly become a leader in providing reading comprehension curriculum materials to K-8 teachers across the country. A nonprofit organization that provides no-cost, high-quality teaching aids and reading material aligned with Common Core standards, ReadWorks has met with considerable approval from teachers and administrators alike. More than 700,000 teachers use ReadWorks, and the organization received two major education industry awards for the 2013-2014 school year.
This document provides guidelines for developing contextualized instructional materials across K-12 curricula. It defines key terms like contextualization, indigenization, and localization. It also classifies different types of instructional materials like printed and non-printed resources. Guidelines are provided for developing learning activity sheets, including ensuring materials are self-explanatory, based on learning targets, and use clear fonts and illustrations appropriate for different grade levels. The overall goal is to develop materials that make the curriculum relevant and meaningful for learners.
This document discusses reading assessment tools and their importance. It begins by outlining the objectives of the session, which are to identify different assessment tools for profiling reading ability, understand how tools can track improvement, simulate assessment, and explain the advantages of assessment tools. It then introduces several tools: the Phil-IRI allows assessment of oral reading, silent reading, and listening comprehension to determine a student's reading level. Administering it involves initial screening, oral reading tests, and analyzing performance both quantitatively and qualitatively. Assessment provides critical information about students' skills and progress to guide effective instruction.
12 hr Professional Learning and Instructional Leadership artifactDenton-Festa Salena
This document discusses effective reading interventions for a school that has identified reading as an instructional improvement target based on student assessment data. It summarizes two interventions that were selected: the Voyager Universal Literacy Program for K-2 students and Reading Plus for grades 2 and up. Voyager provides explicit, systematic literacy instruction aligned with Reading First research. Reading Plus is a web-based program that individualizes reading exercises and assessments to develop students' fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Implementing these interventions is expected to provide academic success through remediating reading deficits and meeting individual student needs.
The document discusses issues with how instruction is defined and delivered through basal reading programs. It notes that basal programs assume one instructional approach for all students and lack differentiation. The summary provides 9 actions teachers must take to improve instruction when using a basal program, including setting goals for students, modifying lessons, and differentiating instruction based on student needs.
This document provides an introduction to a teacher's resource on developing higher-order thinking skills among learners in English/Reading for grades 7-10. It includes an overview of the resource, background on international assessments like PISA, the relevant Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, and an introduction to the Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) model which is used within the resource to classify learning outcomes and assess higher-order thinking. The teacher's resource contains sample assessment items addressing various competencies across grades 7-10 that teachers can use or adapt for their classrooms.
Academic adoption at the University of LiverpoolTalis
Planning your academic rollout of Reading Lists? This presentation covers the academic adoption roll out success at the University of Liverpool. Thanks to Carol Rhodes for preparing this presentation.
eVAL is an electronic application to support the work of the new teacher and principal evaluation systems. This presentation describes what eVAL is and how teachers and principals can use it to support their growth and manage evaluation processes.
Resume Teresa updated without quotes 8-10-16Teresa Lewis
This document provides a summary of Teresa Lynn Lewis's education and professional experience. She has over 30 years of experience in education, including serving as a Title I Reading Specialist for the past 20 years. She also has experience as a Literacy Coach, Intervention Team Coordinator, Talented and Gifted Coordinator, Reading Specialist, classroom teacher, and substitute teacher across multiple school districts in Oregon. Her education includes a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education.
Evidence based reading practices.cr4 yr,jan18, 2013Faye Brownlie
The document discusses a symposium on evidence-based practices for improving young readers. It provides information from the PIRLS 2011 international reading assessment which found that students in British Columbia performed above average, with more success in literary reading compared to informational reading. The document also discusses challenges in balancing basic reading skills instruction with using texts to build knowledge, as well as the importance of ensuring struggling readers have support to build an efficient reading process.
