The document appears to be a distributor kit for Schneider Electric containing details of poster orders for different divisions including LifeSpace, Power, and PFC & M. It includes vendor details for three vendors located in Bangalore, New Delhi, and Mumbai that provide printing services. The document also lists prices for posters, front lites, and back lites per square feet. It concludes with details on rates and printing for caps and t-shirts.
18. Schneider Electric 18- Division - Name Date
Vendor Details
Locat i on Bangal or e New Del hi Mumbai
Name of t he Vendor
Manj ushr ee
Pr i nt s
I magi ng Syst ems
Sky Hi gh Event s
And Pr omot i on
Pvt . Lt d
Addr ess 11/ 1, 3r d A
Cr oss, Anni pur a
Mai n Road,
Sudhamanagar ,
Bangal or e- 560027
134, DSI DC
Compl ex, Okhl a
Phase- 1
New Del hi - 110
A/ 2 Shi l pkar
soci et y , near
RTO l ane PO
Andher i west ,
Mumbai - 54
Cont act Per son
Mr Ashok
98451 96457
Mr Aj ay
Mr . Bhar at
987017 3704
Post er per sq f eet
150 135 100
Fr ont Li t e per sq f eet
100 110 45
Back l i t e per sq f eet
200 175 155
* Does not include taxes and transportation
19. Schneider Electric 19- Division - Name Date
1. Rate : Rs.55.00 each
2. Taxes : Extra as per VAT @5%
3. Printing : With logo printing on front
1. Rate : Rs.230.00 each
2. Taxes : Extra as per VAT @5%
3. Printing : With logo printing on front