The document is a readiness checklist for children ages 0-6 that evaluates their development across several domains:
1. Social/emotional development and play - It checks if the child can play well with others, independently, relate to adults, care for personal needs, resolve conflicts with words, manage transitions, self-control, listen to stories, share, problem-solve, and follow rules.
2. Physical development - It evaluates fine motor skills like pencil grip, tracing, using art tools, and gross motor skills like balance, jumping, throwing a ball.
3. Cognitive development - It assesses understanding and responding to stories, following directions, speaking, naming colors and shapes, counting, letter recognition, writing
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Readiness Checklist 0 6
1. EC2: Early Childhood 2 (up to age 6)
Readiness Checklist
Name __________________________ Date ____________________
Play and work well with other children
Play alone/independently
Relate well to familiar adults
Is respectful of adults
Can care for personal needs (bathroom skills, dressing self, washing
Use words to resolve social conflicts
Manage transitions
Demonstrate appropriate self-control
Listen with interest to stories for 10 minutes
Share and take turns
Begin to problem-solve
Seek help when necessary
Cooperate in classroom routines and follows rules
Use classroom materials respectfully
Clean up after work and play
Fine Motor
Have control in their use of a pencil and use a correct pencil grip
Trace familiar shapes
Explore the use of various drawing and art tools
Use a variety of art materials to explore and express ideas
Properly hold crayons and pencils, using them on a variety of surfaces
Properly hold and use scissors to cut paper
Paint using brushes, fingers, and other materials
Paste and glue
Assemble simple puzzles
Manipulate play dough
Manipulate zippers, buttons, and snaps
String beads
Gross Motor
Move with some balance and control
Clap hands to music
Alternate feet when walking on stairs
Gallop, jump in place
Balance on left foot and right foot
Hop on one foot and two feet
Throw, catch, bounce, and kick a ball
Participate in group music experiences, creative movement, dance and
M- Mastered
D- Developing
B- Beginning