Simply Beautiful Tablet Publishing provides a single platform for designers, content creators, editors and publishers to design, create, edit and publish content for a superior tablet reading experience. It allows publishers and brands to offer their readers an easy, fast and affordable mobile/tablet reading experience. The platform also allows customers to create their own branded mobile apps without any coding or technical skills needed.
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1. Simply Beautiful Tablet Publishing
Design, content creation, editing and publishing all in a single platform.
Wednesday, February 6, 13
2. With Readz, publishers and brands can offer
their readers a superior tablet reading
Its easy, fast and affordable.
Wednesday, February 6, 13
4. Mobile/Tablet and Reading
112.5 million US adults are
expected to own a tablet in 2016.
Thats over on-third of US adults.
Forrester Research
Wednesday, February 6, 13
5. Mobile/Tablet and Reading
People love to read on their tablet, preferring it to their mobile phone, computer and
even the newspaper. Online Publisher Association, June 2012
Source: OPA Online Publisher Association, June 2012
Wednesday, February 6, 13
10. Apps 1.0
The majority of big brands offer some content in the digital or
mobile space. If they offer an app, it is usually an exact replica
or near-replica of the print version.
Source: Alliance for Audited Media, 2012 - - 210 respondents
Wednesday, February 6, 13
11. Apps 1.0
Success and uptake by readers varies
Source: Alliance for Audited Media, 2012 - - 210 respondents
Wednesday, February 6, 13
12. Apps 1.0
Going digital seems pro鍖table, so
why are apps and e-readers falling
Source: OPA Online Publisher Association, June 2012 --- 210 respondents
Wednesday, February 6, 13
13. Print in Digital Clothing
Source: Charles Lim, Sparksheet
Wednesday, February 6, 13
14. Print in Digital Clothing just doesnt work
PDF-replica, or enhanced print
Bloated: 500-700 Mb per app...
No focus on a liquid, interactive experience
Can be expensive to make
No web features, SEO, analytics
Wednesday, February 6, 13
15. Customer Reviews on Apps 1.0
people love the content, not the experience
Examples from
Mens Health
Martha Stewart
Popular Science
Source: iTunes, Feb 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 13
17. Apps 2.0
Fast, light, liquid
Navigations and presentations are native to
mobile and tablet devices
Responsive design / cross-device
Tendency towards HTML5 infrastructure
Web features, SEO and analytics
Wednesday, February 6, 13
18. Examples of Apps 2.0
Social Magazines
Zite, Flipboard, Pulse, Google
Currents, Yahoo Livestand,
AOL Editions...
Aggregators / RSS feeds
(FB, Twitter)
Flipboard example
Launch mid 2010 (basic
Sept 2011 3.5M users
Dec. 2011 5M users
Aug 2012 20M users
Source: iTunes, Feb 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 13
19. The upgrade from 1.0 to 2.0
Financial Times
Used to be native
app on Newsstand
Moved out of the
newsstand in 2011-
controversial move
Today, happy with
the move to HTML5
Wednesday, February 6, 13
21. Readz Creates a
2.0 App
Reading Experience
- Liquid navigation
- Summary screens
- Open lay-outs
- Touch/swipe
- Reading list / bookmarks
- Light-weight
- HTML5-based
-Cross-device strategy
- Web functionalities
- Sharing
Wednesday, February 6, 13
22. Readz customers
create their own
branded app
- Create your own app style
- Use our library of visual design and
branding tools
- Create and design your own layouts
on the 鍖y
- No coding or technical skills needed
Wednesday, February 6, 13
23. Readz customers
control the
publishing process
- De鍖ne a marketplace
- Distribute apps via email, website, etc.
- No approval process
- Publish instantly
- No 3rd party involvement
- Pay only for service
- No licenses and no revenue cuts
Wednesday, February 6, 13
24. Instant, Beautiful
Mobile and Tablet Publishing
Wednesday, February 6, 13
25. THANK YOU !!
Wednesday, February 6, 13