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Reading Strategies Toolkit

                            Double Entry Journal

Quote from Text w/page #             Explanation of Importance, Personal
                                     Connection, Agreements,
                                     Disagreements, Interpretations.

Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                         Page 1
Reading Strategies Toolkit

                                Triple Entry Journal

Quote from Text w/page     Explanation of Importance,   Questions I have
#                          Personal Connection,
                           Agreements, Disagreements,

Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                              Page 2
Reading Strategies Toolkit

Reading:________________                   Name:__________________

Please be thorough and thoughtful in your questions and

                                               In the circle, write
                                               down at least three
                                               questions that you have
                                               going around in your
                                               brain after or as you are
                                               reading this article.

         In the triangle, write
         down what you feel
         are at least three of
         the main points of
         this article.

Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                              Page 3
Reading Strategies Toolkit

                                              In the square, write down
                                              at least three ideas that the
                                              author has that you agree
                                              with. Or three parts you
                                              really enjoyed from this
                                              reading. The ideas are
                                              square with you.


Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                         Page 4
Reading Strategies Toolkit

It says                         I say                            And so. . . .
Here you take a quote from      Here you give your reason        Here you discuss how this
the text that catches your      why you chose the quote or       relates to other people, history,
attention.                      what you have to say about it.   our society, or discuss its
                                                                 overall importance








Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                                             Page 5
Reading Strategies Toolkit

During Reading Activity
                    What? So What? Now What?

What?     What is the article/chapter about? Summarize/Paraphrase the main
ideas below:

So What?       What does this mean for me, my (future) students, our school?
Why is this important?

Now What?           What do I do with what I have learned from this reading?

Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                          Page 6
Reading Strategies Toolkit


It says                         I say                            And so. . . .
Here you take a quote from      Here you give your reason        Here you discuss how this
the text that catches your      why you chose the quote or       relates to other people, history,
attention.                      what you have to say about it.   our society, or discuss its
                                                                 overall importance








Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                                             Page 7
Reading Strategies Toolkit

Reader Response Starters

Tapping Prior Knowledge                     Forming Interpretations
    I already know that                       What this means to me is
    This reminds me of                        I think this represents
    This relates to                           The idea Im getting is

Asking Questions                            Monitoring
    I wonder why                             I got lost here because
    What if                                  I need to reread the part where
    How come                                 I know Im on the right track

    Ill bet that                         Revising Meaning
    I think                                   At first I thought ____, but now
    If _____, then                            My latest thought about this is
                                                Im getting a different picture here
    I can picture
    In my mind I see                      Analyzing the Authors Craft
    If this were a movie                      A golden line for me is
                                                This word/phrase stands out for me
Making Connections                              I like how the author uses ___ to
   This reminds me of                            show
   I experienced this once when
   I can relate to this because
                                            Reflecting and Reacting
                                                 So, the big idea is
Adopting an Alignment                            A conclusion Im drawing is
    The character I most identify with          This is relevant to my life because
    I really got into this story when
    I can relate to this author because   Evaluating
                                                I like/ dont like ____ because
                                                This could be more effective if
                                                The most important message is

Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                                 Page 8
Reading Strategies Toolkit

                         Previewing the Topic


Details every
Student should know
From your article

Questions you have
After reading your text

Thing you want to
Learn more about
Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                       Page 9
Reading Strategies Toolkit

                      What does the front cover show us about
                      what we might visualize in the story?
      Covers          What does the back cover tell us about the
                      story (words, pictures, ect.)

                      What is the authors background? Has he/
                      she written any other stories like this?
      Author          What were they about? Are the characters
                      the same in each story?

                      What can we predict about the story based
                      on the title? What are your predictions?

                      For whom is this written?


                      Read page 1 and think/write about what
                      the story may be about?
      Page 1

                      With what we have thought about so far,
                      what message or purpose might the author
    Underlying        have for the readers?

                      What do the illustrations tell us? (If there
                      are not illustrations, look at cover
  Look at visuals     pictures)

                      What have you learned about setting/
                      characters? What do you think will
    Time, Place,      happen to them?

Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                        Page 10
Reading Strategies Toolkit

                          Three, Two, One

Name: _____________________Date: _____ Hour: _____

Three things I learned:

Two questions I now have:

One thing I will do or change as a result:

Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                       Page 11
Reading Strategies Toolkit

