Science Fiction - An inspiration source for designAmit Pande
This document discusses how science fiction can inspire design. It provides examples of technologies from sci-fi movies and books that have become reality, such as gesture controls and downloading knowledge directly to the brain. It recommends the book Postsingular for its themes around computational piezoplastic, Orphids, and the Metanovel. Science fiction is praised for projecting radical solutions by looking beyond today's constraints.
This document provides an overview and introduction to a lecture on video game law:
- It discusses whether video games should be considered a form of "mass media" and how audience interactivity made the concept of mass media obsolete.
- It covers some of the innovations and firsts that video games have introduced, such as interactivity, voice control, online communities, and virtual reality.
- It references debates around whether virtual worlds like World of Warcraft constitute their own countries or jurisdictions, and how real-world laws may apply to virtual environments.
- It touches on issues like whether video games deserve legal recognition and protection as an art form, the limitations this recognition brings in terms of intellectual property law,
This document summarizes a lecture on establishing a right to create modifications (mods) for video games.
The lecture discusses previous court cases where mods were not found to be fair use due to contractual agreements in end-user license agreements (EULAs). It explores how a right to create mods could be established as either a personal right of free expression or a copyright exception like fair use. The lecture also examines how moral rights that acknowledge collaborative creativity could work together with strong user rights to facilitate creative modifications. Finally, it previews the next lecture topic on the connections between creators, consumers, and users in video games.
Google's augmented reality game Ingress allows players to interact in the real world and battle for control over virtual portals located at real-world locations. The game utilizes mobile devices' GPS and cameras to overlay the virtual game elements. Some key issues the game raises include questions around international jurisdiction over copyright infringements involving user-generated content in augmented virtual worlds that overlap with the real world.
This document discusses the legal issues surrounding augmented reality games that incorporate elements of the real world. It begins by contrasting two trajectories: games that simulate real-world aspects, and hypothetical future games that could incorporate digital elements into the real world. It explores how this could challenge the concept of the "magic circle" that separates game play from real life. The document examines several legal consequences, such as how copyright and jurisdiction may apply to real-world objects incorporated into games. Finally, it discusses several layers of rules that could apply to virtual worlds and games, including community norms, technology limitations, intellectual property law, and criminal law.
Have Some Problems With Article Writing Format LeMaria Campanita
The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from, including creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadlines, and reviewing bids from writers to select one and place a deposit. It notes the site uses a bidding system and guarantees original, high-quality content while allowing for free revisions to ensure customer satisfaction.
What is the threat to culture by a read-only world, and how do t.pdfforwardcom41
What is the threat to culture by a \"read-only world,\" and how do the CC licenses provided by
Lessig address this threat?
The primary argument against the current state of copyright is the length of copyright. As
stated above, the Constitution established copyright for a limited period. In the first one
hundred years of United States history, the term of copyright was increased once (to a 42 year
maximum). In the next fifty years, the term was increased once more (to a maximum of 56
years). In the past forty years, Congress has increased the terms of existing and future
copyrights; most recently, in 1998, Congress extended existing copyrights by twenty years
(Lessig Free Culture ).
This prevents many works from entering the public domain and becoming part of the
common culture. A good example of this is Walt Disneys Steamboat Willie, the first
appearance of Mickey Mouse. Before the 1998 copyright amendments, Steamboat Willie
would have become public domain in 2003: now, it is under copyright until 2023, assuming the
law is not changed again. This is particularly ironic, given that Walt Disney and the Disney
corporation have made extensive use of public domain works (such as The Hunchback of
Notre Dame and Treasure Island) in their own production of derivative copyrighted works.
Indeed, Steamboat Willie is itself a parody of a contemporary Buster Keaton film, Steamboat
Bill Jr. (Lessig Free Culture )
Fair use is a controversial provision in copyright law because it is not clearly defined. The
U.S. Copyright Office states The distinction between fair use and infringement may be unclear
and not easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that may safely be
taken without permission (Fair Use). In practice, it is up to the user to defend his fair use
right and bear the legal costs of doing so. Jon Else, a documentary filmmaker, was quoted a
$10,000 fee to license four and a half seconds of a Simpsons episode that was playing in the
background of one scene in a documentary about opera. When he suggested that this was
covered under fair use, Fox (the copyright distributor) threatened to sue him, leading Else to
edit the scene .
In some cases, it is difficult or impossible to find the original copyright owner, especially
since copyright registration is no longer required. These works are commonly called orphan
works. Without permission, these works cannot be reprinted or redistributed, and disappear
from the culture. When Carnegie Mellon attempted to obtain permission to digitize works in
their libraries, they found that 22% of the publishers of those works could not be contacted
(Report on Orphan). If the owners or publishers of a work cannot be contacted, there is no
to reach an agreement on reprinting and reproduction rights. Without such an agreement, the
work in question will eventually become unavailable, except possibly through resellers of used
media or through illicit chann.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in US copyright law. It discusses how the US Constitution establishes copyright, the types of works protected by copyright, when copyright attaches, work made for hire doctrine, public domain, exclusive rights granted by copyright, derivative works, limitations on copyright including fair use and first sale doctrine, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and its notice-and-takedown safe harbor for online service providers, and other related topics like contributory liability and defamation.
The document provides a chronological overview of copyright law from ancient Ireland to modern times. It discusses several key events and developments in copyright law, including the earliest known case in ancient Ireland, the Statute of Anne in 1709 as the first copyright statute, the Berne Convention of 1886 which established international copyright agreements, and more recent debates around digital copyright and the internet. The document also examines the purpose of copyright law to protect authors' rights to benefit from and control their works.
This document provides an overview of international copyright law. It discusses key international treaties like the Berne Convention and TRIPS Agreement. Copyright law protects original literary and artistic works, including books, music, films, photographs, and software. The minimum rights granted to authors include reproduction rights, distribution rights, rental rights, and communication to the public rights. Copyright aims to balance authors' rights with limitations and exceptions for areas like criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, and research. The three-step test establishes criteria for determining whether a limitation or exception is permitted. Technological protection measures and rights management information are also covered to facilitate e-commerce while maintaining copyright's balance in the digital age.
The Forty Year Path to the 2016 Filmatic FestivalLarry Smarr
The document summarizes the 40-year history that led to the establishment of the Filmatic Festival, highlighting four key themes: teaming artists and scientists with technologists, computer graphics and digital cinema, virtual reality, and tele-collaboration. It describes projects from the 1970s to today involving computer animation, scientific visualization, virtual reality, and using advanced technologies to connect researchers across distances. These efforts established the foundations for the interdisciplinary work now showcased at the Filmatic Festival.
Copyright and illegal downloading CULT3020StaceyReibelt
The document provides an overview of copyright, including its definition, history, and application in Australia. It discusses how digital technologies like mashups/remixes, Creative Commons, YouTube, and torrent downloads have impacted copyright by making it easier to access, copy and distribute copyrighted works, while also enabling new forms of creativity. However, this has led to legal issues around copyright infringement. Solutions discussed include expanding fair use and changing copyright laws to better accommodate digital technologies and new forms of creative works.
Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind such as inventions, artistic works, and symbols used in commerce, and can be protected by copyright, which grants creators exclusive rights over the reproduction and distribution of their original works; copyright applies to digital media like websites and online content as it does to physical works; penalties for copyright infringement range from fines to imprisonment depending on the scale of the offense.
Jon Festinger gave a lecture on video game law that covered several topics:
1. The evolutionary purpose of gaming and how it relates to skill mastery.
2. The challenges that came with the legal legitimacy of the video game industry.
3. The Aaron Swartz case and consequences of actions being taken too seriously.
4. An overview of freedom of expression protections in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and U.S. Constitution's First Amendment.
The document discusses future trends in informatics and technologies predicted in the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. It summarizes technologies shown in the film that later became reality like voice recognition and personal tablets. The document also discusses technologies that have not been achieved like civilian space travel. It covers robots and Asimov's three laws of robotics. The conclusion calls for broad education and multidisciplinarity to make responsible progress and improve life on Earth.
