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Thirteen equals one
Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to
get enough money to have the church clock repaired. The big clock which used to strike the hours
day and night was damaged during the war and has been silent ever since. One night, however, our
vicar woke up with a start the clock was striking the hour! Looking at this watch, he saw that it
was one oclock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. Armed with a torch, the vicar
went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the torch light, he caught sight of a figure
whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins our local grocer.
Whatever are you doing up here Bill? asked the vicar in surprise. Im trying to repair the
bell, answered Bill. Ive been coming up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was
hoping to give you a surprise.You certainly did give me a surprise! Its working all right, but
Im afraid that one oclock it will strike thirteen and theres nothing I can do about it.
Well get used to that Bill, said the vicar. Thirteen is not good as one, but its better than
nothing. Now lets go downstairs and have a cup of tea.
Answer these questions in complete sentences orally.
1. What woke the vicar up?
2. What was the time?
3. How many times did the clock strike?
4. Where did the vicar go?
5. What did he take with him?
6. Whom did he see in the clock tower?
7. What did Bill Wilkin say he was trying to do?
8. Had Bill Wilkin succeeded in repairing the clock or not?
9. Was the vicar pleased or angry?
10. What did he offer the grocer?
Reading comprehension
Choose the best answer.
1. The church clock did not work because
a. It was too expensive to repair.
b. It disturbed the vicars sleep.
c. Bill Wilkins only worked at night.
d. The Bell had been out of order since the war.
2. The vicar was surprised to see Bill Wilkins in the clock tower because
a. Bill Wilkins had been hoping to surprise him.
b. It was unusual time and place to find him.
c. He had expected to find a figure.
d. The clock had struck thirteen times.
3. The vicar offered Bill Wilkins with a cup of tea because
a. He thought that Bill Wilkins was thirsty.
b. Thanks to him, the clock would now strike once an hour.
c. He was grateful for the trouble Bill Wilkins had taken.
d. He was pleased to have been woken up for nothing.
4. Before the war the big clock .. the hours.
a. Struck always c. was always striking
b. Always struck d. has always been striking
5. It was not until the thirteenth stroke  the bell stopped.
a. Before c. so that
b. When d. that
6. The vicar asked Bill .. doing in the church tower.
a. What was he c. what he is
b. What he was d. whatever was he
7. I .. it all right, but Im afraid
a. Shall mend c. have mended
b. Am mending d. mended
8. Well get used to .. that Bill.
a. Hearing c. the sound
b. Hear d. having heard
9. Money which is collected for a cause is known as . .
a. Cash c. a scholarship
b. A fund d. an investment
10. A grocer is a man who .. .
a. Runs a shop c. sells bread
b. Eats a lot d. surprises people
11. Ive been coming here . For weeks now.
a. Every night c. the following night
b. All night d. several nights
12. . Im glad the bell is working now.
a. Yet c. just the same
b. Good d. even now
Write a composition of about 200 words using the ideas given below.
Tittle : A Sticky Business
Introduction : A small village  the church clock suddenly stopped  no one could explain why
Development : The vicar climbed into the clock tower  found that the clock had been invaded by
bees  full of honey and wax.
Conclusion : A bee keeper was called  removed the queen bee  the other bees followed  the
clock was cleaned  working again.
The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly we just opening. At this time of
the morning, the arcade was almost empty. Mr. Taylor, the owner of jewelry shop was admiring a
new windows display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since 8 oclock and had only
just finished. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black
velvet. After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr. Taylor went back into his shop.
The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn
blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the jewelers. One man stayed at the
wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window
of the shop with iron bars. While this was going on, Mr. Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff
began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of
the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice
any pain. The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into his car and moved
off at a fantastic speed. Just as it was leaving Mr. Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing
ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of
pounds worth of diamonds.
Answer these questions in complete sentences only.
1. Did a large car enter an arcade near Piccadilly or not?
2. Where did it stop?
3. How many thieves got out of the car?
4. Did they smash the window or not?
5. Where was the owner of the shop?
6. What did he and his staff throw at the thieves?
7. Did they hit any of the thieves or not?
8. How long did the raid last?
9. Did the thieves drive away or not?
10. Did the owner run after the car or did he stay in the shop?
11. What did he throw at the car?
12. Did the thieves get away or were they caught?
13. What did they stole?
Choose the best answer.