1                 2                   3                        4                            5
Answering         Retelling           Merging Thinking with    Acquiring Knowledge          Actively Using
Literal                               Content                                               New
Questions                                                                                   Knowledge
To answer         Retelling           Real understanding       Once youve merged your      With new
literal           shows that you      takes root when you      thinking with the content,   insights and
questions,        can organize        merge your thinking      you can begin to acquire     understanding
students can      your thoughts       with the content by      knowledge and insight.       s you can
skim and scan     sequentially        connecting, inferring,   You can learn, understand,   actively use
for answers and   and put them        questioning,             and remember. This           knowledge
require just      in your own         determining              shows deep                   and apply
short term        words. Shows        importance,              understanding.               what you have
memory.           short-term          synthesizing, and                                     learned to the
Literal recall    recall of events    reacting to                                           experiences,
does not          in a narrative      information.                                          situations, and
demonstrate       and bits of         Understanding begins                                  circumstances
understanding.    information in      here.                                                 in your daily
                  nonfiction.                                                               lives to
                  Does not, in                                                              expand
                  and of itself,                                                            understanding
                  demonstrate                                                               and even take
                  understanding.                                                            action.
Types of          Types of            Types of Questions       Types of Questions           Types of
Questions         Questions                                                                 Questions
asked             asked/statem
                  ents made
How many. . .?    What                What do I think?         What did I learn that I      What do I
What is. . .?     happened is. . .    What did I learn?        think is important to        want to do
Where did. . .?   It is about. . .    What does this           remember? Why is it          about this?
Who was. . .?     I read. . .         remind me of?            important?                   Why do I want
                  First. . .Second.   What do I wonder?        Why does it matter?          to take
                  . .Third. .         What do I visualize?     What do I think are some     action?
                  When did. . .?      What do I infer?         big ideas here?              Is there a way
                  I observe. . .      What makes me say        What do I think the          I could get
                                      that?                    author/photographer/arti     involved?
                                      What made me think       st/musician                  What areas
                                      of this?                 wants me to get out of       could I get
                                                               this?                        involved in?
                                                               What is the tone/mood of     What is my
                                                               the piece?                   plan?
                                                                                            How does this
                                                                                            relate to
                                                                                            something in
                                                                                            my life that
                                                                                            needs action?

                                      Anticipation Guide (+Why)
                                             From ISD 196

Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                                                    Page 12
Reading Strategies Toolkit

Anticipation guides or prediction guides activate a students prior knowledge and set a purpose
or framework for the reading. They are most useful when the text contains controversial issues,
problems, or opinions about a topic.

1. Identify major concepts in the reading or lesson.
2. Create statements that question certain notions, beliefs, or opinions.
3. Have students mark their responses of agreement or disagreement in the Before
   Reading column and then have students give reasons for their opinions by
   answering the Why? question on the left under each statement.
4. Have students read the text.
5. After reading or other follow-up activities, have students mark the After Reading
   column and fill in the Why? section on the right under each statement.
6. Conduct a discussion comparing the before and after results. Your discussion should
   refer to evidence in the text and should cover students reasons for changes in their
   before and after answers.

A = Agree strongly        a = Agree somewhat         d = Disagree somewhat    D = Disagree strongly

     Before Reading                                                                     After Reading

     ____ 1. Romeos impulsiveness, rashness, and immaturity caused him problems.        _____

Why?                                                 Why?

     _____ 2. Nothing is worth dying for.                                             _____

Why?                                                 Why?

    _____ 3. People who live by the sword die by the sword.                              _____

Why?                                                 Why?

    _____ 4. A person cannot change the role that fate has ordained for him or her.       _____

Why?                                                 Why?

Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD                                                                    Page 13

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Reading Activities (pre, during, post)