What was the original intent of copyright law and how has the law changed over the last 200 years? How can we use Creative Commons licenses to achieve what copyright was originally meant to do?
Copyright and intellectual property use in digital mediaMarvalous
This document outlines a lesson plan on copyright that includes the following steps:
1) Students share what they know about the purpose of copyright.
2) They listen to and discuss a song about copyright.
3) Students read about and discuss the purpose of copyright law and the concept of fair use.
4) They explain how copyright law balances with freedom of speech.
The document also provides background on copyright law, what works are protected, and recommended additional resources on the topic.
Copyright and intellectual property use in digital mediaMarvalous
This document outlines a lesson plan on copyright that includes the following steps:
1) Students share what they know about the purpose of copyright.
2) They listen to and discuss a song about copyright.
3) Students read about and discuss the purpose of copyright and the concept of fair use.
4) They explain how copyright law balances with freedom of speech.
The document also provides background on copyright including what types of works it protects, the rights it provides owners, and additional resources for learning about copyright.
Bruce Damer's presentation at the Ecotechnics Institute Technosphere 2005 Con...Bruce Damer
Bruce Damer's presentation at the Ecotechnics Institute Technosphere 2005 Conference, Synergia Ranch, New Mexico (Oct 2005), titled: Human Presence in Cyberspace, Outerspace, Streetspace, Mindspace and Biotaspace?
This document discusses several science fiction works including films and authors. It focuses on how science fiction often depicts future technologies and scientific advancements. Key ideas brought up include artificial intelligence, robotics, alternate digital realities, transportation technologies, and more. Examples of science fiction films analyzed are A.I. Artificial Intelligence, I, Robot, Tron: Legacy, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, and others. The document explores themes and concepts from these works related to information technology and scientific development.
The Intellectual Property Quagmire, or, The Perils of Libertarian CreationismStephan Kinsella
"The Intellectual Property Quagmire, or, The Perils of Libertarian Creationism, by Stephan Kinsella. Rothbard Memorial Lecture, Austrian Scholars Conference, Mar. 13 2008. Accompanying audio/video available at
This was a paper written for TWC 451: Copyright and Intellectual Law where I researched heavily into video game copyright law, making sure to use proper citation guidelines.
Tech, crypto and NFT quiz (The Pirates of CryTech Quiz) Sutej Sharma
This document contains a 20 question crypto, NFT and tech quiz with questions ranging from identifying companies like Cisco, Intel and Google to events like the Apollo 11 moon landing. It includes questions about Douglas Engelbart's "Mother of All Demos", the origins of the QWERTY keyboard layout and Allen Hoover building computers for Amish communities. Several questions relate to cryptocurrencies and NFTs, involving topics like the first NFT auctioned, Logan Paul purchasing Pokemon cards and the "Crossroads" NFT depicting Donald Trump. The quiz has a written round at the end involving questions about Satoshi Nakamoto, photography and the original Mozilla mascot.
The document analyzes science fiction films and television shows through three eras - modern utopia, science noir, and digital intangible. It discusses the themes, design idioms, and visions of the future portrayed within each era. Key works highlighted include 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, Minority Report, and how they shaped expectations and critiques around technology, urban environments, and the integration of digital interfaces. The document also examines how science fiction can be used as an innovation toolkit to explore scenarios and inspire new design approaches.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in US copyright law. It discusses how the US Constitution establishes copyright, the types of works protected by copyright, when copyright attaches, work made for hire doctrine, public domain, exclusive rights granted by copyright, derivative works, limitations on copyright including fair use and first sale doctrine, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and its notice-and-takedown safe harbor for online service providers, and other related topics like contributory liability and defamation.
The document provides a chronological overview of copyright law from ancient Ireland to modern times. It discusses several key events and developments in copyright law, including the earliest known case in ancient Ireland, the Statute of Anne in 1709 as the first copyright statute, the Berne Convention of 1886 which established international copyright agreements, and more recent debates around digital copyright and the internet. The document also examines the purpose of copyright law to protect authors' rights to benefit from and control their works.