1. While Mr. Taylor was admiring the new window display
a. His two assistants were arranging jewelry in the window.
b. Some thieves were on their way to raid his shop.
c. He was standing inside his shop.
d. His staff were finishing their work for the day.
2. The car headlights were on and its horn blaring
a. As the thieves wanted to warn people out of their way.
b. As a special signal for the assistants.
c. So the thieves could see where they were going.
d. To break the early morning silence.
3. The thieves chose to raid Mr. Taylors shop because
a. It was early in the morning and not many shops were open.
b. They did not expect Mr. Taylor and his staff to try to stop them.
c. It usually had a great deal of valuable jewelry on display.
d. They had a very fast car to get away.
4. The expensive shops in  were just opening.
a. Piccadillys famous arcade. c. a famous Piccadilly arcade.
b. A Piccadilly famous arcade. d. the famous arcade off Piccadilly.
5. He .. the display for several minutes before re-entering his shops.
a. Was gazing at c. had gazed at
b. Gazed at d. had been gazing at
6. Using the bars made .. iron, the thieves smashed the shop window.
a. Of c. by
b. From d. with
7. He and his staff began .. furniture out of the window.
a. To throw c. and threw
b. By throwing d. the throwing of
8. He had not been so busy taking the diamonds, he  the blow.
a. Would feel c. had felt
b. Had been feeling d. would have felt
9. To make the car roar down the arcade, the driver must have .
a. Accelerated c. run
b. Sped d. reversed
10. Two others, their faces  black stockings, jumped out.
a. Covered with c. overlooked by
b. Overdressed by d. made up in
11. .., Mr. Taylor was upstairs.
a. For the time being c. as it happened
b. Meanwhile d. for a while
12. Chairs and tables were .. into the arcade.
a. Flown c. hurled
b. Emptied d. projected
In not more than 200 words continue the above passage using the ideas given below. Do not
write more than three paragraphs.
Tittle : They Got Away
Introduction : The thieves car join the traffic  Mr. Taylor took a taxi  followed the thieves
Development : A mad chase through the streets  the thieves car hit another car  did not stop 
the police chase both the taxi and the thieves  Mr. Taylors taxi stopped at traffic
lights  the thieves got away  the taxi driver  was stopped by the police  he had
been speeding  Mr. Taylor explained the situation.
Conclusion : The thieves car was found ten minutes later  side street  abandoned  the
thieves escaped on foot.
The Great St Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2470 meters, it is the highest
mountain pass in Europe. The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in eleventh
century, lies about a mile away. For hundreds of year, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of
travelers crossing the dangerous Pass. These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia,
were used as watch-dogs even in Roman times.
Now that a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the pass is less dangerous, but
each year, the dogs are still sent out to into the snow whenever a traveler is in difficulty. Despite
the new tunnel, there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot.
During the summer months, the monastery is very busy, for it is visited by thousands of
people who cross the Pass in cars. As there are so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in
a special enclosure. In winter however, life at the monastery is quite different. The temperature
drops -30o and very few people attempt to cross the pass. The monks prefer winter to summer for
they have more privacy. The dogs have greater freedom too for they are allowed to wander out-
side their enclosure. The only regular visitors to the monastery on winter are parties of skiers who
got their Christmas and Easter. These young people, who love the peace of the mountains, always
receive a warm welcome at St Bernard monastery.
Answer these questions in complete sentences orally.
1. When is St Bernards monastery visited by thousands of people?
2. How do these people cross the pass?
3. Why are the dogs kept in special enclosure?
4. How low does the temperature drop in winter?
5. Are there few visitors then, or there are a great many?
6. Do the monks prefer winter season or not?
7. What are the dogs free to do in winter?
8. What sort of people regularly visit the monastery in winter?
9. Do they stay there the whole winter or do they stay only at certain times?
10. Are they warmly welcome or not?
Choose the best answer.
1. St Bernard dogs are best known for
a. Being a great summer tourist attraction.
b. Having saved peoples lives before the new tunnel was built.
c. Being able to search people out who have been trapped in the snow.
d. The freedom they have to wander about the winter.
