The document discusses the budget, recurring costs, and letters to schools, parents, and donors of a communication studies program. It provides an overview of the 4-year course of study including general education requirements, introductory communication courses, applying communication theory, and concentrations. It outlines the contact information and website for the school and promotes an upcoming event at local high schools to recruit potential students.
1st Year: General Education
English, Math, History
Natural & Social Sciences
Arts & Humanities
2nd Year: General Education &
Introduction To Communication
Intro To CMST
Statistics School of Communication Studies
Foreign Language University of Tennessee
293 Communications Building
3rd Year: Applying Knoxville, TN 37996
Communication Studies
Interpersonal & Organizational Phone: 865.974.0696
Theory & Methods Fax: 865.974.4879 The School of Communication Studies at
the University of Tennessee is dedicated
4th Year: College V ISIT U S O NLINE to a scientific approach toward
Concentrations & Electives, UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE: understanding the processes involved in
Research, Internships UTK .EDU interpersonal and organizational
Proseminar (CMST 499) C OLLEGE OF C OMMUNICATION: communication.
Internships CCI.UTK .EDU
Upper Level Concentration
As with any major, students are
encouraged to declare a minor. Many
minors compliment CMST and allow UTK COM M UNICATION STUDIES
students to concentrate on a specific @UTKCOM M STUDIES
6. C ommunication Studies C lub
Skills Workshops
Unlimited Networking
Spring Semester Washington, D.C. Trip
Career Fairs Specif ically For
Communication Students
Job Opportunities
There are many career f ields f or
communication studies majors to
choose f rom.
Public Relations, Publicist
Event Planning
Communication studies expands the
boundaries of communication knowledge
Writer, Editor, Technical through a group of talented, dedicated, and
Writing energetic people. Each person applies
unique skills and perspective towards
accomplishing the school's collective goal of
Corporate Communications uncovering the processes of human
Business M anagement communication.
Government, Social Work
C M ST 499
Human Resources
Students apply the knowledge they
Training have acquired to execute major
Promotions theoretical perspectives in
communication studies and their
And many more! interrelationships and applications
with consideration of the signif icance
and ethical implications of
communication in modern society.
An Event Is Coming To Your Students High School Soon!
The University of Tennessee College of Communication and Information, The Real UT Experience
will be visiting Knox County high schools during their in-school pep rallies.
The Real UT Experience is a group of individuals dedicated to showing potential students the
reasons why being a communication studies major is a gr eat choice! We will have a tailgate style
event with games, informational items, and guest speakers. Par ents, be on watch for permission
slips from your students guidance counselor.
UTK Communication Studies
Visit Us Online @UTKCommstudies