This document provides an overview of international copyright law. It discusses key international treaties like the Berne Convention and TRIPS Agreement. Copyright law protects original literary and artistic works, including books, music, films, photographs, and software. The minimum rights granted to authors include reproduction rights, distribution rights, rental rights, and communication to the public rights. Copyright aims to balance authors' rights with limitations and exceptions for areas like criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, and research. The three-step test establishes criteria for determining whether a limitation or exception is permitted. Technological protection measures and rights management information are also covered to facilitate e-commerce while maintaining copyright's balance in the digital age.
The Forty Year Path to the 2016 Filmatic FestivalLarry Smarr
The document summarizes the 40-year history that led to the establishment of the Filmatic Festival, highlighting four key themes: teaming artists and scientists with technologists, computer graphics and digital cinema, virtual reality, and tele-collaboration. It describes projects from the 1970s to today involving computer animation, scientific visualization, virtual reality, and using advanced technologies to connect researchers across distances. These efforts established the foundations for the interdisciplinary work now showcased at the Filmatic Festival.
Copyright and illegal downloading CULT3020StaceyReibelt
The document provides an overview of copyright, including its definition, history, and application in Australia. It discusses how digital technologies like mashups/remixes, Creative Commons, YouTube, and torrent downloads have impacted copyright by making it easier to access, copy and distribute copyrighted works, while also enabling new forms of creativity. However, this has led to legal issues around copyright infringement. Solutions discussed include expanding fair use and changing copyright laws to better accommodate digital technologies and new forms of creative works.
Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind such as inventions, artistic works, and symbols used in commerce, and can be protected by copyright, which grants creators exclusive rights over the reproduction and distribution of their original works; copyright applies to digital media like websites and online content as it does to physical works; penalties for copyright infringement range from fines to imprisonment depending on the scale of the offense.
Jon Festinger gave a lecture on video game law that covered several topics:
1. The evolutionary purpose of gaming and how it relates to skill mastery.
2. The challenges that came with the legal legitimacy of the video game industry.
3. The Aaron Swartz case and consequences of actions being taken too seriously.
4. An overview of freedom of expression protections in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and U.S. Constitution's First Amendment.
The document discusses future trends in informatics and technologies predicted in the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. It summarizes technologies shown in the film that later became reality like voice recognition and personal tablets. The document also discusses technologies that have not been achieved like civilian space travel. It covers robots and Asimov's three laws of robotics. The conclusion calls for broad education and multidisciplinarity to make responsible progress and improve life on Earth.
What was the original intent of copyright law and how has the law changed over the last 200 years? How can we use Creative Commons licenses to achieve what copyright was originally meant to do?
Copyright and intellectual property use in digital mediaMarvalous
This document outlines a lesson plan on copyright that includes the following steps:
1) Students share what they know about the purpose of copyright.
2) They listen to and discuss a song about copyright.
3) Students read about and discuss the purpose of copyright law and the concept of fair use.
4) They explain how copyright law balances with freedom of speech.
The document also provides background on copyright law, what works are protected, and recommended additional resources on the topic.
Copyright and intellectual property use in digital mediaMarvalous
This document outlines a lesson plan on copyright that includes the following steps:
1) Students share what they know about the purpose of copyright.
2) They listen to and discuss a song about copyright.
3) Students read about and discuss the purpose of copyright and the concept of fair use.
4) They explain how copyright law balances with freedom of speech.
The document also provides background on copyright including what types of works it protects, the rights it provides owners, and additional resources for learning about copyright.
Bruce Damer's presentation at the Ecotechnics Institute Technosphere 2005 Con...Bruce Damer
Bruce Damer's presentation at the Ecotechnics Institute Technosphere 2005 Conference, Synergia Ranch, New Mexico (Oct 2005), titled: Human Presence in Cyberspace, Outerspace, Streetspace, Mindspace and Biotaspace?