2. What is the main advantage of the new tunnel?
a. It prevents people from endangering their lives by climbing the Pass.
b. It brings thousands of tourists to the monastery each summer.
c. It provides a fast and safe communication across the Swiss  Italian border.
d. It brings the St Bernard monks into greater contact with the world.
3. In what way does life at St Bernard monastery in winter?
a. The great number of visitors must come to the monastery on skis.
b. The dogs are free to save the lives of people lost in the snow.
c. The monks are more welcoming to their visitors.
d. The monks can pursue their occupation relatively undisturbed.
4. The highest mountain pass in Europe is .
a. Of 8114 feet c. high 8114 feet
b. At 8114 high d. 8114 feet high
5.  A few people who are  to cross the Pass on foot.
a. Rash enough c. too rash
b. So rash d. very rash
6. .. so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in.
a. With b. being c. because d. having
7. The monks let .. outside their enclosure.
a. Them to wander c. them wander
b. To them wandering d. them wandering
8. Parties of skiers . the monastery in winter.
a. Visit to c. visit
b. Are visiting at d. are visiting
9. The great St Bernard Pass lies . Switzerland and Italy.
a. Within c. about
b. Between d. along
10.  sent out into the snow  a traveler is in difficulty
a. If ever c. all the time
b. In case d. while
11. Thousands of people  across the Pass.
a. Trip c. conduct
b. Voyage d. motor
12. They are allowed to . outside their enclosure.
a. Graze c. roam
b. Drift d. wonder
In not more than 200 words, write an imaginery account of the way a traveler was rescued on St
Bernards Pass in winter. Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than three paragraphs.
Tittle : Rescue
Introduction : A monk took two dogs out for exercise  the dogs were restless  a search party
was organized.
Development : The dogs led the monks through the snow  high winds the previous night 
now heavy fog  temperature 20o below  the dogs dragged him out  he was
taken to the monastery on a sledge.
Conclusion : The man was unconscious  recovered later  told them what had happened the
previous night.
the loss of titanic
The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th 1912.
She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 49.000 ton
Titanic was a colossal ship. At that time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever
been built, but was regarded as the unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. Even
if two of these was flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner
will always be remembered for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.
Four days after settling out, while the Titanic was sailing the icy waters of the North
Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look-out. After the alarm had been given, the
great ship turned sharply to avoid direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing
the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a
slight trembling sound from below and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise
had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized
his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had
already been flooded! The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into
the icy water. As there were no enough life-boats for everybody, 1500 lives were lost.
Answer these questions in complete sentences only.
1. Where was the Titanic was sailing?
2. When did the ship turn sharply?
3. What was seen by a look-out?
4. Did it sail alongside the iceberg or did it collide with it?
5. What was heard from below?
6. What did the captain do?
7. What did he find?
8. Why did everyone jump over board?
9. Why were 1500 people drowned?
Choose the best answer.
1. When the Titanic set out from Southampton
a. She was carrying a very large cargo.
b. She was making a voyage which is only attempted by a very large ship.
c. Only two of her water tight compartments were flooded.
d. She was sailing on her maiden voyage.
2. What happened once the iceberg had been spotted?
a. The Titanic got lost in the icy waters of the north.
b. The alarm was given that there was a collision ahead.
c. The Titanic quickly changed her course.
d. The Titanic turned just as the iceberg rose steeply out of the water.
3. The Titanic sunk because
a. She had been badly damaged by the iceberg.
b. The captain was slow to realize the true nature of damage.
c. No more than five of her water tight compartments had been flooded.
d. Instead of trying to save her, people plunged into the water.
4. .. were 1381 passangers and a crew of 891.
a. On her board b. On board her c. Boarding her d. On boarding her
5. She .. for four days when a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted.
a. sailed b. was sailing c. has sailed d. had been sailing
6.  that had ever been built, no one thought she . sink, for she had sixteen water-tight
a. Would be possible to b. would be able to c. should d. could possibly
7. So faint .. that noe one thought.
a. the noise was b. had been the noise c. it was the noise d. it had been the noise
8. As there were .. life boats for everybody.
a. as little b. so little c. very few d. too few
9. The great ship .. sharply to avoid a direct collision.
a. veered b. changed c. went back d. cornered
10. The Titanic turned . narrowly missing the immense wall.
a. in next to no time b. on a sudden impulse c. with no time to spare
d. nearly on time
11. The captain went down to.
a. explore b. investigate c. examine d. inquire
12. There was not enough  in the life-boats for everybody.
a. room b. place c. volume d. area
In not more than 200 words write an imaginary account of what happened on the Titanic
immediately after the order to abandon the ship was given. Use the ideas given below. Do not
write more than three paragraphs.