This document summarizes a presentation about using formative assessments to support English Learners (ELs). The presentation defined formative assessment and discussed its benefits for ELs. Different types of formative assessments were described, as well as effective strategies for assessing ELs, including physical demonstrations, pictorial products, graphic organizers, and written and oral assessments. The presentation provided examples of how to scaffold assessments for ELs of varying proficiency levels. It also discussed using formative assessments and student data as collaborative tools between educators to better support ELs.
The Making Meaning program is a K-8 reading curriculum that combines comprehension strategies with social-emotional learning. It uses fiction and nonfiction trade books to build students' vocabulary and experience with complex texts. The program includes teacher manuals, trade books, and grade-specific materials. It teaches comprehension strategies like visualizing and questioning directly, and informally teaches making connections. It also teaches social skills like giving reasons, listening to others, and contributing to group work. The program is designed to enhance existing literacy programs and is used in several states. Research shows it improves comprehension and aligns with state standards.
Using underlying concepts as a framework for teaching and learning in Health ...NatashaLowNZ
Natasha Low presented on using underlying concepts as a framework for teaching and learning in health and physical education (HPE). She discussed how a clear framework with objectives can allow teachers to focus on innovation. She proposed that the four underlying concepts of hauora, attitudes and values, sociological perspective, and health promotion be used as the framework. Teachers can develop symbols to represent these concepts and share them with students to help students understand and connect their learning. Natasha provided examples of how the framework could be applied and encouraged teachers to share ideas.
Action Research On The Teaching Of Writing In Primary SchoolsMary Calkins
The document summarizes an action research project called "Writing is Primary" that aimed to help primary school teachers become more confident and skilled at teaching writing. It discusses findings from reports that improving teacher confidence in writing and having teachers model writing processes is important for improving student writing attainment. The project gave teachers freedom to experiment with new teaching strategies over 15 months. Teachers expanded their repertoire of strategies, felt more confident in their teaching abilities, and were more open to innovative practices as a result of participating.
This document provides an overview of the WriteWell curriculum for teaching writing. It discusses the structure and format of WriteWell units, which are designed to increase students' writing proficiency through the writer's workshop model. Key aspects of the curriculum include daily mini-lessons, independent writing time with teacher conferencing, and sharing sessions. The document also provides examples of how the curriculum is organized online and outlines strategies for effective implementation in classrooms.
Development and Validation of Filipino Reading Test for Senior High SchoolReggie Cruz
1. The document describes the development and validation of a Filipino reading test intended as an assessment tool for the core subject "Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba't Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik" in Senior High School.
2. An 85-item reading test was developed based on learning competencies and underwent face and content validation by teachers and students.
3. After validation, 36 items were accepted, 21 revised, and 28 rejected, resulting in a final 50-item test that was found to have excellent reliability for research purposes.
The document provides an overview of the REWARDS Intermediate training program. It discusses reviewing the science of teaching reading, summarizing benefits of instructional components in REWARDS, and describing the program's materials and instructional design. The training aims to practice delivering REWARDS components to prepare participants for using it with students.
The Boy Scouts - Laying a Foundation for a Life of ServiceWilson Neely
The Boy Scouts of America provides young men with leadership skills, values, education, and a focus on service to others through its core activities and pillars. Scouts are taught the importance of service through the organization's motto of "Do a good turn daily" by looking for opportunities each day to help others through small acts of kindness. As boys progress through the ranks towards Eagle Scout, the role of service grows more significant, culminating in a major service project to plan and oversee.
The LIGHTSCAPES Spring Show at Van Cortlandt ManorWilson Neely
The LIGHTSCAPES Spring Show at Van Cortlandt Manor features a springtime garden of illuminated flower sculptures that are handmade on site. Visitors can walk through the manor's grounds at their own pace to see the gorgeous displays, which include floating fairies, butterflies, and mushrooms created with state-of-the-art lighting. The event also has a hospitality tent with spring-themed snacks like ice cream sandwiches and sorbet.
Philmont Scout Ranch in the New Mexico WildernessWilson Neely
Philmont Scout Ranch is a 200+ square mile wilderness area in New Mexico that has welcomed over a million Boy Scout visitors since opening in 1938. The ranch contains 55 trail camps and 34 staffed camps across terrain ranging from 6,500 to 12,441 feet, including landmarks like Mount Waite Phillips, Cimarroncito Reservoir, Urraca Mesa, and the Tooth of Time. Visitors can experience the Old West through horseback riding, burro rides, history sessions, gold panning, and chuck wagon dinners or opt for more modern activities like mountain biking and rifle shooting.
The Importance of the myFace Wonder Project Wilson Neely
MyFace (formerly the National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction) provides medical resources and support for children born with orofacial clefts or facial deformities. In addition to supporting medical treatment, MyFace aims to increase awareness and understanding of facial differences through initiatives like the Wonder Project. The Wonder Project uses the story of Auggie from the book Wonder, about a boy entering school with a facial deformity, to teach empathy and compassion. MyFace plans to combine lessons from the book Wonder with its empathy education program in schools nationwide.
Mount Desert Island - A Summer Paradise for VisitorsWilson Neely
Mount Desert Island in Maine is a popular tourist destination home to Acadia National Park. Each summer, the island's population of 10,000 grows significantly as visitors are drawn to its natural beauty and rich history. Tourism has been a major industry for over 100 years, first attracting artists in the late 1800s and later wealthy families who built grand summer estates. Today visitors can enjoy hiking trails, scenic views from Cadillac Mountain, biking paths, and the towns' shops and restaurants.
The ReadWorks question sets use structured, sequenced questions grounded in research to help students build knowledge scaffolds and derive deeper comprehension than surface-level questions. Questions start with basic facts but lead to deeper inquiry about the text's structure and finding support or making inferences, encouraging focus on central information. This emphasis on structure comes from research showing lack of structural understanding hinders comprehension and helps students identify meaningful passages.
Three Tips for Photographing African SafarisWilson Neely
In the world of nature photography, few activities offer more exciting opportunities than an African safari. Here are three quick tips to help you make the most of your photography:
MyFace, formerly known as the National Foundation for Facial Reconstruction, runs initiatives to help the one in 700 children born with facial deformities through financial support, psychological aid, and other services for children and their families. It works with the Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at NYU Langone Medical Center. One initiative builds on the popularity of the novel Wonder about a boy with severe facial deformities, drawing attention to how his life impacts others. MyFace and the author are now developing an empathy education program for schools based on the story.
Boy Scouts of America Remains Committed to SustainabilityWilson Neely
Boy Scouts of America has promoted conservation and environmental stewardship for over a century through teaching Scouts the "leave no trace" principle. It implements sustainability practices at all organizational levels and values of thrift and resourcefulness in energy/water use reduction. BSA also enhances natural environments and respects donors by reducing operating costs through its Green to Deep Green Sustainability Summit that unites Scouts and leaders behind a sustainability agenda.
Highlights of Union Church of Pocantico HillsWilson Neely
Hidden behind the stone facade of the unassuming Union Church of Pocantico Hills lies a remarkable treasure of stained glass. Under the guidance of Nelson A. Rockefeller and David Rockefeller, who wanted to honor their family by commissioning art from some of their familys favorite artists, 10 incredible stained-glass windows were installed in the church during the middle of the 20th century. The first was created by Henri Matisse in 1954; the design for the window proved to be his final work of art. The next nine were contributed by Marc Chagall, who worked with the Rockefellers to choose biblical subjects for the windows.
Historic Hudson Valley Offers Tours of KykuitWilson Neely
Historic Hudson Valley operates a number of historic properties, including Kykuit, the hilltop refuge of the Rockefeller family for four generations. Tours of Kykuit begin with an exploration of the propertys six-story stone home. They continue through terraced gardens containing a remarkable collection of sculpture, including pieces from some of the luminaries of the 20th century: Henry Moore, Pablo Picasso, Louise Nevelson, and others. Later on the tour, visitors view an art collection in underground galleries as well as the Coach Barn, which houses classic carriages and cars. Along the way, tour guides tell stories about the Rockefellers, their lives, and their impact on the world.