This document discusses several science fiction works including films and authors. It focuses on how science fiction often depicts future technologies and scientific advancements. Key ideas brought up include artificial intelligence, robotics, alternate digital realities, transportation technologies, and more. Examples of science fiction films analyzed are A.I. Artificial Intelligence, I, Robot, Tron: Legacy, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, and others. The document explores themes and concepts from these works related to information technology and scientific development.
The Intellectual Property Quagmire, or, The Perils of Libertarian CreationismStephan Kinsella
"The Intellectual Property Quagmire, or, The Perils of Libertarian Creationism, by Stephan Kinsella. Rothbard Memorial Lecture, Austrian Scholars Conference, Mar. 13 2008. Accompanying audio/video available at
This was a paper written for TWC 451: Copyright and Intellectual Law where I researched heavily into video game copyright law, making sure to use proper citation guidelines.
Tech, crypto and NFT quiz (The Pirates of CryTech Quiz) Sutej Sharma
This document contains a 20 question crypto, NFT and tech quiz with questions ranging from identifying companies like Cisco, Intel and Google to events like the Apollo 11 moon landing. It includes questions about Douglas Engelbart's "Mother of All Demos", the origins of the QWERTY keyboard layout and Allen Hoover building computers for Amish communities. Several questions relate to cryptocurrencies and NFTs, involving topics like the first NFT auctioned, Logan Paul purchasing Pokemon cards and the "Crossroads" NFT depicting Donald Trump. The quiz has a written round at the end involving questions about Satoshi Nakamoto, photography and the original Mozilla mascot.
The document analyzes science fiction films and television shows through three eras - modern utopia, science noir, and digital intangible. It discusses the themes, design idioms, and visions of the future portrayed within each era. Key works highlighted include 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, Minority Report, and how they shaped expectations and critiques around technology, urban environments, and the integration of digital interfaces. The document also examines how science fiction can be used as an innovation toolkit to explore scenarios and inspire new design approaches.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics.pptxSamruddhi Khonde
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
Antibiotics have revolutionized medicine, playing a crucial role in combating bacterial infections. Among them, Beta-Lactam antibiotics remain the most widely used class due to their effectiveness against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This guide provides a detailed overview of their history, classification, chemical structures, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, SAR, and clinical applications.
What Youll Learn in This Presentation
History & Evolution of Antibiotics
Cell Wall Structure of Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria
Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Classification & Subtypes
Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems & Monobactams
Mode of Action (MOA) & Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors & Resistance Mechanisms
Clinical Applications & Challenges.
Why You Should Check This Out?
Essential for pharmacy, medical & life sciences students.
Provides insights into antibiotic resistance & pharmaceutical trends.
Useful for healthcare professionals & researchers in drug discovery.
Swipe through & explore the world of antibiotics today!
Like, Share & Follow for more in-depth pharma insights!
One Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the one click RFQ Cancellation in odoo 18. One-Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 is a feature that allows users to quickly and easily cancel Request for Quotations (RFQs) with a single click.
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
3. Copyright has always been at war with technology. Before the
printing press, there was not much need to protect an authors
interest in his creative work. Copying was so expensive that nature
itself protected that interest. But as the cost of copying decreased, and
the spread of technologies for copying increased, the threat to the
authors control increased. As each generation has delivered a
technology better than the last, the ability of the copyright holder to
protect her intellectual property has been weakened.
Lessig L. Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, Version 2.0 / Lawrence Lessig. NY: Basic Books, 2006.
4. Technologly Law
In a race, the quickest runner can never
overtake the slowest, since the pursuer must
first reach the point whence the pursued
started, so that the slower must always hold a
as recounted by Aristotle, Physics VI:9,
6. The 20th Century
Protection of layout-designs (topographies) of integrated circuits
Protection of Computer programs
Protection of Web-sites
Protection of Videogames
7. Modern issues &
AI & computer-generated works
AR & VR & MR
Scope of rights
Derivative works
Freedom of panorama
3d - printing
post-mortem legal rights
Copyright on audiovisual works
Face swap
9. GSS had also licensed preexisting virtual worlds from their
competitors, so content that had already been created for games like
Everquest and World of Warcraft was ported over to the OASIS, and
copies of Norrath and Azeroth were added to the growing catalog of
OASIS planets. Other virtual worlds soon followed suit, from the
Metaverse to the Matrix. The Firefly universe was anchored in a
sector adjacent to the Star Wars galaxy, with a detailed re-
creation of the Star Trek universe in the sector adjacent to that.