Tittle : Abandon Ship
Introduction : Order to abandon ship was unexpected  everybody unprepared.
Development : Immediately effect  panic and confusion  people rushing in all directions 
crew came up from below  life boats lowered  people jumped overboard 
struggle to get into lifeboats  lifeboats full.
Conclusion : Titanic sank rapidly  people in water  cries of despair  lifeboats moved
Marry had a little lamb
Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in the city village of Perachora in southern Greece.
One of Marys prize possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her. She
kept it tied to a tree in a field during the day and went to fetch it every evening. One evening,
however, the lamb was missing. The rope had been cut, so it was obvious that the lamb had been
When Dimitri came in from the fields, his wife told him what had happened. Dimitri was
once set out to find the thief. He knew it would not prove difficult in such a small village. After
telling several of his friends about the theft, Dimitri found out that his neighbor, Aleko, had
suddenly acquired a new lamb. Dimitri immediately went to Alekos house and angrily accused
him of stealing the lamb. He told him he had better return it or he would call the police. Aleko
denied taking it and led Dimitri into his back-yard. It was true that he had just bought a lamb, he
explained, but his lamb was black. Ashamed of having acted so rashly, Dimitri apologized to Aleko
for having accused him. While they were taking it began to rain and Dimitri stayed in Alekos
house until the rain stopped. When he went outside half an hour later, he was astonished to find
that the lillte black lamb was almost white. Its wool, which had been dyed black, had been washed
cleaned by the rain.
Answer these questions in complete sentences orally.
1. What did Mary tell Dimitri when he came home?
2. What did Dimitri learn about his neighbor, Aleko?
3. Where did Dmitri go?
4. What did he accuse Aleko of?
5. Did Aleko show Dimitri his new lamb or not?
6. What colour was it?
7. What did Dimitri do when he saw it was black?
8. Why did Dimitri stay in Alekos house for half an hour?
9. Why did he get a surprise when he went outside?
10. Had the lamb been dyed or not?
Reading comprehension
Choose the best answer.
1. Every evening, Mary used to go and
a. Cut the lamb from the rope it had been tied on.
b. Untie the lamb so it could wander in the field at night.
c. Bring her lamb back home for the night.
d. Make sure that her lamb was not missing.
2. It would not be difficult to find the thief because
a. The lamb had been one of Marys prize possessions.
b. News travels fast in a small community.
c. Dimitri had a lot of friends in the village.
d. The rain would soon wash the black dye off the lamb.
3. When Aleko first showed Dimitri the lamb in his back-yard
a. He was truthful about how he had acquired the lamb but not about its colour.
b. Dimitri admitted that the lamb could not be his wifes.
c. It was clear that the lamb had been dyed black
d. It started to rain before Dimitri had time to identify as his.
4. Mary and his husband Dimitri lived in Perachora .. tiny village in southern
a. In an b. the c. in the d. a
5.  was a little white lamb which had been .. from her husband.
a. present b. presented c. presenting d. a present
6. On her husbands return, .. what had happened.
a. his wife told him b. she told Dimitri c. Mary told him
d. Dimitry was told
7.  it would not prove difficult in a village of .. size
a. such small b. so small c. the smallest d. so small a
8. He told him if he . it, he would call the police
a. was not returning c. has not returned
b. did not return d. had not returned
9. One of Marys most . Possessions
a. Valued c. worthy
b. Worthwhile d. expensive
10. After .. the theft to several of his friends.
a. telling c. expressing
b. reporting d. counting
11. During their ., it began to rain.
a. chat c. conversation
b. argument d. speech
12. When he went . half an hour later.
a. out of doors c. in open air
b. into the open d. inside out
In not more than 200 words continue the passage above. Use the ideas given below. Do not write
more than three paragraphs.