  • 1. Reading Strategies Toolkit Double Entry Journal Quote from Text w/page # Explanation of Importance, Personal Connection, Agreements, Disagreements, Interpretations. Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 1
  • 2. Reading Strategies Toolkit Triple Entry Journal Quote from Text w/page Explanation of Importance, Questions I have # Personal Connection, Agreements, Disagreements, Interpretations. Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 2
  • 3. Reading Strategies Toolkit Reading:________________ Name:__________________ Pages:______________ Please be thorough and thoughtful in your questions and comments. In the circle, write down at least three questions that you have going around in your brain after or as you are reading this article. In the triangle, write down what you feel are at least three of the main points of this article. Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 3
  • 4. Reading Strategies Toolkit In the square, write down at least three ideas that the author has that you agree with. Or three parts you really enjoyed from this reading. The ideas are square with you. Name: Date: Reading: Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 4
  • 5. Reading Strategies Toolkit It says I say And so. . . . Here you take a quote from Here you give your reason Here you discuss how this the text that catches your why you chose the quote or relates to other people, history, attention. what you have to say about it. our society, or discuss its overall importance 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 5
  • 6. Reading Strategies Toolkit During Reading Activity What? So What? Now What? What? What is the article/chapter about? Summarize/Paraphrase the main ideas below: So What? What does this mean for me, my (future) students, our school? Why is this important? Now What? What do I do with what I have learned from this reading? Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 6
  • 7. Reading Strategies Toolkit Name: Date: Reading: It says I say And so. . . . Here you take a quote from Here you give your reason Here you discuss how this the text that catches your why you chose the quote or relates to other people, history, attention. what you have to say about it. our society, or discuss its overall importance 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 7
  • 8. Reading Strategies Toolkit Reader Response Starters Tapping Prior Knowledge Forming Interpretations I already know that What this means to me is This reminds me of I think this represents This relates to The idea Im getting is Asking Questions Monitoring I wonder why I got lost here because What if I need to reread the part where How come I know Im on the right track because Predicting Ill bet that Revising Meaning I think At first I thought ____, but now If _____, then My latest thought about this is Im getting a different picture here because Visualizing I can picture In my mind I see Analyzing the Authors Craft If this were a movie A golden line for me is This word/phrase stands out for me because Making Connections I like how the author uses ___ to This reminds me of show I experienced this once when I can relate to this because Reflecting and Reacting So, the big idea is Adopting an Alignment A conclusion Im drawing is The character I most identify with This is relevant to my life because is I really got into this story when I can relate to this author because Evaluating I like/ dont like ____ because This could be more effective if The most important message is Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 8
  • 9. Reading Strategies Toolkit Previewing the Topic 4 interesting facts 3 Details every Student should know From your article 2 Questions you have After reading your text 1 Thing you want to Learn more about Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 9
  • 10. Reading Strategies Toolkit C What does the front cover show us about what we might visualize in the story? Covers What does the back cover tell us about the story (words, pictures, ect.) A What is the authors background? Has he/ she written any other stories like this? Author What were they about? Are the characters the same in each story? T What can we predict about the story based on the title? What are your predictions? Title A For whom is this written? Author P Read page 1 and think/write about what the story may be about? Page 1 U With what we have thought about so far, what message or purpose might the author Underlying have for the readers? Message L What do the illustrations tell us? (If there are not illustrations, look at cover Look at visuals pictures) T What have you learned about setting/ characters? What do you think will Time, Place, happen to them? characters Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 10
  • 11. Reading Strategies Toolkit Three, Two, One Name: _____________________Date: _____ Hour: _____ Three things I learned: Two questions I now have: One thing I will do or change as a result: Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 11
  • 12. Reading Strategies Toolkit 1 2 3 4 5 Answering Retelling Merging Thinking with Acquiring Knowledge Actively Using Literal Content New Questions Knowledge To answer Retelling Real understanding Once youve merged your With new literal shows that you takes root when you thinking with the content, insights and questions, can organize merge your thinking you can begin to acquire understanding students can your thoughts with the content by knowledge and insight. s you can skim and scan sequentially connecting, inferring, You can learn, understand, actively use for answers and and put them questioning, and remember. This knowledge require just in your own determining shows deep and apply short term words. Shows importance, understanding. what you have memory. short-term synthesizing, and learned to the Literal recall recall of events reacting to experiences, does not in a narrative information. situations, and demonstrate and bits of Understanding begins circumstances understanding. information in here. in your daily nonfiction. lives to Does not, in expand and of itself, understanding demonstrate and even take understanding. action. Types of Types of Types of Questions Types of Questions Types of Questions Questions Questions asked asked/statem ents made How many. . .? What What do I think? What did I learn that I What do I What is. . .? happened is. . . What did I learn? think is important to want to do Where did. . .? It is about. . . What does this remember? Why is it about this? Who was. . .? I read. . . remind me of? important? Why do I want First. . .Second. What do I wonder? Why does it matter? to take . .Third. . What do I visualize? What do I think are some action? When did. . .? What do I infer? big ideas here? Is there a way I observe. . . What makes me say What do I think the I could get that? author/photographer/arti involved? What made me think st/musician What areas of this? wants me to get out of could I get this? involved in? What is the tone/mood of What is my the piece? plan? How does this relate to something in my life that needs action? Anticipation Guide (+Why) From ISD 196 Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 12
  • 13. Reading Strategies Toolkit Anticipation guides or prediction guides activate a students prior knowledge and set a purpose or framework for the reading. They are most useful when the text contains controversial issues, problems, or opinions about a topic. Procedure: 1. Identify major concepts in the reading or lesson. 2. Create statements that question certain notions, beliefs, or opinions. 3. Have students mark their responses of agreement or disagreement in the Before Reading column and then have students give reasons for their opinions by answering the Why? question on the left under each statement. 4. Have students read the text. 5. After reading or other follow-up activities, have students mark the After Reading column and fill in the Why? section on the right under each statement. 6. Conduct a discussion comparing the before and after results. Your discussion should refer to evidence in the text and should cover students reasons for changes in their before and after answers. EXAMPLE: A = Agree strongly a = Agree somewhat d = Disagree somewhat D = Disagree strongly Before Reading After Reading ____ 1. Romeos impulsiveness, rashness, and immaturity caused him problems. _____ Why? Why? _____ 2. Nothing is worth dying for. _____ Why? Why? _____ 3. People who live by the sword die by the sword. _____ Why? Why? _____ 4. A person cannot change the role that fate has ordained for him or her. _____ Why? Why? Jennifer McCarty Plucker, EdD Page 13