2. Reading List Builder (RLB)
Starting with Reading List Builder via TRACS can be a huge
timesaver when developing course readings.
Many of the resources listed individually on this guide are
searchable using Start Your Research, and Reading List Builder
is based on Start Your Research content.
3. To use RLB, youll be activating access in a TRACS
In TRACS click on:
Site Info Edit Tools Content Delivery
Next choose Lessons
Rename title accordingly and/or add multiple
instances needed (ie Week 1, Week 2, etc.)
7. Add content
Add external tool
Click on Reading List
Name list
Creating the Reading List
8. Once you have saved your list, you will
need to click on it to add it to your
page. Click Use Selected Item
Next, you might see this page. Click
Continue WITHOUT Copying
12. Building Your Reading List
Create Folders by Week
or Date
Add to folders by using
the pull down option
13. Need help?
Contact Us!
Ask a Librarian:
Your Subject Librarian
Head of Research, Instruction, and Outreach
Lisa Ancelet: lisancelet@txstate.edu
Electronic Resources Librarian:
Stephanie Larrison: SL24@txstate.edu
Library Faculty Toolkit Guide: