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READING STRATEGY SONGSwww.thelearningpad.net
Head and eyes and mouth and brain.Work together when we train.Readers need a busy brain.Working hard to make good grades.Head and eyes and mouth and brain.Work together when we train.BUSY BRAIN SONGTwinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Hands and mouth, eyes and brain.Eyes and brain.Hands and mouth, eyes and brain.Eyes and brain.Hands and mouth, eyes and brain.High five reading power.HARRY POSTER SONGHead and Shoulders
Weve got metacognition Running through our minds.Weve got metacognition And isnt hard to find.Cant your hear our thoughts a calling?Listen to my song.Weve got metacognition Learning all day long. METACOGNITION SONGIve Been Working on the Railroad
Schema, schema, schema, schema.What I know, watch it grow.I can read a new book. I can take a good look.Schema grows. Schema grows.SCHEMA SONGAre You Sleeping?
Im reading a story and my brain says HEY!This story reminds me of the other day.Its called a connection from text to self.The story reminds me Ive done this myself.Im reading a story and my brain says LOOK!This story reminds me of that other book.Its called a connection from text to text.My brain remembers and does a quick check.CONNECTIONS SONGOn Top of Spaghetti
Im reading a story and my brain says WOW!This story reminds me Of news happening now. Its called a connection from text to world.It makes my brain flutter, sputter and whirl.CONNECTIONS SONG Cont.
Oh, I wonder. Oh, I wonder. Oh, I wonder when I read.All good readers ask deep questions And they wonder when they read.Sometimes when I ask a question And I turn the page to look.I find the answer to my question And its right there in the book.QUESTIONING SONGClementine
But sometimes I cant find the answerEven though the storys read.So I have to find the answerTo the question in my head.QUESTIONING SONG Cont.
When my teacher reads a bookThen my brain begins to look.Seeing pictures in my headAs the storys being read.Making pictures me and you.You can think some pictures, too.VISUALIZING SONGTwinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Sometimes when youre reading a story.The words are not all there for you.So being a good book detectiveWill help you find any clue.CHORUSInfer, infer. Filling in whats not in the book.Infer, infer. Its taking a much closer look.INFERRING SONGMy Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
Some authors leave clues in the pictures.Some authors leave clues in the text.They give you just part of the storyAnd want you to fill in the rest. (CHORUS)So when you are reading a storyBe careful to read what is there.But then figure out what is missingNow you are inferring with flair! (CHORUS)INFERRING SONGCont.
REFRAINSynthesize, synthesize.Your brain gears start to move.Read a bit, think a lot.Your thinking starts to change.Synthesize, synthesize.Your thinking will transform.Read some more, think some more.Now you can synthesize.SYNTHESIZEJingle Bells

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Reading strategy songs 2

  • 2. Head and eyes and mouth and brain.Work together when we train.Readers need a busy brain.Working hard to make good grades.Head and eyes and mouth and brain.Work together when we train.BUSY BRAIN SONGTwinkle, Twinkle Little Star
  • 3. Hands and mouth, eyes and brain.Eyes and brain.Hands and mouth, eyes and brain.Eyes and brain.Hands and mouth, eyes and brain.High five reading power.HARRY POSTER SONGHead and Shoulders
  • 4. Weve got metacognition Running through our minds.Weve got metacognition And isnt hard to find.Cant your hear our thoughts a calling?Listen to my song.Weve got metacognition Learning all day long. METACOGNITION SONGIve Been Working on the Railroad
  • 5. Schema, schema, schema, schema.What I know, watch it grow.I can read a new book. I can take a good look.Schema grows. Schema grows.SCHEMA SONGAre You Sleeping?
  • 6. Im reading a story and my brain says HEY!This story reminds me of the other day.Its called a connection from text to self.The story reminds me Ive done this myself.Im reading a story and my brain says LOOK!This story reminds me of that other book.Its called a connection from text to text.My brain remembers and does a quick check.CONNECTIONS SONGOn Top of Spaghetti
  • 7. Im reading a story and my brain says WOW!This story reminds me Of news happening now. Its called a connection from text to world.It makes my brain flutter, sputter and whirl.CONNECTIONS SONG Cont.
  • 8. Oh, I wonder. Oh, I wonder. Oh, I wonder when I read.All good readers ask deep questions And they wonder when they read.Sometimes when I ask a question And I turn the page to look.I find the answer to my question And its right there in the book.QUESTIONING SONGClementine
  • 9. But sometimes I cant find the answerEven though the storys read.So I have to find the answerTo the question in my head.QUESTIONING SONG Cont.
  • 10. When my teacher reads a bookThen my brain begins to look.Seeing pictures in my headAs the storys being read.Making pictures me and you.You can think some pictures, too.VISUALIZING SONGTwinkle, Twinkle Little Star
  • 11. Sometimes when youre reading a story.The words are not all there for you.So being a good book detectiveWill help you find any clue.CHORUSInfer, infer. Filling in whats not in the book.Infer, infer. Its taking a much closer look.INFERRING SONGMy Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
  • 12. Some authors leave clues in the pictures.Some authors leave clues in the text.They give you just part of the storyAnd want you to fill in the rest. (CHORUS)So when you are reading a storyBe careful to read what is there.But then figure out what is missingNow you are inferring with flair! (CHORUS)INFERRING SONGCont.
  • 13. REFRAINSynthesize, synthesize.Your brain gears start to move.Read a bit, think a lot.Your thinking starts to change.Synthesize, synthesize.Your thinking will transform.Read some more, think some more.Now you can synthesize.SYNTHESIZEJingle Bells