Tittle : Not So Black
Introductions : Dimitri took a close look at the lamb  surprised  it was white  recognized it as
his own.
Development : Angry scene  accusation  Aleko still denied theft  violent argument  finally
Aleko admitted it  Dimitri called the police  Aleko was arrested  Dimitri took
the lamb home.
Conclusion : Excitement in the village  villagers amused by the event  discussed it at great
length for a long time.

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Reading comprehension

  • 1. Thirteen equals one Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged during the war and has been silent ever since. One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start the clock was striking the hour! Looking at this watch, he saw that it was one oclock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the torch light, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins our local grocer. Whatever are you doing up here Bill? asked the vicar in surprise. Im trying to repair the bell, answered Bill. Ive been coming up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.You certainly did give me a surprise! Its working all right, but Im afraid that one oclock it will strike thirteen and theres nothing I can do about it. Well get used to that Bill, said the vicar. Thirteen is not good as one, but its better than nothing. Now lets go downstairs and have a cup of tea. COMPREHENSION Answer these questions in complete sentences orally. 1. What woke the vicar up? 2. What was the time? 3. How many times did the clock strike? 4. Where did the vicar go? 5. What did he take with him? 6. Whom did he see in the clock tower? 7. What did Bill Wilkin say he was trying to do? 8. Had Bill Wilkin succeeded in repairing the clock or not? 9. Was the vicar pleased or angry? 10. What did he offer the grocer?
  • 3. Choose the best answer. 1. The church clock did not work because a. It was too expensive to repair. b. It disturbed the vicars sleep. c. Bill Wilkins only worked at night. d. The Bell had been out of order since the war. 2. The vicar was surprised to see Bill Wilkins in the clock tower because a. Bill Wilkins had been hoping to surprise him. b. It was unusual time and place to find him. c. He had expected to find a figure. d. The clock had struck thirteen times. 3. The vicar offered Bill Wilkins with a cup of tea because a. He thought that Bill Wilkins was thirsty. b. Thanks to him, the clock would now strike once an hour. c. He was grateful for the trouble Bill Wilkins had taken. d. He was pleased to have been woken up for nothing. 4. Before the war the big clock .. the hours. a. Struck always c. was always striking b. Always struck d. has always been striking 5. It was not until the thirteenth stroke the bell stopped. a. Before c. so that b. When d. that 6. The vicar asked Bill .. doing in the church tower. a. What was he c. what he is b. What he was d. whatever was he 7. I .. it all right, but Im afraid a. Shall mend c. have mended b. Am mending d. mended 8. Well get used to .. that Bill. a. Hearing c. the sound b. Hear d. having heard 9. Money which is collected for a cause is known as . . a. Cash c. a scholarship b. A fund d. an investment
  • 4. 10. A grocer is a man who .. . a. Runs a shop c. sells bread b. Eats a lot d. surprises people 11. Ive been coming here . For weeks now. a. Every night c. the following night b. All night d. several nights 12. . Im glad the bell is working now. a. Yet c. just the same b. Good d. even now COMPOSITION Write a composition of about 200 words using the ideas given below. Tittle : A Sticky Business Introduction : A small village the church clock suddenly stopped no one could explain why Development : The vicar climbed into the clock tower found that the clock had been invaded by bees full of honey and wax. Conclusion : A bee keeper was called removed the queen bee the other bees followed the clock was cleaned working again.
  • 5. SMASH AND GRAB The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly we just opening. At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty. Mr. Taylor, the owner of jewelry shop was admiring a new windows display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since 8 oclock and had only just finished. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr. Taylor went back into his shop. The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the jewelers. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars. While this was going on, Mr. Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain. The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into his car and moved off at a fantastic speed. Just as it was leaving Mr. Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds. COMPREHENSION AND PRECIS Answer these questions in complete sentences only. 1. Did a large car enter an arcade near Piccadilly or not? 2. Where did it stop? 3. How many thieves got out of the car? 4. Did they smash the window or not? 5. Where was the owner of the shop? 6. What did he and his staff throw at the thieves? 7. Did they hit any of the thieves or not? 8. How long did the raid last? 9. Did the thieves drive away or not? 10. Did the owner run after the car or did he stay in the shop? 11. What did he throw at the car? 12. Did the thieves get away or were they caught?
  • 6. 13. What did they stole? Choose the best answer. 1. While Mr. Taylor was admiring the new window display a. His two assistants were arranging jewelry in the window. b. Some thieves were on their way to raid his shop. c. He was standing inside his shop. d. His staff were finishing their work for the day. 2. The car headlights were on and its horn blaring a. As the thieves wanted to warn people out of their way. b. As a special signal for the assistants. c. So the thieves could see where they were going. d. To break the early morning silence. 3. The thieves chose to raid Mr. Taylors shop because a. It was early in the morning and not many shops were open. b. They did not expect Mr. Taylor and his staff to try to stop them. c. It usually had a great deal of valuable jewelry on display. d. They had a very fast car to get away. 4. The expensive shops in were just opening. a. Piccadillys famous arcade. c. a famous Piccadilly arcade. b. A Piccadilly famous arcade. d. the famous arcade off Piccadilly. 5. He .. the display for several minutes before re-entering his shops. a. Was gazing at c. had gazed at b. Gazed at d. had been gazing at 6. Using the bars made .. iron, the thieves smashed the shop window. a. Of c. by b. From d. with 7. He and his staff began .. furniture out of the window. a. To throw c. and threw b. By throwing d. the throwing of 8. He had not been so busy taking the diamonds, he the blow. a. Would feel c. had felt b. Had been feeling d. would have felt 9. To make the car roar down the arcade, the driver must have .
  • 7. a. Accelerated c. run b. Sped d. reversed 10. Two others, their faces black stockings, jumped out. a. Covered with c. overlooked by b. Overdressed by d. made up in 11. .., Mr. Taylor was upstairs. a. For the time being c. as it happened b. Meanwhile d. for a while 12. Chairs and tables were .. into the arcade. a. Flown c. hurled b. Emptied d. projected COMPOSITION In not more than 200 words continue the above passage using the ideas given below. Do not write more than three paragraphs. Tittle : They Got Away Introduction : The thieves car join the traffic Mr. Taylor took a taxi followed the thieves car. Development : A mad chase through the streets the thieves car hit another car did not stop the police chase both the taxi and the thieves Mr. Taylors taxi stopped at traffic lights the thieves got away the taxi driver was stopped by the police he had been speeding Mr. Taylor explained the situation. Conclusion : The thieves car was found ten minutes later side street abandoned the thieves escaped on foot.
  • 8. A FAMOUS MONASTERY The Great St Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2470 meters, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe. The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in eleventh century, lies about a mile away. For hundreds of year, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travelers crossing the dangerous Pass. These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia, were used as watch-dogs even in Roman times. Now that a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the pass is less dangerous, but each year, the dogs are still sent out to into the snow whenever a traveler is in difficulty. Despite the new tunnel, there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot. During the summer months, the monastery is very busy, for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars. As there are so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure. In winter however, life at the monastery is quite different. The temperature drops -30o and very few people attempt to cross the pass. The monks prefer winter to summer for they have more privacy. The dogs have greater freedom too for they are allowed to wander out- side their enclosure. The only regular visitors to the monastery on winter are parties of skiers who got their Christmas and Easter. These young people, who love the peace of the mountains, always receive a warm welcome at St Bernard monastery. COMPREHENSION AND PRECIS Answer these questions in complete sentences orally. 1. When is St Bernards monastery visited by thousands of people? 2. How do these people cross the pass? 3. Why are the dogs kept in special enclosure? 4. How low does the temperature drop in winter? 5. Are there few visitors then, or there are a great many? 6. Do the monks prefer winter season or not? 7. What are the dogs free to do in winter? 8. What sort of people regularly visit the monastery in winter? 9. Do they stay there the whole winter or do they stay only at certain times? 10. Are they warmly welcome or not?