Users could now teleport back and forth between their favorite
fictional worlds. Middle Earth. Vulcan. Pern. Arrakis. Magrathea.
Discworld, Mid-World, Riverworld, Ringworld. Worlds upon
Cline Ernest - Ready Player One
11. ISSUE: Scope of rights on VR & AR
Reproduction ( + temporary reproductions?)
Communication to the public (including making available)
Public demonstration?
Right to make versions, adaptations, arrangements and other similar
alterations to works.
13. Works generated by computer
Works generated using a computer
Partly computer generated works
Section 9(3) CDPA (UK)
provides that the author of a
computer-generated work is
deemed to be the person "by
whom the arrangements
necessary for the creation of
the work are undertaken
14. Author - an individual who
created a work by his creative
Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights"
CJEU Case C-5/08: authors own intellectual
16. Its very likely that [the filmmakers] secured permission
from Cushings estate or his direct heirs, because the laws
regarding postmortem rights of publicity differ from state
to state, Tyler Ochoa, a professor at the Santa Clara
University School of Law
17. Civil code of Ukraine
Article 1219
rights and obligations that are inextricably linked with the person of
the testator, in particular:
1)personal non-property rights;
[...] are not included in the inheritance
Article 308
A photo or other artistic works on which a natural person is
portrayed can be publicly demonstrated, reproduced, or distributed
only by the consent of this person, and in the case of his/her death, by
the consent of authorized persons (children, widow (widower),
and if they do not exist - parents, brothers and sisters).
19. Article 17. Copyright on Audiovisual Works
1. The authors of an audiovisual work shall be:
舒) the director
b) the author of the script and (or) texts or dialogues;
c) the author of a musical work with or without lyrics, specially created for the
audiovisual work;
d) the art director;
e) the cameraman.
One and the same individual can carry out two or more of the author's functions
indicated in this part.
Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights"
20. I didnt know it at the time, but Id just become the first person to play an
entirely new type of videogame. When GSS got wind of the WarGames
simulation inside the First Gate (and they did a short time later), the
company quickly patented the idea and began to buy up the rights to old
movies and TV shows and convert them into immersive interactive games
that they dubbed Flicksyncs. Flicksyncs became wildly popular. There
turned out to be a huge market for games that allowed people to play a
leading role in one of their favorite old movies or TV series.
Cline Ernest - Ready Player One
24. Selected Readings
Ready Lawyer One: Legal Issues in the Innovation of Virtual Reality by Crystal Nwaneri
Coding Creativity: Copyright and the Artificially Intelligent Author by Annemarie Bridy
Allocating Ownership Rights in Computer-generated Works by Pamela Samuelson
Artificial Intelligence and the Copyright Dilemma by Kalin Hristov
25. Thank you for your
Kostiantyn Zerov
+38 O97 777 22
亶 仗亠亰亠仆舒 弍仍亳 于亳从仂亳舒仆 亞舒仆 仄舒亠舒仍亳 仆亳 仂弍 (Back to the Future; Ready player one, Star Wars,Shining) 于亳从仍ム仆仂 于
仆亠从仂仄亠亶仆亳 仍, 于亳从仍ム仆仂 磻 仍ム舒 亟仍 仆舒于舒仆仆 于 仂弍磶, 磻亳亶 于亟仗仂于亟舒 亰舒亰仆舒亠仆亶 仄亠, 于亟仗仂于亟仆仂 亟仂 仗仂仍仂亢亠仆 .23 舒从仂仆
丕从舒仆亳 仂 舒于仂从亠 仗舒于仂 仄亢仆 仗舒于舒.