1. Real conversations with artificial
intelligence: A comparison
between human-human and
+ Computers in Human Behavior
- Jennifer Hill, W.Randolph Ford,
and Ingrid G.rarreras
X 2017 Spring
7. Method
一危 讌
一危 豌襴
一危 覿
7螳 覲襯 覿 : Words per conversation, Messages per conversation,
Average number of words per message, Type/token ratio, IM shorthand,
emotions, occurrences of profanity
14螳 LIWC(Linguistic Inquiry and. Word Count) 覲 覿 : Word count,
Words per sentence, Percentages of words greater than six letters, LIWC
dictionary words, Function words, Pronouns, Articles, Swear words, Social
words, Affective words, Positive emotion words, Negative emotion words,
Sexual words, Words of assent