  • 9. Choose the best answer. 1. St Bernard dogs are best known for a. Being a great summer tourist attraction. b. Having saved peoples lives before the new tunnel was built. c. Being able to search people out who have been trapped in the snow. d. The freedom they have to wander about the winter. 2. What is the main advantage of the new tunnel? a. It prevents people from endangering their lives by climbing the Pass. b. It brings thousands of tourists to the monastery each summer. c. It provides a fast and safe communication across the Swiss Italian border. d. It brings the St Bernard monks into greater contact with the world. 3. In what way does life at St Bernard monastery in winter? a. The great number of visitors must come to the monastery on skis. b. The dogs are free to save the lives of people lost in the snow. c. The monks are more welcoming to their visitors. d. The monks can pursue their occupation relatively undisturbed. 4. The highest mountain pass in Europe is . a. Of 8114 feet c. high 8114 feet b. At 8114 high d. 8114 feet high 5. A few people who are to cross the Pass on foot. a. Rash enough c. too rash b. So rash d. very rash 6. .. so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in. a. With b. being c. because d. having 7. The monks let .. outside their enclosure. a. Them to wander c. them wander b. To them wandering d. them wandering 8. Parties of skiers . the monastery in winter. a. Visit to c. visit b. Are visiting at d. are visiting 9. The great St Bernard Pass lies . Switzerland and Italy. a. Within c. about b. Between d. along
  • 10. 10. sent out into the snow a traveler is in difficulty a. If ever c. all the time b. In case d. while 11. Thousands of people across the Pass. a. Trip c. conduct b. Voyage d. motor 12. They are allowed to . outside their enclosure. a. Graze c. roam b. Drift d. wonder COMPOSITION In not more than 200 words, write an imaginery account of the way a traveler was rescued on St Bernards Pass in winter. Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than three paragraphs. Tittle : Rescue Introduction : A monk took two dogs out for exercise the dogs were restless a search party was organized. Development : The dogs led the monks through the snow high winds the previous night now heavy fog temperature 20o below the dogs dragged him out he was taken to the monastery on a sledge. Conclusion : The man was unconscious recovered later told them what had happened the previous night.
  • 11. the loss of titanic The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th 1912. She was carrying 1316 passengers and a crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 49.000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship. At that time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built, but was regarded as the unsinkable, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these was flooded, she would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life. Four days after settling out, while the Titanic was sailing the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a look-out. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out the water beside her. Suddenly, there was a slight trembling sound from below and the captain went down to see what had happened. The noise had been so faint that no one thought that the ship had been damaged. Below, the captain realized his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. As there were no enough life-boats for everybody, 1500 lives were lost. COMPREHENSION Answer these questions in complete sentences only. 1. Where was the Titanic was sailing? 2. When did the ship turn sharply? 3. What was seen by a look-out? 4. Did it sail alongside the iceberg or did it collide with it? 5. What was heard from below? 6. What did the captain do? 7. What did he find? 8. Why did everyone jump over board? 9. Why were 1500 people drowned?
  • 12. Choose the best answer. 1. When the Titanic set out from Southampton a. She was carrying a very large cargo. b. She was making a voyage which is only attempted by a very large ship. c. Only two of her water tight compartments were flooded. d. She was sailing on her maiden voyage. 2. What happened once the iceberg had been spotted? a. The Titanic got lost in the icy waters of the north. b. The alarm was given that there was a collision ahead. c. The Titanic quickly changed her course. d. The Titanic turned just as the iceberg rose steeply out of the water. 3. The Titanic sunk because a. She had been badly damaged by the iceberg. b. The captain was slow to realize the true nature of damage. c. No more than five of her water tight compartments had been flooded. d. Instead of trying to save her, people plunged into the water. 4. .. were 1381 passangers and a crew of 891. a. On her board b. On board her c. Boarding her d. On boarding her 5. She .. for four days when a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted. a. sailed b. was sailing c. has sailed d. had been sailing 6. that had ever been built, no one thought she . sink, for she had sixteen water-tight compartments. a. Would be possible to b. would be able to c. should d. could possibly 7. So faint .. that noe one thought. a. the noise was b. had been the noise c. it was the noise d. it had been the noise 8. As there were .. life boats for everybody. a. as little b. so little c. very few d. too few 9. The great ship .. sharply to avoid a direct collision. a. veered b. changed c. went back d. cornered
  • 13. 10. The Titanic turned . narrowly missing the immense wall. a. in next to no time b. on a sudden impulse c. with no time to spare d. nearly on time 11. The captain went down to. a. explore b. investigate c. examine d. inquire 12. There was not enough in the life-boats for everybody. a. room b. place c. volume d. area COMPOSITION In not more than 200 words write an imaginary account of what happened on the Titanic immediately after the order to abandon the ship was given. Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than three paragraphs. Tittle : Abandon Ship Introduction : Order to abandon ship was unexpected everybody unprepared. Development : Immediately effect panic and confusion people rushing in all directions crew came up from below life boats lowered people jumped overboard struggle to get into lifeboats lifeboats full. Conclusion : Titanic sank rapidly people in water cries of despair lifeboats moved away.