My face supports the institute of reconstructive plastic surgeryWilson Neely
A nonprofit organization called myFace has supported children with facial deformities for over 60 years, including helping establish the Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (IRPS) in 1955. IRPS is a state-of-the-art New York City facility with operating rooms, clinical offices, and 15 Centers of Excellence, staffed by academic leaders from NYU School of Medicine. As home to one of the largest plastic surgery education programs worldwide, IRPS remains advanced in areas like craniofacial biology and uses a team approach to efficiently treat patients.
The Newman Family Support Center at MyFaceWilson Neely
MyFace is a national nonprofit that supports families of children with facial deformities. It recently established the Newman Family Support Center, a multidisciplinary team that provides psychological services for children undergoing craniofacial treatment. The Newman Family Support Center offers counseling, speech evaluation, and referrals to local professionals, as well as assistance with hospital care and creating a supportive network through events and groups.
Philipsburg Manor and the Founding of Historic Hudson ValleyWilson Neely
Historic Hudson Valley is a nonprofit organization that focuses on celebrating and revitalizing historic sites across the Hudson Valley region. It was founded to preserve Philipsburg Manor, an important historic site that was in danger of demolition in 1940. Wealthy philanthropist John D. Rockefeller helped purchase Philipsburg Manor and later established Sleepy Hollow Restorations to restore other nearby landmarks. Today, Historic Hudson Valley continues operating Philipsburg Manor and other historic sites to educate the public about history in the Hudson Valley region.
The Historic Hudson Valley Great Jack-O-Lantern BlazeWilson Neely
The Historic Hudson Valley is a nonprofit organization that celebrates the cultural traditions of the Hudson Valley through community events. One of its most popular events is the Great Jack-O-Lantern Blaze, which will take place over 25 nights in October and November 2014. The Blaze features over 5,000 hand-carved pumpkins on display, as well as art exhibits and attractions like an Undersea Aquarium and Tunnel-O-Pumpkin Love. Tickets start at $16 for adults.
Historic Hudson Valley and Its Educational ProgramsWilson Neely
Historic Hudson Valley has led the preservation and restoration of historically significant sites in Westchester County, New York since 1951. They manage visits to properties like Kykuit estate and several other estates, including Sunnyside, Sleepy Hollow's Philipsburg Manor, and Van Cortlandt Manor. Historic Hudson Valley offers a wide range of educational programs for students of all ages using hands-on activities to teach about colonial and 19th-century American traditions at the different estate sites through role playing by tour guides.
A Brief Look at Union Church of Pocantico HillsWilson Neely
Union Church of Pocantico Hills was built in the early 1920s by John D. Rockefeller Jr. below the Rockefeller family estate as a testament to the cultural history of the small town of Pocantico Hills, New York. Over the following decades, the church received architectural upgrades including a parish hall addition and stained glass windows designed by famous artists Henri Matisse and Marc Chagall. The church now operates under a board of trustees, hosts regular Sunday services, and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2002 to preserve it for future generations.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
2. Top Ten SCool Tools of 2014
ReadWorks, which Wilson Neely serves as a member of
the board of directors, recently earned a mention on
edSurges list of the Top Ten SCool Tools of 2014. The
list recognized the most popular tools mentioned in the
SCool Tools section of the edSurge weekly INSTRUCT
More than 340 tools were profiled in the newsletter in
2014, and at the end of the year, edSurge ranked the 10
most popular.
3. ReadWorks
ReadWorks clocked in as the sixth-most-
popular tool on the list. In its annotations to
the list, edSurge made special mention of
ReadWorks hundreds of free units, which
help teachers conducting reading
comprehension lessons at the kindergarten
through sixth-grade levels.
4. ReadWorks Lesson Plans
Developed in conjunction with teachers and
National Reading Panel researchers,
ReadWorks' lesson plans are organized by
grade, unit type, and skill or strategy. The
units are aligned with state and Common
Core standards and vary in intensity. Some
include five or more lessons, while others,
particularly at younger grade levels, consist
of only one or two lessons.