  • 14. Marry had a little lamb Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in the city village of Perachora in southern Greece. One of Marys prize possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her. She kept it tied to a tree in a field during the day and went to fetch it every evening. One evening, however, the lamb was missing. The rope had been cut, so it was obvious that the lamb had been stolen. When Dimitri came in from the fields, his wife told him what had happened. Dimitri was once set out to find the thief. He knew it would not prove difficult in such a small village. After telling several of his friends about the theft, Dimitri found out that his neighbor, Aleko, had suddenly acquired a new lamb. Dimitri immediately went to Alekos house and angrily accused him of stealing the lamb. He told him he had better return it or he would call the police. Aleko denied taking it and led Dimitri into his back-yard. It was true that he had just bought a lamb, he explained, but his lamb was black. Ashamed of having acted so rashly, Dimitri apologized to Aleko for having accused him. While they were taking it began to rain and Dimitri stayed in Alekos house until the rain stopped. When he went outside half an hour later, he was astonished to find that the lillte black lamb was almost white. Its wool, which had been dyed black, had been washed cleaned by the rain. COMPREHENSION Answer these questions in complete sentences orally. 1. What did Mary tell Dimitri when he came home? 2. What did Dimitri learn about his neighbor, Aleko? 3. Where did Dmitri go? 4. What did he accuse Aleko of? 5. Did Aleko show Dimitri his new lamb or not? 6. What colour was it? 7. What did Dimitri do when he saw it was black? 8. Why did Dimitri stay in Alekos house for half an hour? 9. Why did he get a surprise when he went outside? 10. Had the lamb been dyed or not?
  • 16. Choose the best answer. 1. Every evening, Mary used to go and a. Cut the lamb from the rope it had been tied on. b. Untie the lamb so it could wander in the field at night. c. Bring her lamb back home for the night. d. Make sure that her lamb was not missing. 2. It would not be difficult to find the thief because a. The lamb had been one of Marys prize possessions. b. News travels fast in a small community. c. Dimitri had a lot of friends in the village. d. The rain would soon wash the black dye off the lamb. 3. When Aleko first showed Dimitri the lamb in his back-yard a. He was truthful about how he had acquired the lamb but not about its colour. b. Dimitri admitted that the lamb could not be his wifes. c. It was clear that the lamb had been dyed black d. It started to rain before Dimitri had time to identify as his. 4. Mary and his husband Dimitri lived in Perachora .. tiny village in southern Greece. a. In an b. the c. in the d. a 5. was a little white lamb which had been .. from her husband. a. present b. presented c. presenting d. a present 6. On her husbands return, .. what had happened. a. his wife told him b. she told Dimitri c. Mary told him d. Dimitry was told 7. it would not prove difficult in a village of .. size a. such small b. so small c. the smallest d. so small a 8. He told him if he . it, he would call the police a. was not returning c. has not returned b. did not return d. had not returned 9. One of Marys most . Possessions a. Valued c. worthy b. Worthwhile d. expensive
  • 17. 10. After .. the theft to several of his friends. a. telling c. expressing b. reporting d. counting 11. During their ., it began to rain. a. chat c. conversation b. argument d. speech 12. When he went . half an hour later. a. out of doors c. in open air b. into the open d. inside out COMPOSITION In not more than 200 words continue the passage above. Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than three paragraphs. Tittle : Not So Black Introductions : Dimitri took a close look at the lamb surprised it was white recognized it as his own. Development : Angry scene accusation Aleko still denied theft violent argument finally Aleko admitted it Dimitri called the police Aleko was arrested Dimitri took the lamb home. Conclusion : Excitement in the village villagers amused by the event discussed it at great length for a long time.